Sermon~. of the Gow R r & s. Sot end our Text here. For iffo: Godwas properly tohavefaid, No!ite tangereChri· ftwvejlros, 'Touch not your anointed; forto th~ people, He fpeaketh. Of all orhers; Ntos cannot be theirs,unldfe we wlllgloffe ltthus,Meos(tdejl)nimmeos; Mine(that is)none ofmine,buryour orvne.And then li1re, He ihould have done them fome wrong, ro have forbid them to touch that, wluch was the1rowne. The PopeGuth,He can make chriflum Domitlllm, CH .R I s T the L o R b Htmfllfe: 1fhe could fo doe mdecd, it were nor altogcrhcrunhke, hemtght makec_hrijlum Dvmtm. Bm G,o ~. hel~c,if thepeoplefall ro make Guds, or make chrijls, 1fthey /hall take Go os verfetrom . . Him aRdfay Nosdiximm, Dii ejlis, We have (aidye are Gods: yea, andChrijlstoo, pr,Ls> G.'· and ~hange ir: 'Thoujhouldejl kave nopower unlejfe it were, Data dejieper, Given from l.ohn.'-9·"' ahove,I<Jith He; They,unlcffctt weredata defubter,unleffc1t weregwen you hencefrom henuth:then, mull: wegoe change all our Texts that found that way. Enough to let youfc:, rl:ey ~oth claime that is non~oftheirs, but Go o's. . . To gtvemevrdencenow; ~or Gods nght; That Hts Meosls the only true c!aeme; Mm Jods rbat Huoniythey be. Threenmes over, tt tS told us by Dame/ mone Chapter, thac cbiO:e. the Kingdomes be GoJs, and that Hegiveth them, to whom He will, as having the lole Ch>p.4·t4; property ofthem. And iris faid there, that this is Sententia vigilum, & Sermo Sanffo- ~"~ ... mm. And, ifit be Sententia vigilrtm,theyare lcarce well awake,rhar think otherwife; v~:f. ::: And ific beSermo Sanclornm, they talke prophanely, that fpeakotherwife. And this verily was thedivinityofthePrimitive churchconcerning Kings, which ofall; had leall: caufe to favour them. Cujm jttlfu na[<untltr homines, ejm jttjfu coniliturmtttr Principes; By whofeappointmenttbeybebornemen(and that is, neither by peoples, nor by . . Popes) by Ht5 appointtnent, andn~ other, arethey made Princes, faith old lr.enem. Inde Li&.r.1 if{iJ potejlat, unde!Jmtu;; 'Thence havuhey thetrpower, whence they h<t1Je thmbre<~th; . • faith 'Iertt~liian: And that is from netther (I am fure) bur from Godalone. -fpolog.p.~. ,, Hi£ they be: for, Hi£ their Crowne, Diadema RegiJ in manre Dei, Efay LXII. A,nd v..r, 3 • as ifhefaw a handcome from heaven wirha.Crowncinit, fofpeakerh he in the XXI; y.,fe+~ Pfa.i. 'Itt pofreiffi, thouhaft[et aCrowne ofprmgold ttpon His head. His, their (cepter, or rod: VirgaDeiinmanihq~eju;, God'srodinHiJhand, Exod.XVII•.of011o(es. Hu, Vcrfe.i., their throne: Sedebat Salomo10 in throno Dei, Salomon (ate 11pon Go n's 'Throne, I Chre. Vcrfe u . XXIX. Nay,long before, in the Law of Nature, f.1irh Job, Reges infolio collecat in lob l6· 7· perpet1111m: He takes them by the hand, andplaceth them in the 'Throne, and thatinperpetttum, thereto fir, in themfelves,and their fucceffionfor ever. His, their anointing: Pfai.Sg. ''· oleo fanelo meo, with mine holy oile: The Anointing His, therefore the Anointed. And ifall thefe, their Crowne, their Scqter, their'Ihrone;rhcir AnointingHis; then Hi£ they be, Chri[li Domini. And ofchri.fii Domini, wdhall !hew iwelve faire evi. deuces inexpreifetermes, God's anointed. And tenne more, We !hall bring forrh,wirh an Ejtts, a plaine reference to Him, Hi£ anointed. chrijli Pontijicis, Samuels or Sadoc's anointed: Chriftipoptdi, 1t1da'sor lfrael'sanointed,)lon legittir, we !hall nor finde. His they be then. Now inferre. His: therefore hand off, what have you to doe with that, is non-: ofyours~ whattoclaimeor rotottch, that is His r 'J'ZtJlite tangere 11ms. This oncly, and no more but this, in very equity were enough, Touch not mine. This~ for Meos: NowroVnffos. . . His then: but not as all arc, by a generall tenure·: but His, as His anointed, by a Anoimed, morefpecialland peculiar kindeofinrerell:. His Anointed; is more than Hr5,.for a~! rnll•. He; are not anointed: for ifall wereanointed, there ihould be noneleft to touth rhem: we might ll:rike out this verfe, the charge were in vaine,rhere were none to receive ir. Ifall be Vnc1i, where ihould beTangentes ? We mull: then needs leave a difference berweene chriffiani and Chri.fii. For, holding all that are Chrill:ians, all Gids peopleanointedandholy al!ke; it will follow, why ihould011qfes then, or any take Nusn. ,i;·l· up~n hr.m to be tbetr rupenour~ And fo we fall into the old contrttdiflionof Core .; Iude it. Whtch ~~all one with the new partieand confiefionofthe vfnAbaptif/s, orthofe that · pnck fall: towards them. But the very ceremony it felfe ferverh to !hew, fomcwhat is ad~ied to them, hy which