Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

----------~ 794Ofthe CoNSP 1 RA c I & Sermon,'], no reafon, who, as they Num.XVI. calledCore,~hepeople~ thefe (httle better:) arid even then alfo dtd Go n by h•s m•ghty providence tu away the ddlrucrion. This in the Text vias foone done;a few words and away-T~e of the day, it was long firft, and much adoe, yer it was done: the longer, a~d th~ mote, the more ts Go n robe magmfied for 1r. . And when all was done there, he that was faved was but Saul: but hete(en . Jl.atters not, but) ifenvie itfelfe ihould fpeake, it would fay, Major .Sat~le Me agr~te ter than Saul any: (For, the territory of the lea!t ofyour kingdomes wa~great than that of his :)~nd meliorSauleh~c, ~bctterthanSaul was hcrefaved; bert:r: without all companfon. So, the was (as they made account) Cancltqit Dtru inimicum niif/rum: The end was, as lt proved, Conclujit Dem tntmicos D•mi . Rcgi6, G 0 D, made aconclulion oftheir wicked premife~ and tbeir wretched p;~ fons all at once•. So, theconclulion was NeperdJU to the Kmg, and No»i~fonstorhe children •f perdttlon; Now, to that Gcin, thatwhenyouwerafoutup, forfookeYou not burdeJi. vered you a mAlitiA- Jiei Hujm& aD«mone 111eridiano; that in the depth ofYourall danger, when there was no tongue on earth could fay 1{eperd..u, faidit from hea~ ven andfaiditthriceover: for that his three-fold delivery, render weethtee-fold tha~kes and praife; thrice blelfedbe His~oly Name forit. And He grant, that this lelfon ofDavtds, ma}' take deepe roo: 1n all.our hearts, that there may never be a 1!2.!'fs in lfrael to hft up hts hand, to theltke actton; all may bee quit, none found gailty ever offo foule acrime; None, on t..Ahifhai'sfide, to make any fuch motion. all ofDavids minde, tomifiike it, tofay '1f.!perdtU: NeperdtU,though it beSAnl.llu; for David,NeperdtU is not enough. To Him, andfuch as He is,Jeruswirhone toice .cric:< Hifanna; not onely, not deflroy, but Hoflmn•, Loan f•ve, ' L oR n proffer, L oR n adde dayes to his dayes.• that his yeares may be as many ages. And asthisdaychou didfi,fo frill and frill prepare thy loving mercy and truth,that they may preferve him, even for everand evet. .ASER~