Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~GoWRIES, 8o7 ~As if it were another Law of Natims, not one King totortcbanother. ~~:~yverrue of this No/ite, eac~ ~o fpare, and tO fave th~otherslife. . . > And the difference mReh~wn maketh here no let .for, thefe bemg JFgyptrant dPhilijlims to whom it was g1ven; there can be no greater dlffercnce,than between a~ and th; Patri,~rchs in the wor!bip of G o i> : for all that, not to touch them \em h Vvhich is admtbefantiam noftram, to our !bame,that Heathen men,andldo- , Cor.G_.; ; lat~~~ ;~ere kept from it by this charge,and now (1will not fay) Chrifl!ans, but holy Religious men, Frim,an4 Pmjls, yea anci Martyrs forfooth;wlll nor be heldmby ir, but they will be touchmg. . . ·. . . . , Andla£1: ofall,this re!iramt ofwtll and deed, lt IS not mthejingular, Nolt, :o this 6\ orthat private man; it is in theplrtrall, Nolite, and fo ~eacheth to whole mulmud~s. Nolite, will ferveeven people andCountrm, to rell:rame :hemalfo. I wonder at 1t; It is Godsmanner, to give his preceps in thefingular '. Wltndfe the.wholeLaw, and all the tm Commandements in it. How happeneth 1t, the number IS here changed~ Some what there is inthat. He faw,mt~ltitudes might alfay it, as well as fiogle men, and take·liberty to themfdves,thinking to be privilcdged by their number. To make fure,he putteth it ina num~erthat enclo~eth them too. For,be they many, or be t~ey few Nolite will take them m,all. So,nelther subJec1,nor Altcn, not Enemy,nor Kmg, nor'People; nor one Religion, nor other; norone, normany; Nmreliqr~it hominem, . None left, none exempt, not any to touch them,not any towiH to touchthem. For, · with1\.glite, Godtoucheth the heart : and fo many as Godcoucheth their hearts, will haveidem velle,& nolle, make His will, their wi/l,and will obey it. This is the fumme bftheChilrge; Here istheDouble Fen,·e I fpoke of. Touch not,By which He raifeth (as it were) an high wall about them,that none may reach overto them. And then,with 1\.glitt, diggeth deep evenin profundtlm cordi4, the very depth of the heart; call:etha trench there: and [o they be double fenced. Or you may (if you will) call them the chembin's two wings fpred overHis Armoin.ted, to protetfthem: T•uch not, one wing i Nolite,thcother,reaching;asthe Chembim'sivingsdid,from one wall to the other,co– vering them from all, that none may come any way to doe tMm hurt. And by this wefeethefull of this Text.We fee it,but we aretofeele it alfo ;and fee whether the ;rext bewhole,whetherit bewell kepr,and have taken no hurt. · Thechdrge is fbort,ye fee ;anHemiflichion,but halfe a verfe; Touch not mine An- H ·. nointed;fourewords only, and butlix fyllables. Onewould thinke, it might well be is ~;1:;:;t'1 carried away;and well be kept. But,as !bortasiris, we fee it is not though; For,the · very Text is t•uchedand broken. And,Ifpeake not of inferior tortchings, that every tongue is walking, and everypenbufy, to tou,·hthem and their rights, which they.are tohave,and their duties which they arett> doe; And if they doe not,then I know not "ivhat,nor theinfdves neither. This is to much, but I would it werebut this. Hands have been bufy oflate,and that in another more dangerous manller.Two fearefull examples we have, in two great Kings. One, no very long timdince; the' other,very lately made away :nor fo farre from us, but rhat they may, and (I trufr) doe tor~eh us. Whadhall I fay; I would this were the worll:. Yea, I would this were the worfr: For, this hathhappened in formerrimes too~ 'fhis :Pfalm~, he that i.ndited and f~t it (David) he living, Ifobofheth his n~ighbour Kmgwas lbme upon htsbed. The hke hath happen~d then : broken it hath beene,irl former ages. But then upon revenge, orAmbition, or hope of reward, or fome other fintfler refpeet: never, upon C~nfcience,:md Religion,rill now. 1-{glite tangere,was !!ill good Divinitle, rill now. The text it felfe ne•tertot~ched,nevercaken by rhethroar TbeTm " before, andthecqnrradicrory of it given in charge, [To11ched they may be, tBttch them r,ue ""'';~, notwtthflandmg :] never bookes written to make menwilling toGods Nolite before. and • N•b<e Baanah h h f d {] rn.b' ,/1, h . h ldh giYentolt. d • eupon ope o rewar , ewJJ" 'J"et : Btgt an, uponrevenge, wou ave one the hke to his Liege-Lord. Zimry, upon ambirion,llew his t.M.[fer. Bur Religi– on. camcneve.rforth with theKnife in her hand, till now: a Kings life was never a facnfice to·expiate finne,before. · · l3 b b b z An;d ' '