' . 788 Ofthe CoNsPIRAciE Sermon?, The Rearon; or 1{. cbarg~, Ntmamun Mitt ill· pra.l.to.ftf. imper•tive, with authoritie, 'N.! femis; firaightly charging and com~ nor to be fo hardie, as to doe it. Et eft efjicacior vet&ndiratioquamnegandi· 'bg htm than by T(gn: The imperativenegative is moll: etfeetuall. ' Y '1\t, · And thirdly,that this is not the firfl: ti.me :oncebef~re,hehad doncrhelike': a Iter.ttt8 pr,.(ttppomt deltberats9nem. And tndeed, there 1S amyflery in this fame[/d me] of Abijhai. They had had him once before atlike advantage,io thecave. me will you but obferve, how it went then5 it is wdl worthy yourobferving.)'i~nd they were at David, to have done Hhunfelfe, Dej/ruybzmyou: What wash· en fwer ~ Who I~. G o D furbid, never move.it, I \~ill n.ever doe it. Now then:~:~· at tillS, v1biflw, knowmgbytheformer,ttwasmv:unetomovehim todoeif he offers to be thedoer : Idhallbenoneofyour,aC't;Sinem;: Whatanfwern~we; No, nor you; See yo11 doe z.t not. Perda (fatth Ao~f/w)before: 'J:{jnperdam[aith Da~ vid, Perdam (fatth Abijlw) now: T(eperdas, fanh D•vzd. So, he will neitherd . himfclfe, nor Jujft:r it to be done. Thdhon is: Neither waking, as atfitll· norfl 11 ping, as now :neither by day, as in that; n?r by night,asin this: neither by him[el;;· nor by other, will Davzd endure to doe.tt, orro have1t done, Bur, intheoneand the other, firH artd laH, frill and ever, Neperdas ([aith Da•uid :) Sat~lmullnotbee dejlroyed. . 4· Yea, fo far was he afterrhis, from forethinling this fpeecb, or withing itun. f.ud, that he pleafed himfelfe in this Ne perd.u io, that not content to have [aid it he made ~ Pfalme of it, to fing himfclfe, and Jlllfrael with him; and by finginoi; to ling their dutie in this poim,imo all. their mindes :md memories. Afigne,the~v;rds were good, he would befiow a dtme and rune upon them, as 1f he glorified in them: Yea,to make them the more memorable, that they might never be loll, he lmh fra. rned divers other Pfalmes to the fame tune. You may rurnero tl1eLVIII. LIX. LXXV. You !hall finde all their titles,to the tune of Ne perda; that lo,all that then were, and all that were to come might know, how good afpeech, hetookeittobe. how meet to be faid, and fung, of all ages. ' 5. And what would yemore. Notthefetwo onlyfaid,and fung;but intheverfe following,takes his oarh,and fwearcs to.it: .4s the L o K n liveth (faithhe) Go n'o handmay, bur minefba/1 never be r~pon him: and his day may come; bur,notadayfoo. ner for me. So, that,he faid rio more in this,thaohe meant tofweare to. But now to come to looke into thereafon: wdhall finde, he goeth furtherthan fo, than 'l{ot deflroying. For beingtogiveareafonof '1\.!perdas, keepingtherule, he fhould now have gone on with ir,as he begunne, and faid ,fi0is enim perdidit .I For who ever deflroyed aKing? Hedothnot fo : That (as it feemeth) would not [ervehis turne: he changeth his verbe now, and faith, ~is enim manummijit; Who hathbut put forth his hand? As if he had given roo muchfcope, in faying no more,but de. Jlroy not. Indeed, it was wellfpied; it mufl: be Hopped, before it come to dejlroyint,. If it be come to thedeed once, wee are all undone: Ne perd.u is not enough. Much rnifchiefe may be ; atleafl: much feare,and.fright (as this day there was) andyet, no dejlmflion. To make fure worke then, fofarreis he fromperdas, as he will not allowmJHIIm tnitta<. By which denying the latter,the former is put pafl: all doubt. If r/Jeb4!1dbe frayed, no blow can bee given : if order bee taken for one, rhe other wJll follow of it felfe. You may nor dejfroy; for, you may not jlirre yotlr h4ild, isagoodcon~ fequenr. . And fure, Go n's care, in this point, is worthy allobfervation; ttdefcenderh to fuchminutes : here in this place we have tworej/raints together, 'Deflroy not[ • and (which is more) layn1hand. In another place, hegoerhyetfurrher, 'tou" Not mine l.Annointed; there needs no hand totbat,thejingerwillferv'e. Andyet further in another place, 7V Surga<, Rife n•t o11t of1oHr pl•ce; or(as the Pftm~ expreffeth ir) lift not up your heele: (that is) fiirre not handnor foot, many uc end. Men may !Hrrc: their +oet and not rife, andrif'e;and not tt~~>h; andt1Hfh, b 1 ut . . I' . 9