Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

.Jermon 4· of the Go WR l .ss. lhavefDundanother. One mayftnde,and keepe his owne counfell: (fo men doe for the moll: part.) But Go o hereproclatmes HrsJindmg; telsall, Hehathfound. And none doefo, but fuch as are furpnzed With JOY: as the party mtheCanticles, lnveni quem q 11 £jivit anima mea, I haveformdwhom myfou/efought, and.I wo~ld the world knew tt, I am not a little glad of1t. Commonly, where there IS care m fcektng, as before, there is joy in findm$· Joy then: andIt IS noqoy a_lone(for, one 111aygaude– rc injin 11 , keepe his )oy to hunfelf~) ?ut gaudtumcumglor:a, thts. For~ he not onely joyes in his invennon,but glonesm tt,and ~ven boafls of It, that clothmvrntumpr.e. dicare. The word (whtch he ufeth)i'•r"'-"' IS made famous by Archunedes, whom a great pailionbetwcc~eglorying and rejoyeing, firfl,. when he bad found the fi::cret of KuwHtero sCrowne. But no ldfe famous by Samt Andrew, Ioh. I. XLI. vVho, upon the finding of G H R I s -r, came running to his brother Saint I'eter,with .tfrcbimedes's cry, We have found hi!II (the UMefias) we have found him. c..Mfi,u inHe6rew Isnothina elfe but anointed: and, wee fhall fee D~vtdanomted ll:raxght. And fure,next to th~ joy ofcl,rift (Chripm Dominm) wemay place the joy ofChrif– tra Domini; and take up, our next o!i'p"'"' for him. Go o's word,wtllwell become 8r? ~ro~ . Andtowhomis this~ To his Saints: to them, hetcls it(lookethe !all verfe I•~ to His before:) As ifthey had their part in this finding, fo invites he them, to the fellowfhip 8 ''"'' by it. ofthefamejoy. Tels them, thatfuch an one He hadformd : and forthem, andfo.r their good He had foJmd him. They, to reape, fpecialt benefit by it, by thisfind. ing; therefore, they to rake fpecialt notice ofit, they fpeciatly ·to rejoyce with him for it. And whatlhould I fay, but as thisP(a/mefaith a little beforc,Beatu.rpoptt!trs qui i flit jt!bdationem, Ble([ed dYe the peopli: that can skill ofthis joy,chat can s.kill oftheir owa Ioyo£thcfi•a• good : What it is to have a King, a King found to their hand, but fpecia!ly a King, ~g.Cc ·· that is Go n's ferva1Jt. Verily, if Go o's joy bee our joy: it is to bee with us, as ''' •s! , with Go o it was; this"'"P""•· the"'"!"'" of joy. And rruely, all this Text, both that which is pafl (his care infeeking, and his joy in finding) and that which fottoweth, his honour inanoiming, his mercy in makingthis Covenant, his truth in keeping it: His refcuing them, from; his revenging them, upon their enemies: all is, but to 1hewushowmuch Hedoth, and(if we will doe, as Hedoth) how much we are to doe, even to fet by, even to joy, and glory with Him, in Inveni Davidem Ser– vum 0Mer1m. And this for his finding. Now no more adoe, but proceed to his a1111ointing. · . , . · J Foundtoa)i.; To what end then, {PUnd? .To anoint. Very many are found, very few fo f(}/m noin<. fcarce one ofmany millions. But they, that are fo found, arc eo ipfo thegreatell: per~ G d 1 • • fons, and ofthe higbell: Calling upon earth. So much is there, in this ~ord anoin- ,.;. '" '""~~ ting. And this alfo, Go o takes to Himfelfe: rmxi, no lelfe, than the former, invmi. Finds, andanoints both. The oilc i~ . ~ndboth theACl His,andtheoi/e His. Vnxi, I did it; andoleo meo,Myoyle it was G~d,. Idtd xt With. So findes Kmgs, and findes oile, and findes fingers, and at!. Nothing goeth to them, but it is Gods. . .It feemeth otherwife.. S~m11elE:ould not finde him indeed; but we finde, he did 1 sanu6.op •nomt htm though. He dtd lo, l:iur not asofhxmfelfe: what he did, in thePerfon of · · Got! ~ed~d xt. A~d the Law xs, what one doth by another, not,that other,but hinifdfetsfatd to doe tt, to be the Author ofthe deed. For this mull: frand true, that Godhere faith Himfelfe, That whofe fingers foever were ufed, Go D it was that anllotnte~ htm. And •nointedhim withoile, holy oile, Hil holy oile. 1 · I Otle: We can ne~er finde King~ in Script~re, bur frill we findc this word with With oilt• . t Jem. We finde them mot!e>and ot!e ts for commuance•.The colours ofthe Crow ne :;~not water-colours, to fade by and by; they belaid inoi/e, to !aft and to hold out ""weathers. So, inoile,not inwater.- . Cccc ~ And