Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe C o N s P 1 R A c I E Sermon +• that) they did Davidnoharme : hut yout .Majefiies like deliverie,will come in . mind~ Who,that Davids e11emits were .(rnitten down: but it will lead him tlrai r~his to the very lame end 6f Yours. And who can doubt, that it was the fame ha gd rro arme, and of the fame Godin both~ And that He, that did the one,did the orh;r ~nd King D.:vid, He is ih Scriptures, notperfona Regu only, the perfonof aK: but Perfona Regum, li -perfon reprefenring al~y<"ingsto come afte: him; fuch fpeci'~f; as with D4vid, ferve andworfhip Go o fn truth. We doefafelythereforc wh ~' faid to him,applietothem all,fince he is the type of them all. ' at Is Bur mofifafely, to fuch a King (if any fuch be)where;there is a correfpond of like events betweeneDavidand him : that, what was Covenanted to the 0 ence performed to the other. For there G o o Himfelfe is our warranr, and even p~e,rs us fo roapplie it. mrs Ashere now;. I find a prophecie, or apr~mife. A p~ophecic: of Ethan(liisis rhe P,[alrne) or aprom1fe of Go ~· And I find thl.s prophme.ful_lilled: and this protnife made good to your <.Ma]tjlzt. What prom1fcdto llavzd,madegood to You . 31 d made good this Day :What is faidintheText,doneon the Day. Whatdoub:w 1 then to applieit to the prefenr ~ And, finceitfell on this day, what better daythee this,for me to treat,or You to heare,or for us all tothanke Go ofor it~ an The Text hath the name, from the firfiword of it, I have found. Afinding itis. Twowayes,mayathingbefound: One,when a thing is {1undatfirl!·and never was before : Another, when it is afterward l'.ft, and fotmdagaine :Bothh;re; ])avid is twice found. Feundfirfi;and ann1intedat the I. verfe. Fou11Jagaine, anddelivmd, atthe III~ G o o foundhim firft amo»g hiuwes, tooke him thence, a11nointedhim, and of asheap. heard made him aKing. And beingaKi11g, fotmdhirnafteramonghisenemies, in danger ro lofe both crowne and life: and fo,being,as good as lofr,f,undhim againe. Ioshard to fay, wh~r.her of rhefe,is the greater : We will not ftrive,botharein the Text. And either harhhisday (!fought but for one day,but I found two) and both for our turne. • According to which(fomewhat firangely, but for <iilrpurpofe, fitly) I maydi; vide it into the XXIV, or XXV. of July, the day of your liritfindingforyour An. nointing or Coronation ; and the V. of Augnjl, the day of yourlatterjinding,for Your deliverance or prefervation. The Verfes are foure: The points in them, eigl)tCtwo in each) Of whicheighr; fomc bee paft, fome to comeintherext: (Allpafiwithyou.)Pafitwo, 1Inveni, ~ vnxi, theji11ding, thea11nointing. Tocome; all the other fix; all in the future,jha/l or will. Twoj/talt"s, '<.My hand }hall, •<.My armeJbaH. Twofoal!not's, 1 The enemy foal! liot, •The {onneof wi,·ked~:e/Jefhall not. Twowill's, 1 1will (rnitt, ,Iwillplague. And,all fixe comprifed in aLeagueor Covenant,which Go n is pleafedromake with :Vavid,upon his ann1inting : and are as {o many claufes or articles of it. Which leagt~e is made,pro& contra. Pro,with and for D;.vid,in the fecond: ~nd Contra, againft his enemies, in the two !aft. And that, bothdefenfive, in rhethtrd: And1ftnfive,in the fourth. So, a perfect Leag11e. 'r~:Dt.;Jo11; We {hall purlue it rhus. I. Of his finding, firH:. l· Then of hisannoi)ltiilg; 3· Thirdly, ofGoo' sc~venant-making with him. 4· And rei this of the co-venant· making, we will adde afourth of thecovenAnt-keeping. Which, is indeed out of the text, but not out ofrhe day though. And, wepreachonrheday,asw~Ilasont~e text. Which J.eeplng of thecovenant, I holdto be a part full as necelfane,though re be without,as the maliing ofit,though it bewithin thetext. J-hat theo,be ourfourth, and this our order~ .The