Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

__ s_r_2___________ 0_V_!_h_e__ <=_o __ N_s_P_r_R_A ___ cx &_______ ~ __ se_rm® 3 , Of this Verfe then,of ~isN~litetangere~ ~nd of Hi< Noli tangi,befidesof af . n:lous Nonpermifit nocere m th1s kmd, this day IS amemonall to us,and 10 all . a· fierity, even to the children yet unborne: In Go o's Annointed, not touched lour po. fay, for touchedheewas, and more than touched : But, in the touch, there is n~annot matter (we faid)but for thehurr;fo that in the cnd,net hurt,is as good,asnot tou~h~~t As good,nay better,for aHallel"]"· Forro be touched, as he was, and totakcnoh ' is agreater delivery farre, than at all not to be touched. To goe throu~h the Red ~rt, and not wet athreed :To have beenc in the fornace,and no jent ofthe"jire· that· eha, . b h d d ' ,1St C m 1racle. So,tohave eenetouc e ,an taken bythethroat(thatthemarkcwast b fecne, ma!lY dayes after;) To be thru(Lct,and throwm downe, as Hewas, and ye~n~ I1arme(H.c ejlpotentca)Herewas the power,andherc was the mercy of God. H . was cerraindy,and thatfo fmfibly, ye might even touch it. ' erelt And. here HaUelt~Jafirfl : and .we to praifeHim; that whenNolitetangm,would notferve mword, made_Non perm_ifit nocere, t~ ferve Indeed : Cameforth, firll, with 'l:{onpermifit nocere, as With H1sf/mld, and fo ll11elded him that he futfered him not take any hurt atall; Annointedthe ll1ield, made idlipper~, their hands fiid off, rh:~ 1or1ch dtd h1m no h_arme. Nonpermifit,wasas H1s fll1dd,that Hebrought fonh 10 fave him. Butbefides1t, Hebroughtfo_rrh. H1s fwor~too,and cutthem fbon: Corrip•it eos,was H1s fword,_ touched th~m With It, a~d tWitched them for touching 'Hil Annoin. ted, touchedthemWith Pharaohs tac7&rnax11m, that the markes of it will be feeneup. on them and theirs,for ever. · For eithe~ ofchefe feverally,a feverall Hal!eluj4: but efpecially,fornot fevering them, but lettmg them meet and go_e together; Ercpmt,. andCmip11it, both joyntly arme marme. Not eitheralone, tillS or that. Notpermifit nocere, fed corriprtit, fuffe– red them to doehurt, bur rebuked them : No,bur N•»permijit,6· corripuitborh,fuf– fered them not ro doe any hurt; and rebuked them, and cut them fhorttoo be· fides. , And this happy conjunction ofthefe both,isit,which maketh the fpeciall increafe of ourthankes thisyeare, more than thela11, or any before. For rhat,fince,and very lately, Go o, that fulferednotHim, bath futfered fomeother King, to be touch<d,as farre as his life. True: He that did that execrable aCt, Corripr•itwm, Go o touchtd him, touched him as he did the Mounraines, Tange montes; & fr•migab11nt, touched him, rill he fmMkedagaine. What of that~ In themeanetimeagrwPrince r< fol· /en, Burpcrmifit »ocere, Hefutfered the King to take hurt : And as for nonpermijitno· cere, G o o did not Him that favour. Not him, but ours he did: And did it,forthe manner,not without mimle,ifwe compare the cafes. For, Hewas then fitting in the midfl of divers his Nobles. No likely-hood, that any would come neere h1m, to otfer but to touchH1m : If hed1d, there was odds, there would have bin many anonpermijit, he iliould ncverhavebHI fi.llfercd to doe it. One man, for all that, one, and no more, did it; Divers wereneere him; Noneof them,All ofthem kept Himnotfrom his harme. Butom,wasalla· fone,lllllt up, and fo left as one forfaken; not many, nay not any,no helpatall,neere him. And not one alone, and no more, but three there were to touch him :yeteven then,even in that cafe, Godn~nfCrmijit nocere,[u(l'ered nor,not any of them, nor all of them,totouchhim,foas they did him any h11rt, , And even inthemanner of theNonpermijit, Godll1cwed himfdfe more than mar. vellous: fm , it was not, Godonly futfered him nor eo be hurt; but miraculoufly hee made,that of them,that came to breake His 'JI{plite, evenof them, one, that was\er, that was ready armed to have touchcd,and to haveh11rt him, he,even that pa.rne,No,; permifit,wouldnot, did nor fiifferthc other to doe him anyh11rt; fed corriprrit,but r7· bukcd him, gave the :l'{gli tangere to the other, fpake this very Texr, and flayed Ius lund,that would have done it, This was aNon permifi; indeed,worth aH•ilelnJ•,an~ after it came there at the leafl tluee other Non permijit smore. But I havep1efume EOO m~ch already: I will not enter into ~hem,bur end. Jh