Sermon 3• ofthe 1 Ht! alone, were enough j that they beHt!, they pertainetoHim, and fo, He~ to fee them f.1fe• · , . • d., h' t1. f · · · · ' ~ But then befides, they be the very chotee an c 1e eo Hu, HtS Anointed,~.rld fo amore fpeciall care ofcheril, tlian the rei!. : . . - ' 3 Andchen(from thenaturcofche word)rlotonely Huan,omted, Vnfftejun but chrijli ejm, Hil Chrt!1s, whtch IS thehtghe!l: degree offlu Anomted: for h1ghet than chat ye cannot goe.. . . . . Andlaft; wharchat 1s,that maketh them thus, Ht; Anomted: to know whether 797 they may ben~ippcdof it, '?r no. · ·. . , · . Thencomewnd the Ctrcleor Fenpe,and that we may dtv1de too: for, 'l(glzte II.' tangere, is a doublefence; • froin thea8 1 •and from thewill. Tottchnot(fowe reade) 1 where the touch, thea/1, is forbidden. 1'{glite tangere ( f9 reade theFAthers) w~ere z thewillto totJch is forbiddenlikcwife. Nolite, that is, Have ye not thewill, not fo much as an inclination to doe it. So, both the48and will of touching is reftrained : cheafl,in tangere; thewill, inNolite. . In the former, weare cocakecl)eextent, of Tangm, a[\d Cprijlos: I. To what matters Tangere will reach: a. In how many points, toChriflos. And in the latter, to what perfons,in Nilite. . . And fo, fee we the fitmme ofche Text, which is fufficient enough to keep Kings from to11ching, ifit felfe might be kept untouched: but as the times are, the Text in. felfe is couched, there needs afecond Z\.glite tangere for it. To that end then, to fee the Text fafe and well kept,che three perfons in it,all tG joyne cogetber:Kings,rouch– ing whom; andSubjefh; to whom; ~nd Go o Himfe_lfe, by wh~m icisgiveniq charge. And 1fthe tWo former doe ehm parrs, G o o w1ll not fa1le mHis; Let me adde pne thing more. That this Text, befidcs that it is aCommandemenr; it is alfoaThankfgiving; But both have but one errand, theKingsf~t_fety. A Commandement it is from Go o: the very fiile, the moode (Nolite) givethit for no ldfe. . . And aThanlr{giving iris to Go o; for it is a verfeofa Pfalme, ofaHallelaji: Pfalme, ofthe firfi H~lleluja.P[alme : (there be twenry of them in all, this is the fir!l ofrhem all.) . ACommandamentit is; forit is proclaimed with found of Trumpet, and that by Banaiabandlus company: And aThank(giving it is ;for it is fung with folemne mu– ficke by AJaph, and the ~me,at the fixth and feventh verfes before, It is both,and both wayes we to haveufe ofit. Firfr, as ofaCommandement from Go o, to teachus this duty' towards Go o's Anointed. Itrull:, we will performe better duties eo them than this: but, whatfo~ ever we doe befides, what good we doe them, Nenoceat, not to touch them,to doe them no hurt. ,And never fo much need ofthis doc1rine, as now,when by a late heavieacddenr; we fee, wretches there are, dare attempt it: And orher (and they the more wretches ofrhe twaine) chat djd dare ro avow ic: Did d;~re (Ifay ;) for, now they wouldfeeme t? it ; but fo poorely, and faimly,asall they f.1y,n1ay hold,and yet another hke aCl: be done ro m·orrow. And then fecondly, as aThank(giving to Go o, who hath fet the print ofthis commandemenr, upon this day, in cutringlhorr this day two wicked Imps; that went abom eo breake it, by touching, and morethantoufhing, the L o·.. o's An~ notnted. . And never were we fo rriuch bound to doe ir, as this y'eare: Fo'rcltar, this yeare; upon this fre(hoccafion,truly we may fay,He hath dealt thus with us, NoJJ taliter fe: Pfal·,, 47 .>0.; czt omnz Nat!onz, He bath not fo dealt w1th alll\'ations, nor hath every Kmg formd -· ~Im fo grac10us: Others, have not in theirs; I fpeake it wichcompaflion: we have tnom·s; lfpeakemoomcomforr, and to the praifeof G 0 o. Both thefe wayes. Aaaa 3