Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Jtis 1111 Jtg4 tuttdi. ~311t, '·i· Ofthe CoNSPIRAou Sermon 3 , came, andGods anointedhe remained afcer it was gon;~ before, and is fo termed byDavidcen rimes ar theleaft. . . an VnxitinRtger", ~oyall uncciongivesnograce, butajufiticleondy in& e to be K:ing: th~c is all, and no more. It is rheadminif/ration to governe, ~ot the<gglft to governe well: the right ofruling, not the ruling right. le includes nothing bur • du~ title, it excludes nothing but ufurpation. Who isan1inted i' Onwhom therigh~ re_ils.. Whoisi,unch~& f !Je that ha~hitnot• Suppofe Nimr~d, who cued for no anointing, thrufi himfdfe m,an? byvt~lenceufurped the Throne: came in rather like onejleepedinvinegar~ thananomtedwnh?sle; rather as a Rangerover aFomjl, than '\Father over aFam!lse. He was noanomted, norany that focommethin. But on theprher fide; J)a;;id, or he that firfr b~gt~neth a Royall rac:e,is as the Head; onhim is thauight ofrulmg firil !Jled; fro~ htm muns downe to the ne.xt, and fo !lill,even to thelowell: borders of hiS lay;fulltlfue. Remember lob, Regu. mfolio cuUocuinper– petuum. It is for ever. Gon'~ claimc: ne~er~orfeits: His character neverco be wi. ped out, orfcraped out, nor KsZJgs lofe thm nght, no more thanPatriarchs did their father-hood. Not, ~u.t that it were to bewilhed, both anointings might goe together, and that there mtght goe, as there doth, a fragrant odor from the precious ointment which is lhed upon them, at their Crowning : fo a like fent from their Verrues and they no_lelfe venerable fortheirqualities,tha~ ~or their callings; and happy th;peo– ple, qu: curnmt 1n odort ungt~ent8rum Prmcspts fas, that can trace Princeby fuch af~vour. "I:his weare to wilh for,and pray for daily, and ufeal!goodmeanes it II\:tY be. But, if it be not, eyer hold this, Allegiance: is notduetohim, becaufe he i\ 'IJilrtuoH<, religiom, or wife; bc:caufe, He is ChrifttH Domini. Let this be llil! in Y9.ur minde; Gon fairhnor, Touch Him not, He isagoodCAtholike; or,endu. ed with this verrue, or that: ToNchHimnot, He deferyeth well, orae leaft t!othno, harme. No, thefewould faile, Hefaw.; or be faid to faile, thoughthey failed not : .We lhould neverrhen have done, never h~ve beene quiet, But; thisHe faith, He is mine11nointed. Markethat well, GoD giveth noothc:rreafonhere, nor D~vid af• ter, in as evill aPrince as might be. That is the true reafon then, and we to reftin it, and!et otherphanlic:s goe. :ra•gtrt,tbe Now, by ;hofe appolntment they be fer, by His Commandemenrthey befen: ~tt forb,dd<o. <;ed: fenced from touching)and that is the lighrefi and leail;confequent!y,fromwhaf. foever is greater or worfe. Whattalke you ofNonoccides, or Neperd,u r I tellyou, Net4ngu, to11ch themt<of. )'et are we not fo lillily to underfiand it, as if one might not t~uch them acaU; not for their good : For how can they beAnlinted, but they mull be touched? No.; thc:veife beforetc;llerh us,it~fQrtheirhurt, this to11ch is forbidden•. NoNpermifit nocere, He fulferc;d_go mantodoe them hurr;tothat end faying,Touch themnot. Yea, thsvery word it felfe, without any glolfe,giveih as mueh,which isVJJ properlyplA– g~, and that is taflm noxiH<, ahurtfl\ll touch, that leaveth amarke behindeit,~ t~w. git, & a11git, as rheverfei~. For,itis good ye underftand, this phrafe is ta~en from t~e Divell: and good reafon: for whofe.foever the fingers be, histhwsdiis,wh~n !ob 1.u .&i .f Gods anointedare to~tched. He ca!leth it bur tQuching I oh.; but tuucbing, when he dtd him all the mifchiere he could devife. And his nature, and thenature_of hurtful! '· thjngs, is well fetout.byit. F~w~hings arefogood, tit intranjitt~pr#ftnt, 4st~~r only tpuch, and doegood : Evil! is farre more operative, ifitbur touchand~way' iftt but blow or.breath uponany, it is found tQ doe mifchiefe enough. .' , . . . . Tofpeake thenofthis touching, andtheextentofir, Where theScnpturedt– "J:!':!:;.~\:';~r fringuilhcth nor, neither doe we: bur let the word have his full latitude. 'l{jltlt tlllf~ m•ny "''Y'~ gere is general!, no kinde is limited; then, not to touchany manner of~ay· . 1'"'h. There is none fo !imple; as to imagine there is noto11ch,buc that wtrh thelingers · 1 · end,immediate. Themediate, withaknife, or witha J'iftoll,thatiu to!l{h;Jfwet l911chthat, whereby theyarctotlched, iris all one~ · · · J\gaine,