8oo /1-ftos,the claimcwho(e ~hey bco. Ofthe Co N s P 1 RA c 1 E Sermon 3 • - -- Cbriftosmeos,whotheybe,wefee. Butinthefewords(we faid)therearen t onely rhe parties, whom they fhould nor : but thereafon, why rhey fhould not tbu~h them. And not onereafon, but two attheleafi. Now then, let us take thewo d in funder, and weigh either by it felfe, feeing either word is areafon, de non t•nge:ds Firfi,wbofetheybe: H~meos, The~whatofHu:Huanointed. And Huanointe~ is Chrifti ejm: Which (it may be) Wtl.l amount to two reafons more. Meos isI-I' claime: Chriftos, Hischarafler, or fpectall m:uke. IS L•yno titleto cMcos, His c!aime: which word i~ not flightly to be p~!Ted by. Itistothepur.' them. pofe. Toclatme, 1S to touch. He that fatth Meos? He that clatmesthem 1 totU"beth them: toucheth their free-hold (as we fay.) He that fauh, touch them nor; !auh,clahmhem not. Some quefiion there is growne, whofe they be. Twoclaimes rhere are pur in and bid to them, befides. Meos, f~irh the Pope; and Mm,fay fome for thePeople· but neither fay true: Go o, He faith Chriffos meos, and Hee onelyhath therigh; foro fay. 1 Mtos,[aith the Pope. For he,or Come by his commiffion,ufed toanoint the Empe· Meos,thePopes rours,and becaufe he was Mafier ofthe ceremony, he would be Mafier ofthe{ubj/Ance cl"<l1.<: too: andhu they were. ThePope,hewas G'ds; and they were huanoiltted, and of him had their dependance, and he todepo(ethemand to difpo(e ofthem androdoe wirh his owne what he lift. And rhis clatme, is not yer given over. For he thadhal~ marke thePopes faimndle, when fome Kings are foughr robe touched; ~ay are tout bedindeed, out ofhis Meos; will eafily thinke, he is well enough conrenr'rhev be touch"ed, though they be Go o's a11ointed, ifthey be nor his roo :Touch nothit :Not hil,as for others,it skillcth nor, touch them, who will. ." 3 Bur this claime by the ceremony is de~ne marred, by this Text: for when the[e words (here) wercifpoken, there was nofuchceremony infiirured, it was Non ens, no fuch thing in remm natt1rll. Thar came nor up, till Mofes: Now thefe here in the Texr, were in·their graves long beforeMofes was borne. NoMeos then; nocl•ime by rheceremony. Aqd afrer it came up,no Priif! went out ofIurie ro Perfla tocarryrhe ceremOIIJ to Cyrm : yet ofhim, (aithEfay, H11cdicit Dominm, CyroChriflomeo, Thus faith the Lord, to Cyrm mine anointed, and yet nevercatl)e there any oife upon his head. So that even afrer it was taken up, yetrheceremony andrhecloimeby ir,would nor hold. The truth is, theceremoniedorh notany rhing; only declarerh, what is done. The party :was before, as much as he is afrer it : only by it, is declared tob~, thar he was before and that which he fhould have beene fiill,though he hadnever fo beene decla. red. The truth may and dothfubfifi, as with thecerem9ny, fo wirhom ir. It may be retained,as witH fome it is,and with us it is: and it may be fpared, as it is with others : Spared,or retained, all is one; noclaimegroweth rhat way. Budafi of all,where it was ufed, as bySAmuel ro Sa11l, bySadocto S•lomM:yet they claimed nothing in the parties they t.Annointed, bur called them !till Go n's, and never their owneannointed. They knew no claime lay by it : Nay, if irh"d~eene aSacrament,as it was but a ceremony : he rhat minifireth rheSacrament, harn no mrer• eft in rhepartyby it, but G o o alone ; and rhen much leffe he, that performeth bu: a ceremony,is ro ple~d any Meo!, Sorhatevery way, rhis claimevanifheth,ofChrijll Pomijci4. -""l."ihe pe;. Now then, a fecond i:laime, anorher c..Meos, hath of latebegun tobebuzz~dof, ~;9;;~:;: as if they were chrifli popt~li, and held of them; And whatfoever rhe matter cs,rhe Cardinal! himfelfe waxeth very eatoefi for it; (I rhinke becaufe he feeth the lopeh ::ume groweth fhort, andloth heis, but rhat rhere lhonlcl be frill fonre hands roto~c them;) he will not fo mu~h,as give G o n leaveto appoint Sa~<lor?•v•~of Hi~fclfe, bur he taketh upon htm,ro{t•!fcndrhemboth,umill thepeeplewith rhetr (uffrabe ~onre in,and ratifie Go o' $ doing. · But rhis.~laime likewife falleth to the ground,even by this ver[c:thenmull wegod · wen