~~j~·---------o~f-~_e __ G __ o_w __ R_r_&_s_._______________ .8_r_r_ ~needsgoe ~ which,bdides that they aremaximi (in another manner of de1 ey~Jan fhefe here) are .etcrni withall, and not ended in an howre orrwo as thefe ~;:~ tTaC!ibuo maximis tangentur, they ihall bee toi1chcd indeed throughly, as the iirll:was. p· "' h r 1 l I' I Id · · And look,as He began in the atnarc s,10 1at1_1e ever 1e . on mH" Annointed, the Kings that enfued. Thefir(l: that everrouched h1s Kmgs,_BaanaandRechab, were •Sam. 4 ;,; touched for it : and cur /horter, both by the hands, .w~1erew1th ~hey touched, and the · feet, wherewith they went about lt. Aske the reO:, 1f lt were good tollt·hmg. Shemei , R<g. ,; 46 ; touched,but with the tongue; hts necke wasto~tched ~tththe [wo_rd. BtgthanandTha- El!<i.•.•l, c• [aid nothing did nothmg but onely With thmwt!l : thetr neckes were touched ~virh the halw}ta{iibuo ma.><ima, the greateO: touchortwitch that is here. And fo (to make il10rt) were all the reO:, even tothofetwo that were~h1s day pm to a foule re6 11 ke,and c/lt jhort in their going about it. Bdides the Cherub1ms wings then,to pro– tetl Kings, here you have, inCorripuit,the blade of a[word il1aken,to keepe the way torhem. But what comfort is it,if Corripttit cmne to the malefaClor,if he be cut /horr,and By Nm ptr:' ifche King mifcarry wirhall ~ BaanaandRecbab, they that killed Ifl'fDfbetb, were c~<t fit. fbort, i11orrer by theheads; but Ijbbojheth,hedied for it. I ~onfeife,:herets final~ comfort inCorripuit, unleffe 'l{gn permijit necere, goewithall; m/hortmn~ them, w_1rhout favin<> His Annointed. And that IS our comfort, the comfort of this day,whtch we meet ~o givethankes for,that both thefe went together,'l{gnpermifit nome, andCorri-: pt~it;both. You know,atthe~egi~ning I :o.ld you, befides that it is aCommandemcnt,it is a!- The ,h,nH ifoa Thankf!;ving. It IS fo,m chat it IS a vcrfe ofaPfalme ofHalleittja,the firft Ff8lme ving. g · of Hallel~tja,of allthetwemy. . Now in that He hath placed this duty,and fer it in aP{alme,I-Iis will is,men /hould tome ro it with plcafure, cheerefully,_and as it werejinging. When we fpeake of ir, pf,l.u!.r4: we doe it jpec,.latwely; when we fing it, that would bewtth ajfeilton. In that it is in rhefir(l: Hafleluja of all, it /hewerh(as I thinke) that Go o's A11· nointedarerheper[1ns, which (faith theA poftle) Ante omnia, before all, weare topray 1 r· 2 .. for : which (faith the Prophet here)beforeall,weare toprlti(e God for; forth em, and 'm·.'·'· their keeping out of evill hands. Their fafery we arero put in our firO:Halldt~ja. This Hallel,.ja isaPfalmepurpo[ely for the bringing home of the Arke. And that ~ !hewerh, His Arke, and His Annointedare allied, and that no fooner is rhe Arlrewell Ve~fc ' ' come home,but this Commandement goerh forth firaight from it,fidl: ofall,before all other: That all may know,wbat account they were to make of this duty, how high regard to have Hi; Annointed in, in that the Arkes welfare and theirs,arefo infeparably knittogether. And indeed,experience hath taught it; The well [erring ofthe Arke, dependethmuchupon the fafeiy of the Printe. N01y this Pfalme, as it wasfung with all the muficke could beinvented,ofwind, - of hand, and of v6ice, to /hew, the prefervationof Kings is a benefit extraordinary, v r. 4 , that requireth fo folemne a thanklgiving: <'' 1 ·••· Sobe~des, it is ordered eve!y d~yafrer? to be fungjagitercoram Aro·J (that is) to 5 be the ordmaryAnthemeof thmdatly fervice : to il1ew, it is a duty perpctuall, that V<rfc 37 • needs fo daily a remembrance,to wit, the care of their prefervation. ' For laO: ofall,that al the praife and thankes here in the I'falm,are for rhisNolite, ~ that all the P(almwas fetto come to this verfe; it is plaine. There beninetierwoverfes more in the Pfalmeit felfe (it is the hundrerh and fift P(itlme.) But affoone as ever they once come to this ver(e,all the refi,lll the verfes follo;ving,:ue cutoff; they goe n? further ~~the Pfalme, than till they come to it ; ·and then brcake olf ail rhofe be– hmd,and !hatght goe to another Pfalme : (for, this is all of the hundrerh and fift, and the next verfc is the firO: of the ninetie fixt Pjalme.) So rhar, this verfe plainely was the endand t•p-jl>ot of all the Pfalmebdides. :B b bb 4: pf