. Ofthe CoN s P 1 RA c I E Sermon j. which they bcHu, after a more peculiar manner than rher~fl:,ro wh~ added.. oyle ir felfe delignethSoveraignety : powre together water, wine, v~1: not what hqtfor you w1ll, oilew1ll be uppennoft: and that IS added hy thtir ••o ger, Belides then, this generall claimemine, here is His fpecialllignature,anoim,d tn{mg. by they are fevered from the reft. His hand hath to,ched them with His A;,~v ltre– that no other hand might tMchthcm. Things 4nointcdofour felvcs we forbe:tmg, touch : but fpecial!y,it the anointinghave the nature ofamarke,that we wrong ir'eto· And this hath fo, thefe are fo marked, that we might forbeare them. And yet ~ot: fpecially, ifwe have a Caveat, not to doeu, as hera we have: 'X.glite tangere "";re Touch not them that I have annoifi.ted. os, :J.,!~'' 8d •Yb" This were all, ifit were bur, 4nointed: but, there is yet a further matter th not, n I, Ut , . . r.t b ' . ·t w d . . an Chrijli, which all th1s. For 1t IS not Vn"os,. ut Cr1rtfln meos: e rea elt, Mtneanointed. In the !• more, HebreJV, Gre[ke,a11d Latme, lt IS more full •. In.Hebrew, my Mejftah's; i11 Greekeand Larine, chriflos liJeos, that 1s,my Chrijls,w_h1ch IS farre morcforcJble. Somewhat (we may be fure) was uur,rhat all the old Wmers umformall y forbore to turne itrnc7os which ~s enough for anointed, and all have agreed to turne it Chrijlos, that is Chrijls: whtch 1s a great deale more. It feemes, they meant not to take agraine from this charge, but to give it his full weight. And it cannot but wdgh much with all that lhall weigh this one point well, that Princes are taken into the fociety of G 0 D's !:t,Imd,, 6, name, in the Pfalme before ;and here now, into the foci.cty of CH R 1 s r's Name in this: and fo madeSynanymi, both with Go n, and wtth CH R Is r: fpecially fince Go n Himfelfeit is, that fo fiileth them ;for He flatters not (wearefure.)God H.Ime f7.s. Himfelfe is a King, King ofall the earrh,and CH R I s r is his heire ofall,as appea– rcth by H1s manyCroJVnes on HI! Head,A!oc. XIX. XXII. ThofewhomGoD and C H R I s r v?uchfafe to take into the charge ofany their Kingdomcs, them they vouchfafe the If owne names of G o n and of C H R x s r. They two, the fir!t Kings, to thefe other theafter-Kings ruling under them, and in their names. '..tnointtd,not A third gradual! reafon then there rifeth here. All atJointed are not chrifli =.for ;;~;,::~;but all•nointing is not Cbrifme. Chrifm~ is not every common,but an hvly •nointing,a fa– with b•l,,>nd cred lignature. * ole.(anc1a meo, With mtne holy oile have Ianointed them. Meo, to fo,saqi. make themHis: S4n8o, to make them facred. He might have taken this oile outof ~ P!'l. 89 ·!>· theApothecaries fl10p,orthc Merchants ware-houfe: He did nor, but from the Sanctuary it felfe, to !hew their calling is facred, L1cred as any, even the beft ofthem all. From whence the Priefts have theirs, thence, and from no other place the King bath his; from the Sa11ctuary, both. Theanointin.g is one and the fame. All to fhew that facred is theoffice whereunto they defigned,jacredrhe PoJVer wherewith theycndu· ed, facnd thePerfens whereto it applied. A11d for fuch were they hdd, all the Pri· mitive Church thorow. Their Writ, SAcri •pices: their word, Div"lt!jt~fio: their pre{ena,facravefligia:(the ufuallll:ileoftheCounals,when they fpake ofrhem.)And when they ceafed to know themfelvcs for His (that here faith meos) a11d to hold of Him, then loft they their holinelfe: He that tooke from them the one, rooketo himE:cod.Igt1, H~b 1~.~-;>. Verfc1o. felfe the other. Now then, will yeiofcrre; Holy they be, their anointing hallowed: therefore 'lf..!lite tangerefacros, Touch not mineholy ones. No more touch Mu(es,rhan the holy Mount, which neither mAn nor 6eaft migl1t to~<cb upon paineofdeath: No more touchDavid, than the koly Arke. It is not good touching ofholy things. In the XIII. Chapter before, Vzza [o found it. A?oiotcd, not And yet !till methinkes we fall fhort: for it is notfan{/os neither,itis more than :;;;~~:::!i~h';: S•nc1os,itis Cbriftos : In which word,thcre is more than io Commune San8orum. am. fp"i•U above ~ nes.fanc1i nonfont Cbrif!i,•t Reges Cbriffi. We cannot fay ofal.l Saints they be Chrif!s, ~b',;#~.' '"d fo ofKings we may. Veri!y,every degree ofbolinr./Je,will not make aSynony1m~wuh l'fal.;s.s. CH R 1 s r. He wasanointed, faith the Pfalme, oleo exultrtionufu;rafocios, w1tha.n holy oile, or chrifinuho·ve HisfeUonm. To hold this name then ofchriflos Dom~»~,lf is not every ordinary holinelfe will ferve, but a fpeciall and extraordinary degree o it above the reft, which they are to participate, andfo doe, fi·om C 11 R r • r whofe Name they beare, eminent above .orhers, that carry not that Name; as ifthey didm fome