Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 3· ofthe Go WRIEs. Firft, they will doe it : will doe it~ Hav~done it, tot~ched,tMchedinrhehighell: degree, again(l:Tangere. I~ may beagamll: t.he•r wills; nayvoluntarie, have dope it wittingly,and willingly,agam!l: 7{glztt. But, rtmay be,repent themfelves: Norrhat: For, they give a charge:agamfl: this charge, wrllmg m~n,andmakrng men willing, to doe flat again(]: it, ro to11cb, even theText, and breakert, and fpare not : by holdmg.; They may be tOtichcdfor allrt• Wlut is- then ro bee done of us~ The more bufy they, to fugge(l: the Devills The :rw it • • 2 h . n. 11 G ' h fc!fc <obcpr<• motion, Milte manHm, .c7 ta~ge; t e more earneLt we, to ea on . o n s c argc lcrVc-d :~nd ' • here N 9 lite ungm chriflos E]tu. The more refolute they,to be toucbmg; the more kcptuotmh'~ careful! we io looke to their fingers, The more they endeavour to breakc down this d~ublc fen~e; themore we to labour to fl:rengthen ir. How will that bu Our felves not ro to 11 ch them ~ I will not fpeake of that, for fhame. I truft, Go o hath fo tou. ched all our hearts, asweedeten:theleaftthoughtthatway. Neverwasany,truly partaker of the inward v!nnointing of a Chriftian man, b~t hewaseverfafl:and firme to the royall v!nnointing. That we wtll doe: and dmrs not all ;(I trufl:) wee will doe more than fo,even provide a7X.glite tangere for theText too, keep that from toMhing, and that will keepe Go o's v!nnQinted untouched : Keepe one, keepe both. Three perfonstherebeintheText: r. God'sAnpointedthem[clves, touching Bythetin<e wbomitis<>iven. z. Weal!, Nonreliqr~ithominem, notleavingamanof us out, to wtonsmtll.~ whomitis!;'ivcn. i· And HethatfaithMeos,Godthatgivethir. Thetwo firfl:,todoe rw. their parrs~ward ir,we to looketo ours; and Godwill comein at His rurne, and no~ faile with His part,we may be fure. . Let me begin with chriflos Domini, whom it toucheth : that they would be tou0 d ~ 'I! ' chedwith it, and not lay to this touch, nor careldly goe where they 1/.,' """ ~ may he within the reach, or fall into fuch fingers,as tickle tobctouchingthcm : Not · to put it upon, ,.hat]hall he, {hallhe. ~"efthon£, &Joltd£jidet, fie omnza ad volunta· tem Dei referre, & ita.!dt~lari, adttnHmquemque dicendo, :l(jhilfierifine j 11}fione Ejus,u: non inte!ligamtu aliquidejfe in nobis ipjis. It is Tertullian : and moft true it is, that it is neither good nor found Divinity, in thefecafes, to put all upon the will of God, and every one ro flatter bimfe!fe or others faying; Nothing can be done without God will, but to conceive aright, that withall thereis fomewhat that bdbngs to our parr. Therefore fubordinare!y to ferve God's providence, with our 01vne circumfpecc fore– light and care, knowing, that His providence doth not alwayes worke by miracle• This day it did: every day it will nor doe fo. That Hegives His Angelscharge over. rfai.Jir...: them th.z tempt him not, tlut doe not mittere Je deorfum, call: themfe!ves wilfully in- Monn.4.e. to danger. That B.dta~~:,ars dayIs were numbred, when he forgat his duty,not before. ~!.~:~~~~· That Hee bath indeed promifed tofave His Annointed : but HepromifedSaint Pars! All.>7.l~; alfohis life, and alltheirs rvithbim intbejhip, and that by aiJ Angelt .: for all that, Paul J ~·. would nor let rbe :Mariners goe away with the boat,but cut thu~pc, andfayd,I/ the[e tarry 11ot in thep,;p, we cannot be Javed, for all theAngels promife. Let His AnnoiJJted fay,and doe thelike: keepe your Mariners about you in the mmeof God, keepe your feives wtth that fiareandguard,thatismeete for theMajeflieo{Princes: and thinkGod faithro you, Chrifli mei, nolite tangi, beyon willing to keepe yo11r felves from being l#llcbed,and I for my parr,will not be behinde• . This wayonely isnowlefrthem. Anothcrwaytherewas, that Go o'sAn• Exod. 19 .,,-; ~omted, mtght not be tettched; to fer tiffsaboutthem, asabourtheholy 011:otmt, rhat · Is, Lames; whereby (that defperate wretches might not touch God's v!nnointed) God's LAnn•inted might touch them firft, I finde v!bimelecb made a Law to Gcn.>6,u' fhengthen this Law of God, madea Ji(l:aboutthis very Nolite, a Law upon paine of -' Morte morutnr. And this was wont to keepe them from approaching. Bur, if that wluch fhould g•ve fl:rength to the Law; and make it a Law to the confcience, Divi. mtre, tf that becorrupted, if it be a matter of the wi/l,asappeareth byNolite,and the wh//bcmade wtlfull (an horrible fin, being now become an hcroicall and holy aer:) t efe hfis wtll nor holdrhcm, the Lawcommcth too late. For, if men growwilfull, Bbbb3 Ub