Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

790 Ofthe CoNsPIR.AciE Sermon1., . And to fay truth, this was no morethanncedfull; without it, ail~ mtght have bzenethoughtto have had but ratmmn 60fljlllt ci non pr.teepti· toh • beene fpoken by way ofgood honefl: 11dvi{e, but to have beene nopenaN ~rcapi~~f law. Gently fatd of Davtd, '1\!perd~t<; And well done of Abijlw,toforbcare·b no necellirie in it. Therefore hctells them, Thefe words[Neperd.u] arc abi~/r, precept: and that fo, as if they be rranfgrdfed, they will bc'are an aClion; yea antng ditement; that whofo breakethrhem, Non erit i»[ons. AndNon erit infonsa;e j ~~ciall words,and this they import: That,not only they may bearraigned ;but,tha~n~: .flJ!fft cana.-qtlit them,or findethem notgt~tlty: that by no Booke,_they can; that b thts booke, they cannot beefaved. But, tf they fl:n:tch forththetr handsagainfhl!e L 0 RD s vfnnomted, thetr necks muft ~retch for tt; and bemg foundgt~iltie th mufl: be dealt with as thofe tlm are fo found; and upon them mufi come all ;ha? written in this book; which yer-while we recounted. 15 And yet, 'l{g11 erit in{onsgoeth_furthcr. For, Cuppofefome ofthem fhouldha . pen nott9 be brought to the barre,•t fhallnot fef'IC; for all thar,'F(yncrit infom /u Gov will not hold themgniltltf!e; He will notfo leave them; but(ratherrhanthe~e fhould not bee holden) hold an Af1ehimfelfe, _and bring them to the end of guiltie ;, Pfat. 144 .o. pcrfons, ~ll thefort of .rh~m. Heaven !hall doe It by flghtnmg "(as Pfoi.J 44 .J or the 6Nsm.•~·l'· earthdoe 1t by fwalloJvmgnp(as b Core;) orthetr ownc .frtendfl1all doe it (as' loab.) ~· am.• ';. or their owne.beafl: (as d v1.b(alom ; ) or.their owne fdves hang them[elves (~s .. s~~· ';''i c v!chttlphel; ~ or hurne themfelvcs (as rZtmrt.) If they will not lay~perdasro b K• g., "1 • Chrijltu Domtm, Chrij/110 Dommt !hail f.1yperdiU to them, and ferid them all to their orvne pia", the pit of perdition,fo many as will not fay, to the L 0 8 D • ~ s:un.t.It. Annointed. It was not fo~noughr, that David[ai_d~ohim (z Sam.r.) Howwttjft/ 1011 mt •fr•ul t~ di!e tt _? There t~ <_fure) matter of fearem tt,every way,to lby them: (we of Go o,tnChriftm Dimtm,tomoveDavtd,fcare oftheGallowes,inN!i71erilinfons tomove A/;ijbai. ' 3 ·Abi]ball _But _upon all this, would it not doe well,if we hadAbijbai'sowne confeffion gi– o wn ""{'lfi•~· venm cvtdence agatnfi htrnfelfe ~ That (Ifuppofe) would rakeul' the matter ouite. Verfe 9· We have it,,_ Sam.I6. There,ina cafe only ofloofenelfein the rongue,whereShemti let goe cerralne railing fpeeches againlt David, could Abifhaifay, Whadhallthis foule-mouthed currethus befulfered tofpcakeagainfi the LoRD s Anpointed?and no remedie,he would needshavegoneand fetched his tongue andheadand ~11. Yea, after this (returne in peace, when King Davidhad, uponShemei's fubmillion, given him his pardon, Abijbai pleaded hard, to have it called backe and would needs have him die for it; and well worthy he was. And all was but for mijit linguam :andAbi– jhai himfelfc is here laying ha»ds, violmt hands, 011 the L o R D s Annointed; aworfe matter by farre. So that upon the matter, Abifhai is judged out of hiso!Vne mourh, and David jurtified by him, in his Non erit infons. There are y.ourtwo.Raentives: 'the firfi for good SubjeCls; • the latter for whomfoever. Now,lefi any might conceive, this is but a cafe of infiance; holds in this parti– cular, but extends notto all; fome body, in fome cafe, may doe it for all this,rhcrc· fore;is ir, beecarrieth it alongthrough ill, wirh his .'2!YS? to tell us, his meaning is, That not onelyv!bijb£i, bur that 'l'{squr;·ptrd•t, '1\! qais manum millat; that,none at all dejlroy, none l•y hands at all : that his ~. is generall without exccpnon ~~ . And in this,even his manner ofdenying,his.figtlr.odic1iom!,the tenor ofhis fpeech is fuciT, asl dare make a note of it. There bediverswayesof denying,onemore full and forcible than another: but of all; the way by interrogative, is holden thefullell, and mofi of force. To have (aid, None did ever attempt ir, which was norgutllle; this had beenc adeniall,but acalme one. But to fay :Who ever went APOtllit, hut hew~! found gt~iltie? thcreismorelifeand vigor in it, by a great deak. Indeed, of al!Nt– gatives,the firongefi,the mofi perem~torie,is by~~~?For i_t is not abareNe:{alt'<)(; but a '1\!g:ative with achAllenge: fendmg a challenge to any,tf he can for Ius life, to lhew