Sermon~. of the Go wa IE s. he is, kill him and the inheritan;e is ours! all is ours. .Any other enemic, [pare, ana fpare not; but, thefet!ut fiandm our light, away wuh them. It made tJibimelech Jud. 9 r. not to fpare hu owne brethren; nor Abfalom, hts Father; nor Athalza, her chzldren. , s,m.•r. , Sure, he that weighs irwel!, that at one blow.he mtghthave nd hunfdfeof fuch an • K••K· u_.r, my and withall have gamed the crowne, will wonder, he!et not the blow proceed ~~w: 'lay them together: ' An enemie, fuch an one, fo deadly; • fo without cau(e ~ 3 [o withoutall hopeof•ppeajing, 4 fuch a ftopto htsforttmes: who would haveHay. ed Abifl,ai'shand. This is enoue>h to "ivehisappetiteanedge: bur, wclackeopportunitietodoe :£ it; and wa(lt of oppom~nirie faves many an enemies life. Men mu{t deale wife!y,and J:: II. Mo; forbeare, rill they find him handfomely~arfomcgoodadvamage. Nay,trtsnow c,.~hlfit'Dtilf, growne to be good Divinity,rebmflcftanttbtu,to be as gentle as D_avtd; and .'NJ.perdtf" is good doCtrine. Bur, a? foone as time ferves and fhengtb, tf we get ht'? once within locks, penned up, and mour power, then doe as wefeecaufe, deftroy btm and fparc not. So that, upon concltpt e11mever frayeth ~ur conclufion. Why here now, cencltljiteu!N. Itwas night: Sat~llay all wearyajlupe, m adead fleepe,he and all about ,y, "'"'i;hr; him. David and Abijhai came and went; [aid what they would; tooke what they •(m"IP"'"o would; none waked or knew of it. It might have beene done fafely,there was none "'"'· to refifr them : and been carried clofely, none to defcrie them. An opporrunitie ic was, anda faire one. And (as it might feeme) of Go n 's owneJtnding. lr was perilloufly put in , of aoilftX. (that) of Abifoai,ConcltptDetu; rhatitwas Go n's doing, [ure:itwastheflecpe ~;~h~·~;:me.) of G o n was fallen on them : none awake; all afleepe; watch and all. They o might fray all the dayes of their life, and Go o never fend the like againe. What now~ Though Da-.;id wanted no courage to be revenged oti an enemy, nor wifedome j to difcernethis opportunity; yet, for his reputation, he mufr not foile his hands: but The Ill. M•~ pofiibly, if fome other would take it upcmhim, hewouldnotbemuchagainfl:ir. ~i~:·ft,., Why, it was undertaken by Abi}hai, thattoo: hefhall goe his way, and doe nothing - ro it: Sineme, you flnll beare no blame,letthat be upon me; youfhall goe toCburc/J and ling Pfalmcs,and hearetheSermon, andneverappe~re in it. What now~ I know not what can bee required more. Thus you fee the motiws: Now, what ,faith JJ.tvtd? Nay firl!, what faith Sa11l? Canwee have abettetludge tharihim in thiscafe~ II. Et inimici noflri jint jt~dic~s~ 3n enemy to beludge in his owne caufe ~ If you wiU »avids<!iihl~ know, what be fat~h; HettJs, that (m the XXIV chapter,XX) faith thus. Who flMII jinde his enemieat (r~eh an advantage, and let himgoe free : As,muchro fay, Not any; ~ure, not he. But tf he, or many another had found Davtd, as Davidt did him, mthe Cave, he would have cut Ius sktrts [o clofe, as he would have made him have .bkdinthe reines ~fhis backe; or if he had taken him (as he didSanlbere)ajleepe, he would have fer htm out of:hat fleepe im.o .another, a perpetual! fleepe,and made h,m fure enough forever wakmg more. Thts IS Sauls doome, from his owne mouth. And indeed, h.-c e{f via hdmini>, with fldh and bloud rbefe motives would have wrought. They did nor with David ·: what faith bee~ tbefe motives move him not• .Fot all this, all thisnot\Vithfianding, ~perdas, faith he. And firfl,marke; he f demeth none ofhis three motiVes,' that Sa11lwas histnemie; • or that the time ferved Thefirft fitly ;. l orrhatthecolourwas good : bur, granting all thefe for all our enmitie,for '"'rg'~ , Jl all thtsoppmunitie, for all your colortrable offer to fave mine h~nefl:y; for all this·,De- N<per "'' roy htinn1t, Secondly,Matke, it is not negd~do,a bare deniall,Non eft fMimdttm : but,with an Zzz 4 JmperA~