810 Ofthe Co N s P r RA c IE it is well knowen, Vit.t alien.e Dominru eft, quifquis contemptorcfl [H.t, And, h would not beContcmptor [11.e,if he may be furc to beComprthen(or «tern,. .1 Then~ 0 but once perfwade them, that forrheir touching they !hall flraight goe to heaven a 0 d no Annointcdlhall ever fiand before them. :i'{glite is gone then : take order for'~ n ~~m~ - Our partthen is (and to us itis fpoken~ and to us pro~erlydmh 1(olitebe!ong.) Every man m h1s ~lace to doe h1s befi. 1hey that are H1s Prtefts, by bowing their knees datly, andltfnng up rhm hands t~ God: They that m the ~lace of ConnJe!l,by all the wayes of wifedome : They rhat m the Seat o£Iufttct, by )Ufi and due executi– on: All, by all the meanes they can, ·-?anc talem terru avertere peftem, todcvife and procure(if it may be) ne vclmt,rhat ev1lld1fpofed hands wouldnot: buthowfocver nepofint,rhat they may no_r be able (1fthey w~uld) to to~ch Hi> Annointed.Itmultb~ in parr, by carrymg a conunuall eye, and keepmg aconnnuall watch over them. or a fhorrer way,by removing them farre enough off,that are in any likely-hood to doe it: and tholebe fuch,as hold, Gods Annozntedbetangibiles, and may be; nayiofome cafe, betangendi, and ought to be touched. N•m.xG.,. Go v Himfelfe inCore's cafe andDathan's (who went about to toucb<JJto(esand 24 • AAron, not intheirperfons,but efiatcs only) l11eweth us the befi way : Hegave order that a generall ~lit' tar.gere went out againfi them and theirs, that no manfhoulcl come neer< them,but all iliunnethcm and their company,as having them in a oenerall detefiation. Gods courfe wonld be followed; that feeingtheir cenfcienm ar~ feared and they feare not Gods voice here from heaven, they might feele the full difcovery' of His vengeance upon earth, and might alfure themfelves, upon the lea/! meafureof but a lVifl to touch,but a ,,;i/lto doe that execrable Ac7,to incurre an univerfall dete/la– tion, to have alt rife againfi them,to have all rhe hatred of earth powred uponrhem and theirs, to bethcout-cafis of the Common-wealth, and the0!1artnath'sof the Church; yea,they and their names for everro be an abhorring to a\1 flefh. Nothing in this kinde is too much : this way, if no way elfe to keepe them from it : which is GodH!!nrclfe \'V'i!l JOync ~vuhthem. Gen.t2., 17 , leffe than they l110uldfuffer, but all that we can doe. The befi is,ifwe faile not in our duty; though neither we, nor the Annointed, can take perfcCl: orderagain!l:them,the-Annointer can; can, and will, as this day He did. .And the rather He will doe it,in the time to come,if we turne to Him,to thanke Him forthat is pall. ToHim then let us turnc, that He may take the matter into His owne hand. IfHis 2'Z!!litetangerewill not prevaile,His Nolo tangi,will: and it He fay, No/~ tangi,bave they never fo bent awifl,doc what they can,they iliall not (forrheir lives) be able to doe them hurt. Two points there be in this charge, both expreffed in the verfe next befor~,?{§1:1 permiftt,He fuffered none to attempt it ; Sed corripuit, but them that did, Heput them to rebuke. Put to rcbt~ke,we rurne Corripuit; it is properly to take up iliorr,and that is, bya touch, or rather by a t!Vitch. And fo he bath everdone,and fo He will ever doe: Tangentes tangentur, or rather tangmtes corripientar, if they touch, they fhallbe twit· chcd, bee taken l110rt, and cut l11ort for it (all the fort of them.) Have beene (I am fure.) . . I begin with Corrip11it : forthat never faileth : for fure, Godwillnodutter H:• Armointed;nor chrift, Hi> Synonymo's,tho[eof Hisname,to be touchedfor nought: tf not Hisnameit felfe to be takm,neither thole tint beareit to be touched in vame. And there is nothing more kindly,than for them that will bet011ching, to be tottchedthcm– [elves, and to be touchedhomc,inthe fame kinde,tbemfelves thought to havctou:hed others. You may fee it in the fir!l:, in Phara~h, the very firfi,that touchedtheP~tmrc~ .Abraham. It isfaid, Goo touchedhim for it (and it is the very fame wordwluchGo ufeth here inwilling nor to touch:) Godt011chedhi1~1 and_touchedhim,taf!ib~U ma:<tmud with many agnevous touch : we read, plaguedhtmwHhmany pl~g,w. ~nd tndee _ He totecheth them fo, that Hepl.<gueth them that havebeene bufiem thts kmde. Gu: V!JUS are the touches they are touchedwith here on earth; of pincers red- hot, and bot– ling Lead: bur, who knoweth the Nttchcs of the place, whether (being unrepentant) they