Sermon+· ofthe Go \V R IE s. THefirt!word, is I, that is G -.o D. He, is the.fPeaker,and .heJPeaker: thefinder 1.' , and theanointer -: tbefafl·h~lder and thcftrengthner: th~ nfcuer.and there. ~~~" ") J 1 vmgerofDavid,~nd in him(as the type) ofall Kings. Not onepfthefe,but · is withinthevery letter oftheText. For, this fitll: ~erfon [I,]~oeth cleanc through to the end, and (as i~ wer~) ~ngro(feth th_em htmfdfc. Ot thefindmg firfr. The points in it are foure. r. The Perfon firll:, Go is that fotmd• .z•.Then themanner, Invmi; foundby feeking. 3, Thirdly, the caufe why hefotmd Davul: for He found Him Servum_ cJUemn. All_ thefe three aremveptto•. f· And, havmg foundhim lafily, He proclatmes \there, cnes '"'"""'I have found(that ts) Inventt pr£· dicllio. . , . All Kingt, are found byGod: ButinDavid, ther~ isfpmewhatJingular. He Godf,.ndD•: was nota King only,but aKing(as we may fay) ofthefir.fl head. For,berore he was nd. fo;nJ, hewas a private man: Godfound flim, and anointed hitn (that is) ofaprivate p~rfon,made him a King. Hisfecdalfo, we_re to fucce_ed him, by venqeoftheentaile, Ver{e 4· But, he was the lirfr Kmg ofht~ rac~: as mevery race of Kmgs, there was fuch an one> ;hat at lirll: wasfoundout. In him, ,in fuch an one, ftnding'ismoll: needfull; in them that fucceed, there fhall need no fuch feeking,they arefound tO his hand; Onely .mointrhem, and no more adoe. , , .: . .. , . This then, we lindelirft; tqat Kings were of Godt finding at the firft. Ged(wc 1 fee) takes it to Himfelf~ IhA'<Jefoun,d. They are then, no humane invemi9n, devifed or takenup by man: but foundbyGod. They came not out ofmansbraine: but ex rerebrsiovis, Inventum Dei, ofqodtjin,dingforth. · · · Asofbisfi.mling,,inthisver(e: So of his exalting, inthevery next before. ~ hAve exAltedone, onecho{en. lilt of thepeople. Looke you, there comes two at once 3 extdtedand cho(en. ,Neither chofen,_nor txAltedq~'~he peop[e; but by Go .n, ont '.ftheft4plt. Notthey,outofthemfelves : but GoD, outofrhem. Markethat pointwell.. , , , , . . , . . . As, for hisfinding in this, ~nd eJfaffing in that: fo (withi!l a vcrfe ortw'o fol-· !owing)ofhisadopting too. There, Godfaith; Ho (that is) the Kingj!Ja/1 cafime,Thor~ arffJ!.Y Father. Where wefee, whe~eto hevyas cho{en; whither exalted: even, tobe th~ SonneofGod. And not every fonne neither: I:Jut His hdr,, His,eldeir, For, fo it fo!low,th, I willmake him myftrfl horve.,So Filiuo Dei pe is,p_rimogeniiut Dei: and what would we more~ Then is not David_,filimpopuli, yad_forb,id, ,Never father hi\U upon,them; l'f oadoptive, nofoundlingof theirs. His'jndiilg, choojing, exalting, cdopting, Godtakes themall, to Himfelfe. . . , , 1 • , . • . Shall Ilet you fee it .ido~ulum, this; that it was none, but. Godt Not thepeople (no colour for tqem.) Fulll~ttle knew they, or any ofthem ; not the Elderso.fBeth- , sam.,6.4;~ ~ lehem: Nor did ever imagine any fuch thing in hand, when Sam11el wem about ir ' whenDavidwaslirllfound. , ' Nay, nor theSaint!foundhim not neither, ti!i God(as it is in the verfene~t be~ fore)JPaketltheminAvijion, and told themofir. : ; . .., . .. . . . vc,ro 9 ; } Nay?not he,qfwhom there is !I}oft l~k~ly-hood_,rh.eirophet himfelfe(Samuel)he 'b~undb1m n?t! he could notfinde htm, nll G~dd1d tt (or him and faid to him, !h",; ,u. Allth1s1s, 1 Sam.I6. Thus, God, mDavtd, would let us fee at lirft,that!t was . re thatfQund Kingt, and nonebut he. If Samuel the Prophet had beeneleealone, it 1 sam, 1 6.6• .adnmbeene.KingDavid,butKing Eliab: hewouldha'vefoundhim. 1fAbiatha~ ~~Hsgh Prteft had h~d his )'vill,~t~ad not beene King S~lom,on, .~ut King Adenijah~ 1 Reg.•-7· r:; 15 :vel! knownc. So then, netther People, nor saints . nor Prephet nor Prteft ; but · od ltwas, of Himfelfe and by Himfelfe.- He to have tbe honour ofthi~·invcnti'o·n, Cccc And