Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon3. ifthe Gowaus. ~99 thePatriarchs, we have(firfi)our warramfi·om the Holy Ghojf, applying this ter~;----' h - after to' Sar~t to b Davtd, to ' Salomon,to d Ezcktas,to c Iojiao,to f C)'YIU: Kin'fS a I Slm.n.;,<f er,, ' ' b l h h. d llC "' hsamrp• all. Secondly, from t c COII!'CC s. T et tr genera ouncdl of Ephefm; the oChro. 6 4 ,, rear Councdl qfToledorhefourth; thegreat Wcfierne Cmmcdl of Francford. dAbac.J·'l· hirdly,fromtheconfcnt ofFathers. Todifpatch them at once,fo faith the Coun- {~~;~·/~: cell ofFrancford, B,literonymm&C£ten S, Scnpttt1« .'raflores, &c. S. liurome and the re!l: of the Writ~rs qn Scri~ture(all) undcrltand Jtnot ofothers, but ofKings, ;:;;~%;!;4 . . Yea, laf!ly fi·~m thetr owne Wnrers, Cajctan, and Gcne6r4rd, whothemfelvcsfoap- pag. 649 . £di" ply it,upon th1s very place. . · . "'"''"''· Nay Kingsrhey wt!lgrant (they can netther wtll norchoofe :) But then, they Pri~ccsonlyio would h;mme in others likewife, to cmer-cot?mon in the Tide; as thePope, as the :~;'ffti;~?"• Cardinals, andasanyelfe, favethemthat bcmdeed. But that theymufi doe then cbrifli voml: without booke: For, in this beoke warrant have they none. For, this terme [ Chri- ni. jli Domini] here, originally afcribed to the Patriarchs, is ever afierward, without variation, continually appropriate to Kings, and to .Kings onely, all the Bible through. The quefiionis, whether we will fpeake,as the Ho L Y G H os ·r dorh, · or no ~ Ifwe wlll, then upon a juf! furvey taken of all the places, where the word chrij/m Domini is to be found inScripture, three and rhirry they be in number. Of which one only is in the 'l(ew, and that is ofourS A vI ou K Himfelfe: tberdl:allin Luc. ,.,~; the old. Foure times by Go n, Mine anointed; S.ix time5 ro Go n, Thine anointed: Ten rimes of Gon,lii! .wointed: Twelve times in tcrmes terminanr, Go n's anoin– ted: Ofwhich, twice it is faid ofrhe Patriarchs; Here, and in the CV.Pfalme (whicbtwoplaccsareindeedburone.) Alltherefi arefaideitlr:r of CHar • r, or of Kings, all :and never applied to any other, but to them ondy. And here we Vcrfqrl joine iffuc: if to any other, the Scripture applyChrijlos D~mini, we yeeld: ifro none but them, we carry it. For, what reafon have we, if theScript11re appropriate it to them, and none bur them ; to take it from them, and give ir to pdters, to whom rhe Ho L Y G Ho s r never gave it~ Yet have I no meaning to deny, but that others,,!}ot onelyper{ons, but (if they Though orh<i will)eventhing'l'too, wereanointedunderrhe Law. Perfms, as Priefls andPro•hets: pcdrfoos """"~ 1 ,ff.! f. r tt ,yctnone :Thinss,as theTAvenMc!e, and all theVe 11 e so tt,even to rhe very jre·forkcs,ajh-pans, CJIIcdrhe . and (mtjfiYI. But though they were fo, yet none ofthe things, nay, nor any of the Lordu~oinll~, perfons, have everthe name given them, ofchriffll4 Domini. No Prophet, ofall rhe fellowfhip ofthe Prophetr; noPrieff, no not theHigh Priejl himfelfe, everfo called. lt may be, annoi~>ted, but nor the Loa n's Anointed .. It may beYnEli, nor Chrifti , or, in a corner of one Chapterofrhe Maccabm [Chrifti] once,but nor with ·His full Chrill:endome, not chrifti Domini. Still they fall !hart: andchrijlru Domini fol. !owes the King, and him only. · Yea, this yefhall obferve in their owt\e old Tran!lator: that the fame word in Hebrew and Greeke, when he fpeaketh ofthe Priejl, he everrurnethit Vnflr1s; when ofthe King, chrij/&ever: asifofpurpofe he meant by this word, tomake a parriri– onbetweene them. Any will thinke, there furdy me:mtthem fame fp~ciall pre-– rogative more than the refi; thar from the reft iris given them,and ever to thcm,and to none ofthe refi. We may well conclude this point then, with the Apoll:le: They are madefo m11ch the mm exceUent than the reft, by haw m11ch they have ohtained a more excellent name than the rejl. For unto "'.hichofallthe rejlat any time (aid Hee, Then art mine Anoin- Hcb.t.f,Jj ted r Enough to fettle thts rerme uponKings. TheHoly Ghofi attributes it to them, an~ nonebur them. We to underfiand it ofthem, and none but them. It is, and fo let Jt bee, their owne due fiilc, their proper denomination. Touch not mine <.An· ~tnted .- Who bee they~ Ifweegoebyrhebooke, Princes: why then, Tgach not frmm! -