796 •Ofthe CoNs P 1 RA c I & Sermon). Today,ifyewiU beare Hi. voice, harden notyour heart<, and ye may: For ~ (now ten yeares) from the fame Perfon, and thefame plac,, a like voice'rhere IS •y concer~ing Hit anointe~, in wh?fe pr_efence we fra~d- T~at Go D would not'ame, Hts anotntedtouched, th1s Text IS aWltneffe,and this Day 1S a w1tneffe: TheText~ave it; the Day,fa~1um eft· rx. Referred ""'" Touching ~he fa?Je point,when timev:as, in this place youheard, Ne perd.u ; ~if, Ttrt '!fxt yon !hall heare 1t agame now,butfrom an h1gher perfon, under ajlraighter charge d • • "'· 1 ,;~: with a ldrgercompif(e. . ,an I Theper{qn hi gin~: for that ~as !Javid: _sed ecce maj~r Davide Me, but behold agreaterthanDavuhs here•. Th1s, IS no vmce on earth (neither of Prsphet nor i pojlle) we_now heare_: At~dtvt vocem de c~lo, We heare a voice from heaven: And rhence,ne1ther ofSat»t nor AngeU,bur of Go n H1mfelfe.To thew His care ofthe (His allf)inted) He would have none give the charge about them, but Himfelfe· Hi: felfe in perfon, Non alien~ vocu organ1,[ed oramlofu.e; from none other, bu( from His ciwnemouth. ·:i thechargejJriEier : for t·here it was, dejlroy not, the worfr that could be: Here it is, Touchnot, the leafr that may be; andfo, even that way, amended much. 3 Thec.mpaf!e larger: That, was toAbijbai, but one man; and it wasconcernina SAIII, oneKingonely ; and therefore it was in the fingular,2'{eperdM: This is No/it~ and chrijlos : the number altered, ·ofa larger extent farre, even toA/I rm 11 ~oncer~ ning All His anointed. N•lite, in thepltmtfl, that is, None ofyou: Chrijlosi~ theplu– ral!, that is, None ofthem. _Them, not touched, not ttny ofthem; rou, not tone/,, not · Any ofyot~. Non releqozt hommem : He Jeaveth not aman, but forbiddeth All. Now, Ol\r, ofthlsplurafl,youmay deduce any fingular; Out of Chrijlos, any King: Out of Nolite, any parry : Out ofTa»gere,anyhurt: and fo, not anyman, to doeany hHrt, toany Hu ammted. This Tm,tbe ACommandement ifis, and I may fafely fay, Prim11m& magmtmmAIIdatNifl; fiifl.,d !"" The firfi and great Commandement, touching the fafegard ofPrinm. :~:;;:~;'"' Thefirft -' for (as the verfes before thew) it was the firll: given, inthis kinde,and this poin~ .that before all other, in the Patriarchs time, long beforec..Mofei, under theLaw of I. Nature. Thegreatejl, not onely becaufeit is ofthe greatefr in heaven, imd concerningt~ great eft in earth: but for that it is the originall maine precept, touching Princes and their fafety, or (as the phrafeis) the fundamentall L11w, upon the which all therea are grounded, unto the which all the rea reduced, and from the which all the reilde– rived. Davids dejlroy not, is but an abfrraCl: ofthisTouch not. Aske him what Text he had for his NeperdM: hither he mufr come, this mufr be it,andnoneother. This Nolitetangm is themaine wing ofproteCtion: Ne perd111, or any other particular, is but afeather ofit ' To fee the parts ofir. APrectpt it is, andnegative i and the negativepreceptis ofthe nature ofafence, and theftnce leadeth us to the thingfinced. Fir/!otall then, we take it in fundcr, in the midfr ; meos, whofe the fence is; and then Noftteta11gere, as it were a circle orfence round aboutthem. ' Chriffos mwhathin it, two things: Not onely the parties, whom they !hould not: butthereafsn why they fhould not touch them. Notto11ch? Whomnot toN"?. Hr~anointed. And whynot to11ch? Evenbecaufe, His anointed. . . Inchrijlos meos takentogether,are the parriesnon tangend£: Againe, mChrijlss meos taken in [under and weighed apart, are two reafons couched, de non tAll· gendo. , . . J. Whynot touched? firfr, they beHis: Andfecondly, whAtofHts.? Htonot~tl ' Thc!etwo betwofeverall: Hiunointed,i~ more thanHu : for, allthacbe!itJ be ' - .. not anoin.ted,