Sermon 3· ofthe GowRI Es. fome kind of meafutC partakeChr!{ma C ~ 11 I ·s f I, CV~O achrifmeas where– with c H Jt 1 s y IS vfnomted. And the mference of tillSpomt~and the meaning of this llile of dii and r;;hrijiiis, as 1f He would have us, wtth a kmde of analogic, as •carefull in a manner to forbeare touthtngt~em,as we would be to to11ch God; or the Sonneof G 0 n, CH&. i s Y Htmfelfe. It tsnot thenmeos, nort~nctos.:Meos,norsan– Oos meos only; bu~ 1t ISChriftoilmos; <.Mme, and that Anomted, A11otmedwithholJ oyle : SoAnuirittd, and wtth oyle'(bholy, astt ratfcththerri m the honour of the de– nomination of the Ho!~ of Roliei, ~ H R r. ST. ~imfelfc. Thefe foure degrees, and from them thtfe foureleverall reafons,aremCl!riftss meos. , . · . . , . , . . One thing more of chrijlos mm : For Jfhould doe you wrong certamely;If I Wha~th~s:Ai: lbouldQip by it, and nottell you whatthis An:ointiwgi!,andleav: a Ji<;>int loofe; that "'"'""g"· needcth moll ofall to betouched. Vpon mtfconce!Vlng df thts pomr; Come have fall~nihco a phanfie,HuAnointed,may forfeittheirtenure,and fo cea{e td be Hif,and theiranointingdric up, or bd'li'ped off,and fo Kings be rin.chrijled,ceafc to be Chrift~ Dmini,and then, who that will,may rouch them. ' They that have beene fcribling about Kings matters of late,and t6itching thent. with their pens,have beene fouly mifiakenin this point. Becaufe,anointilig, ln Scrip– ture, cloth otherwhile betoken fome Spiritual!grace; they pitchupon that, upon that taking of the word : and then, an6inting it mull: neetls be fomegrace ;fomegrdtiagra– tum facims, making them religious and good Catholikes; or fomegratiagratifdat4, making them able or apt forto governe. So that,ifhewill not heare aMaffe,no Ca– tholike,noANointed. If after heis anointed, he grow defective (to fpeakethe'ir owne language) prove a Tyrant, fall t~ favour Heretikes; hisanointingmaybewiped off, or fcraped off; and then, you may write a.bookeDe jrUl.Libdicatione, make'a holy league, te11ch him,or _hlon: himup as ye Iill:. Thi~ bath coll:.Cht'iilendome deare : It is a,dangerous fore; a Z{qlt me tdnger.e;take heed of tt,toucb !t npt. , . . BeforeI tell you what it is,I may fafely tell you, that this ids not. Id~ nof'Reli- Itisnotpi,.;.; gion, nor venue, nor any Spiritual! grace, this Royal! anointing. ChriffoP'nominiis tnallgr.«. ' faid not onelyofiojia,aKing truely religious, by1Ieremj; butofCyr~~« a!lleere Hea- Lam:•.••• then;byEf•y: not only ofDavid a. good_King, bnt ofSaula Tyrant, even rhen when' ~~;.:.~· ~.~.; he \yas at rh; worll:. Rehgron then 1s not n,for thencyrmhad not been'e;norPertue is 1 Sam.~~.~. · nor It(efpmally the venue of clemency) forthenSanlhad not beene Go v's .v!- nointed. If it were Religion, if that made Kings; then had thhelbeene of o'h:!.no _ .. Kings, but rhofe of Iuda : and now, no Kings·buHhofe that' be·'Chriftdn;J, But by' cyrru's cafe we fee, one maybe·t:;hrifftu DoNJini, and yet no Chrillian. 'I ' ' Amongchriftm, if the Ortho9ox truth were it; Conft~ntim, Valens, Pdkntini~n rhe younger, An«ftaji~e~, Iuftini4.,, Hera~li~t~, I ·k!)O\V not'ho'Wmany>" had bcene no Emperours: yet alfo acknowledged, by theCh~ill:ians 0fthclrti1i)cs. · · · Then, ifReligionmakcthe'i'fl'not\ lletefiewilhto~unmaketh:eri). ·What fpeake I ofHmfie~ Hardeiinhecafe' ofApejfacie; yea hardell: ofall': yer, when Iulianfrom aChrillian fell away to be a flat Pagan,his a)lointing held,nd Chriltian evet fought:. MBifuop eve: taught to touchhim. ·And it was hot quia demtni vires, that th~ir hand was too fuort,!t is well·knowne;ifarrethe gre<Jcfe~ part ofhis'A~mie werechriflians, andcould have done ir,as appeared·inll:antly up'on His deatb;py their acdamatioris toi~vian,hisSucci!J'or,ChrijHanifr~mm. . I '-' ·· · 1 7 Will ye fee it in·thePatri11rchs? Thefe in{he·Pfalmtfher~, wereholy~ndgood men, Bur, twelvePatdirths, therewere prefel!tly after; ofwliom, Simt9nandLevi. Gln.H:·r,6,f; \vera.twovery Tyra'nrs; Rtuben,fcarce hon\:'lt ; ndr Iuda,nobetter than he lhould; ~~~ :~ :;· 1f!a~har, by his blcffing, lhoul~ feeme none of~lle wifeft{asit might he il.~boalfl:) yet ?.n<i +9·•t; Were they numbred with rhe(wdve, and1werePiiti'i•Nhs ill:ll; no·Jeffethan the other.... . · . • 1; • •• . And afrenh~Patriarch!, S'aill tpe lirll: KingJErhat there might be no rnill:_a~ing) .. \Vtth hts M>mmtthg; rherecameild~ra,·eto hi'm!" TlieSpirit'of Go n camemdeed •pon him, but he \Vas anointed, andg~ne from saniudlirll:: And thefameSpirit as it' tSam.!O ,,,~ came, fo it wen,t, andlefrhim afterward : atld Go·n's Aminttli•hee was, oef'ore"it t5am.•. 6 ·'"'· . • . . R~