Sennon 1. ofthe GowRIE s. {hew one, that was holden innocent in that cafe. They call itthe triumph'tmt ~A. . •s bearing it felfeconfident, thatnonecannfeupa_gauill:it: Who? (that is) twe' • d ·r , d A lbew,if ever any fuch ha peace,1 everany werereput~ mnocenr; s much rofay ever was there any, never. If there were, name hnn, bnngh1m forth; but that a~:cannot: therefore f!.!!,is fuit infons ? makcth r~e cale ~ke~e and pall: all quell:ion. ~oyoufee, Davidtoldus of Cbrijlm Domtm, aslt weremh1s Ephod, as a Prophet , Thenwentheilltohis/ongrobe,'and told us ~nmtmfons,_ as aJudge: And now he is in hisarmor 1 r, as achallenger, w1th f<!!,ts unq11am? to challenge any, that holdeth thecontrary. . . . And his challenge will be taken; and there be_, that hold the c;onrrary, mour age ; and that darcll:e~:fonh,and make aquelbonof lt for all this .' or rather, make rio quellion at all of 1r, bur can tell Davtd, b?th who may lay h1s hand ~n, to de– ftroJ Go o's vdnnointed; and who iliall acqmt, abfolve, and make themmnocenr, ~~~ . . .. Who Jhall ~ f<!!,i.t? marrie f2.!:j(quis, anywhofoe\rer, being warranted. And who {hall warrant him~ That fi1all theHigh PrieH, by his !all: cenfure. , · Thefe fellowes would notll:icketotell Abifhai, acleancconrrarietaleto that of David'sdejlroy not, faith he. Goe to,fayDavidwhat he will,or wh~the can,we fay, dejlroy him: what, if he be-·~ Yea, though he be theLords vdnnotnteJ. You /hall heguiltie then certainly, faithDav_id•. What fay they~ Say they thus,: Youfl!afJ not bt guiltie, you ma_Y doe 1t, wew1ll Abfolveyou ~.(that were too muc~:) No ;_b~t you {hall merit by lt; you oughtto doe tt : weewtiiSamt you for fo domg. Tlus IS not matter of talke; we know it hath beene done. ~' who~ AJacobin~ lay his hand:Yea, handandknife, and thrull: itinto the body of G oo 's Annointed : Yea, anizointed with theoilethat came downe from heaven (as they tell us) fent purpofely to annoint rh-e French Kings and make them Go 0 ' s v1nnointeJ >$T' 'Jl;ox_Wl. What,and notgulltie ? Nor gutltie: yea,and hard– ly fcaped from being aS.iint,ifthe CArdinals £1ith haa failed as well as thePopesdid, and if they ~adlnot kept Saint Peters fucce{forfrorrierring. Benorwefallenimo firarige rimes, whereinDavidmull: be driven to recant, and<Xbifhai prove the Pro– phet? and in which(asif there were no fuch verfeas this,in the Bib!~) the illufion of ermtrisgrownc fo ll:rong with fome,as they will rather them[elves bedeflroyed,thari fay,theLmlsAnnointedi~not tobedejlroyed. I vi!Id . h . Th "11 r. - h' T' . . h d h' Salds ''"" . I oe t em no wrong: ey Wl •ay,.t 16 extls enoug ,to con emne t IS rultngcare for dayes attemP.t, it commeth full home to that cafe. It was upon Inimicum tumn :in Nep<rd.u. which cafe of private revenge, themlelves hold it cleere,quod non,as well as we. Bur when they difpence withNeperdtU, it is upon othergrounds : upon mifgovernmenr: or (to fpeake as they doe) tyrannie ; uponuli1rping power in matters eccldiall:ica!l: uponbloudy perfecurion,and that of G do's Priejls; and thefe are not in the Text. Yes they are in hi~ in the Text, concerning whom ~his Ne ferd,a·was given, every one: and yet '1\! perdtU ilands fora!lthar, Andth1s Hay, howloever Abifhai did looke upon Saul, but ~ith:t Souldiers'eye, an~ faw nothing inhimbut anenemy, to move h1m, to dell:roy h1m ; rf fome of thefe qu1cke and iliarpe·lightedAbifhai'sh_ad had the looking into him, they wo'uld have fpiecl in him other manner of matter ro have~efolved himmeet to be made away : they would have found him, not Da~idi enem1e ohely, but an encmie to· Go o, an·d all goodneife; and returoe him culpable of all thofe faults, which they ufe to infill: oo, when they write their bookes to that end. And1verilythinke, Go o in this firft example, of his firll: Kingover his owne r~ople, hath purpo!ely fuffcred them ~lltof:I!I out,and_to be f?undin him; eve? all fi atihould fall our many Kmg afrer hlm,to·mforce thc1r pofinon: that fo.we might nde them anfwered to our hands. To touch them in_order.They would cafily have quarrelled at Sa~ls mifgoVern~ ~~~"{.\';!,;; !Uent. Not at thefirft : hecthen, wasamilde,anda gratiousPrinte. Never came g•vmmrnt&: · · there 7{'"'"1·