Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z.. ofthe GowR us. la nohalldi; and/ay the hands on, and nor deftroy. But, Go n's meaning is from the fi;llro the lafi, ro reltrainc all: To have all fo farre from defi_roymg,as nor to lay your hand; nay, not touchwith yourfinger ;nay,not f? m~ch~snfe,orftzrre the foet- _.but keep evcrry joynt quier,from any theleafi quetclung tn tlus matter of 7(sperd.,., To ooeabour todoeit;isas much as to doett. " . We heare his charge: but all this while we fee ndttl1e ~etentive, that holds·hirri t . fo, that all v16iftMis mouvescouldnotmove~1m. Hc~~llsusnow, whattrwas: ~;:iv~·~IRt, c H R i , r u, Do " r N r; In wh1ch word, 1s the foluu~nof·Abijlwi argument; cb,iflrun n<, thus. That his militarie_ Maxim~ (deftroymg an·en:my)whlch,heand many oneelfe ,.;.;. in the world rake robe umverfall, 1s not fo; It exceptions dtvers; but among the rcll, and above ·rbe refi, this; if the ~arty bee C H R. t s r ll s D o M r N I, it holds nor. There is more retentive force mCH ll. I s Tu s Do M I NI, to keepe J 1 im alive· than there is motive in InimicU< tuttC, todeftroj him. This is hisanfwer. And it is u~der one both a folurion ofAbij/JAisargument; and a new one propounded by David, to con~lude his parr, rhus. The L o a n s Annoi11tid i>not to hee touched (Go n's owne expre!fe words, Tottch notmineAnnointed: )_But Sari], what termes foever he fiandin ofamitie orenmitie, Go n' s Annointed(Je1s: Therefore,notouchi.•ghim. And I ohferve this, that he makerh choice of C H 1\ l s r u s Do M I N I, for hismediea terminU<, rarberrhan DominU< Rcx, or any other; rather of Go n's vfnnointed, than of his Liege-LordtheKing. (Yetthereisforceinthemtoo'; but nothing fuch, as in this.) To the Santlt.aric he goeth, astorhefurefi place, and from thence fetcherh this rcrme oftheL on n s<..Annointed,and fo makes the matter furer, as hcc thinkcth. For, when all is done, from rhar place it commeth, rharma~ kerh both their Calli,ngs,and Pcrfons facred, andh~ly : t_herefore,nor without factiledge ro be violareds nay, not to be 1011ch~d. For,fuch 1s the-nature of bof,ythi"gs, nor to be tOttched; I fay, nor by anyenemte; no, not mwarre. For, fo we fee; DA- Agg.ui', vidis difpieafed with rhe Philijlimi, for fo dealingwith SaHI, as if he had nor beene 'swu.3r~ l.Annointed wirh oile; as who fay, it was their duties to have fparecl him, even in that refpecr. . And furc ahigh terme iris, and not lleightly to be p~lfed over. In another place bee callcrh ;them Go n's; here, C H R I s T u ' Do " I N r :So, they participate l'fal.S ,, 6 ; with the name of Go n,and with rhenameof CH 11. Is r, A1mointed; aad if they beAnnointtd,ir is with the HoLY GHo s Tandpowerfrom above. Which all fl1e1i: AI!Slo, 3 8. a neere alliance berweeenc Go n and rhem; C H R. I s T and them, theHoly Ghoft · and rhem;fo as, they are nor to be harmed, the leafi way,if Go n, or CH a I s r, orrhe.Holy Ghop can keepe them from it• . And rhis Retevtive is firong enough, where there is any fenfeof Religiort. But; .· i' it isro be doubted, Abij/Mi,and fome befides him,havc no gteat feeling that way;and 11.. I! Rttta• fonotcapableofthis. Whatcarerhey forSamnelor hishorne of oilc? Irnt.u!l:not ~~~~riti•f•m come our of the Santlttarie, it mufi come from the Barreand theBench, that mufi prevailewithrhem. Tell them of Non erisinfdns, Gui!ticor mt Guiltie, and then you fay fomerhirig. We faid before,there is no more effeCluall way todeny, ro fotbtd; and, it is· true~ '/(se effi,·acior veta_ndi ~4/iiJ, qu!.m JtEn!t propojit!t; Noway-of more force to forb1d, than fer ap.enalmon lt : fpeC!ally; the grear penaltieof all, deatl,, Andyer,dcathaSoultlier carerh norfo much for neitber,except it bemorsfontt,·a, amalefactors dearh, and thechiefcmalefaCtors, the traitor! dearh, to be drawei:l , . and dragged from his place, as ' Ioab; hanged, as bBigthan; His bowels putled our "'Rep .• ~ .. (to <fmtehim to' lttd&, whofeg_lljhedomof rhemfelves; )·To have hisheart openezl, = ~~:';~ :1·. yet be1n~ahve, as d Ab(alom; Hts head choppedoff,as c Sheb• 'sand it and his quarrers d•S:un.• s.r4. hangedt~p, as f Baana, and Rechabswere: To have g their lands and lively-hopdsfeazed { •S;m.>o.u. tn,a~d givento flrangers; h Their ijf11e miferable fortheir fakes: i Tobedamnat.e me- g Pill~~~-::: morr.e, rhm name, :md memorie asacurfe: (whichthreearefetdowneinthehug_ ~ ' 0 • dterh and ninrh Pfalme, thePfalme againittreacherie.) Tell AbijlMi of'this,and this ' 'l · m•yphhaps fray him.