Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

818 OftheCONSPIRACI& s;;;-;. . And if Kings be the invention of G o o, then are nottheir inventio~ (rhefe I mcane rh:u have beene brochcd oflare) thatjinde Kings,orfoundKin , ~ b, any but G o·n: that make Prophet, Priefi, or People, King-finders 01 t./f. pan ders, or afcribe this invention to any, but to him in the Text. This for the :gpf[.••· 1havefoimd. , . . er on, 2 Howfotmd (rhefecond) by hap ~ No, it is inveni: in rh~t wordisrheman · f,~~~tHim it. Every tonguehatha properword to fever things fought and(ofound-7rof things found without feeking :yo~ kriow··Ttl non invent A, reptrta es, David ~~~m was nor; Kings are not repertt, httupon ~t adventure, orfiumbled onbychan ~ they are not:\' ";'X'''":'· No,they are inve.nti :' firfi f~ught, ~nd fofound upon fear~~: Will ye heare rr tottdemverbu? ~£jivt mtht hommem fatth GodofDavid, 1 h•ve fought meout A man, 1 Sam,13.14• . , Nor, rhatany is htd from Him, that He need feeke Him; butinourown phrafe to expreffe to our capacities, how Go o fiood affected to the havin of Kings. So fer to have them, that ratherthan nor have rhem, He would doeas ~ee doe, even rake the paines to feeke them out. Now, the endeavol!r to feeke isfrom no vclleity, no f.aint will ; No, it is from a defire that faine \vould linde. And that defire, is trom no meane conccit(ifit come, fo it is; ifnot, no great matter·) bur from fome fpeciall good conceit, we have ofthat, we feekefor; tharweholdit worth the timewefpend, worth the labour we befiow about it. All is burroiliew t1s the worth ofr~is invention. For it is no meane thing (wemay befJre)that God tv:U fee!ce. Seekmg them, He fl1ewes, He holds them for fuch, as He would not be without them Himfelfe; He would not have His people in any wife, be 1 virhout them. And that He would not have them thought as good lo!l asfoHnd, but e!lee. ined forfuch by us,as ifwe had them not, we would (by His example)fer ourfelves to feeke them feriouOy, and neverleave, till wehavefoundrhem. This forrhe inanner. . t . . .But thenthirdly; feeking, why {llt~nd HeD4vid, rather thananyother~We X 0!'"d '"' hu fiode the reafon ofthat, inServtlm meum, becaufe HefotmdnimHisfervant, For a """'"'· fervam He fought, ro whom He might committhehighefi point of His fervice, the care ofHis people. And He found him fo zealous for His Hocke, to keepc them from being a prey to firange beafis, as He thought him meete, to bemade of F.ft~r 'ovi11m, Paffor homintlm. He found him fo devour at his fervice, that He fer him in fuch a place; as ifhewere theServant of Go o he might make ttnthot~faNdmlrtbe·. fide himfelfe; Thefe two words then; We may not fiip over; the claime of the Covenant(af. ter) lyerh by them. And if the Covenant bath nor beenekepr~irha~y,irharh beene fordehulrof'this, tbatl:)eehath fotmdhtm; hrm, butnothtm, HuStrrMnt. Yea, if any King be {011ndby Go o before he doe, or by cou:fe of na_turecan doe him any fervice (fuppofein his cradle;) yet even to fucha one, IS not thJS word, without fruict. It bath h\s ufe (this) noronlyinmakingrhemrobefPsnd,buttn keeping them from being Lri.fl. Forthe fame, that was the way to befPufJdatfidl: the very fame, is the way nor robe loft ever afier. And it concernesDa11rilorany, as neerly,not robe loft againe, as it cloth at firfi to be foHnd. . Now, if David looke Well to rhefe two worcis,and lo!erhem not,Codwtll not \ofe him (he may be fure,) but be at hand llill ready todefend him. Vnlcffe DavtJ lofe them, hecannotlofeG'o" : and unlelfe helofe Go o, he cannot be loft: D#· Num.J•-•6. vid ever loft them, before his enemies could doe him any harme. All BaiAAm.' ~r· ling will doe him ,no hurt; nothing bur his wicked counfaile, rounmakehtm 11 fervanr, and fotolofe Goo, andforobeeloftofGoo, andforobeelo!l,utte~· iy lofi. Lay up this then; The way to fervaria Deo, is to fervirt Deo. Andlaytt up well; Iris the only Article of Covenant on David's part: Vponr_heferwowords depends all chat followes (uponServummeum : ) If they befure,allrs fure. Andrh!S for inventio. . . . . , , , · en~ God rcls ir, Bm,llind here,invumpr~tdmttlgbelides.To fiod IS ooe thmg,to cry ''f"<d•1~ 1~,v; 1hll?Jt formd. fht