8o8 Ofth-eCoNsP~~. l 3 I .Mari41J«• :Pag.st. 2 Pog,6o. 3 /-'>g.6J, . Andwill yee but confider the great odds bet~ late~ They,ever, yer .they went about it call how to cfcape; and when the htdefeof it fled and hid themfelves,as guilty to themfelves of evil! they had done ·~h}. ~one not an inch,asif they had don.e~hat,they mightwclllland to. Thofefor~er1 c,;rre ever comme, at theu end dctdhng the ad,and crymg Go t> mercie : thefe Y"' ew joyce in it,as if by it they had done Go t> a peece of good fervicr. TbeQ ~ow re. ever acrime, and a grievous crime, and they that did it, weregenerally upo~th'tfi~ report, ever condemned by all men,none to defend them : Now it is multi;1"de . r b k · fi d 1 · {l'fi r ' '· antz. btt< (you know the. oo e) 1t n enmany t~ Ju ~ e, nay to prai,eit, & i1nmortalzt~. te dtgnum jttdtcanttbtt<, and thmke them WO!thy Immorta!JtJC, for their WOrthy et Ye;~ write they not further~ Pr-..clare cum rebm humanis ageretttr,ji multi. It 1 a •· ' ·f h 'd · r ·f' 1 · li , vcrea merrie world, 1 t ere wou, many 10 ~xerc11et mr ngers, to keeperheminure. And to Kmgs themfelves (G? n s Annomttd) dar~ they not fay~ This is falm.,i; cogiwio, an wholfomemedttatiOn fo~ ~hem next thet~ heart,to thinke fe ea conditione vivere, they l1vc m that cafeorcondmon 1 ut m~ fol"mJure, that they may not only be ilaine lawfully, fed CMn laude, & glomz pertmt polfum; but to the praife and glo of them that Jhall doe it. How now ! What is become of ourText r Of 'Ji(.glitet:!. gere :-"irh thefe·~ Are ~~e not fallen into llrange times, that m~n dare thus print and pubhlh, yea, evenpr.tiltcArepeccat!•m fuum, preach and proclarme their finnes, ~en thefe linfull, and l11amefull polinons, to the eyes and earesofthewholeworld~ Whereby, Go _n s Annornted are endangered, mens {ot~!u are poyfolled, chrifli•" B.e!tgton IS blalphemed, as amunhcrer of her owne Kmgs, Go _n in His charge is openly conrrad,ded, and men made bdeeve, they lhal! goe to heaven, for breaking 'Gon s Comtwandemenu. Th!!CenrorC uponM.:ri~tna !Jlc. But now,we haveall grear caufe td rejoyce: ihe Book iscondemned,if wemay beleeve ir. Whether condemned or no, thatweknownot: thisistoofure,eleven yeeresagoe, fet ootit·was, and tb~tauthorized, andfo went eight wholeyeares,by their own confellion,and e~en the whole eleven,for ought that we know. How went it forth foallowed at the lirll ~ How went it fo long uncontroled; withoutan Index exp11rgatorituar leall ~ But now lately we have newes, that iomefew yeares lince, it was cenfuredina privie Provinciall Counfell. Bur, thar was,as llrange a Cenfure, as ever was heard of,a Ccnfurefobfilentfo,kept clofe,and none knew ofit but themfelves :fall or loofe; Cenfure, or oo Cenfure,as they pleafed. If any fuch cenfure were, \'l'hy maderhey it not as publike as their Approbation~ The Approbation the world feerh : rheir Cenfure we but heare of; and peradventure it is but a tale, neither. Why came irne· vci· to light, till thedeed was done; and it was too late~ Why heard wenor 14<o6s voice, till we had felt E{au's hands~ But this is all they have to fay forthcmfclves: afterfo great a loff'e, this we mufl be faine to take for payment, Bur, I aske, ·is it condemned~ Indeed no, but the·mltter fofainrly carried,as all they C:1y !landing for good, he that will give the like atrempt againe,may. For,whac · fay they~ AnFjurper maybedepoj(d,fothey all agree. And is it not in thepower of Rome,romakean rfurper whenit will~ If hehavcnorighr,he is an rftrper: If he be lawfully depoj(d,hisright is gone: Ifhe but favour Herericks; nay,rbough he favour them not,the Pope maydepoj( him, 'l{£n hoc tempore, (edcumjudic<hit exptlizre: and that done, he hath no right, then is he an r[urper, and ye may touch him, or doe wtth hilll whatye will. . , What C:1y they rhenfunher ~ LAprivAte m<n may not doe it, 6y hts ownt4~thorzty. Not by his owne,but may be by fome other~ Bdike,fome other then there ts,wl!er· by he may. Amhoriry then there is, and it may be given,aod when iris g(ven~tm, hemay doe it. And fo weare where we were before. And this is theircondemmng: i.ndeed the condr.mnation of the world, if they lovedarkenejfe [o weU,as to bee delu· dedby it. • Firfl,