Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

8o6 Ofthe CoN SPI RAC lE Ser~ all, ro whom this 'J{plitewasfpoken, touched notAbrahamhimfelfe. it ;;;s--:– wronged: InSaril was Abrah~tm touthed. So Go n ell:eemedir,and ~ave hisf/~was lite tangere in that point. So, even unto herwrong,doth thistouch~xtend ra{ . i'· too, :~s being the one halfe, yea, one and the fame perfon with the Lords ~n e 10 ; 'l(gt them. Onemore yet: Fortwo kinds ofAnnointed, I find in Scriptur"~';1' / andD~vids: the one ineffe, the other infore: onein being, the other to be. lfn 4 ''-' had beene touched (Saul yet living)though but Annointedto fucceed,l make nod•vbd this Commandement had beene broken : For we are bound by it, to prefetvcth 0~ t nointing,not only upon thehead,but even in theflreames running downe froiU it: hn. with the King himfelfc,rhc whole race Royal! is folded up in this word every~~ af them intheir order, that not one of them is to be touchedneither. ' eo No~te , The This barre then, isfet to the t011ch every way,and to thetMchof them,andevcr ,.;ufotbiddm. of them,every way. But there IS a further matter yet. For Cifwemarkeit well)i/ nor,Netangite, but Nolitctangere : Nolite, (that is) have nor fo much asrhewi// 0 IS to goe about it : So that, not only taClm,rhe torech is forbidden,bur volum.u tan;e ~e rbe very will to doeit: Forrhatwi/listaClmanim,.,thefoalest•uch, thefoul,~ 1 ' t011ch no way but that. And Go n's meaning is ab[olute: neither body norfou~~ 1hould touch; nenher thebsdy bydeed, nor theJoule bywz/l, .And Nolitclbndeth firll:, bcginneth the Tel!t : tor indeed, \Vith that,i>theri ht Vcrfe 11. begu'!Omg. The DevilltMch·eth thewt!l, before thehAndever to11ch G 0 o'sAnn~n. ted: He clothmittere in cor, put awillinrhe hcart,beforeanydoemittm manum put forth their hand to doe it. Therefore, evenv elle tangerewas to be made acrime'and that a,·apita!l crime. And fo it is: for, in the attaindar of the twoE11n11chs (E.flh.z.) there was no· more in the Inditement, but voluerunt, they wo~t/dhavec!one it, they '}'otddhavetot~ehedAha[turm: rhatbnng proved, was enough; they died, and died Jull:ly for the wt!l,though no to:tch followed. PJtty It 1hould beotherwife. He tOttch. tthnot alwayes, that hath awill to touch; bath a lVI I to tMchrhethroat,toreciJtthbut a tooth. What though~ To breakeNolite, voluit is enough 5 andvoluit, he would have touched, at another place. They that bid the F1wderready, and lighted the march, it was but volummt; (as Go n would) it touched not any : but righteous and jull: was their execution. To teach them, or othersby them, Netangite is not it : :l'(glitet.mgere is thechatge: and, if you breake 'l{g!ite onely, it is enough,;thoughTangereand ir,never hapro meet. Theemnt of Ofwhich Nolite,l hold it very perrinentto touch theextent al[o (as I did even now !:!~t;;;cl.. of tangere, the touch it felfe) and of theper(ons, to whom it may reach; that1ve may clicch. fee it, it is true in the verfe before, 'l(gn reliqnit hominem, he leaves not out aman, he exempts not any from it. I will not once fpeake of SubjeCls, no queflion of them: over whom they are Annointed, them it touchethneer~ll:, and bindeth them fafl. But this, I fay, that even forreimrs, borncoutoftheirAllegiance, arewirhinir. The Amalekite was a.firanger, none of Sa11ls tie.ges, borne out ofhis dominions; yetdied for faying, he had touched SAtil : And that 1heweth, that even.AlieiiShere fortiuntur forfti>IJ ratione ddiCli,and that they are intended, within this 'l{glite. I z ~ Sam,1.9. ~ 3· 3 Yea,even fuch Aliensasare in open holl:ilirie, even at that time,rbey are in Campt and in Armesagainll: aKing, they are barred by this Nolite, and are to fpan;him•. So faith David in his mourning.fong forSduls death : He blames there the Phdzfiems, >sam. r,>r, as if they had donemorerhantheymight, infotot~chingSaul,confideringhewasa King with holy oyleannointed,as if they ought, even in tharrefpeCl, rohav~ fpared him. So that this Noliteis a Law, of Nations, making theirptr{onsfofacred,as even in the barrel], they are to be forborne,and their lives Caved. . Yea,ifwe look to the words next before,it is given even to Kings,thisTouchnot. The parties were Pharaoh King of lEgypt, andthetwo A6imelechsKingsofGmr, and even they in particular charged, not to to11ch (for Pharaoh did tot~eh : ) not to 'j'U to to11;h (for Abimeteoh went no further.) Kings not totouch them, none bur G1 1 f . 11#1"