Sermon 4-· ofthe Gowaiu. S 1/l&a CIItn e~, He giveth him hi; handupm it. His.cwenailt, flisut/;, and His th•n" ., Th. C . d· fi . hAnd, what can there be more~ ts ovenant tS ma eas urc, as can be, Andas furely l<ept, .w.e{hallfee an_on. . . . . . . .. . • .. . . The fidl Article ofthiS Covenant,the a~ttcle of Inpmm;, 1s that Hts1w 3 djb~fl The iiill :n.i hIdhim fii.JI, ~r ejlabtijb : the fecond, that His arme fb~/1Jlrrngthen btm : (that is) f«ood articl'" 'vcnants for the continuall prefence; andallillance ofhts power, evettojoyriewith ofth~cov,.•1 ·~ eo d" I . . Pro ,.or D•v • him and llillto be ay 1ng to um. · This power ofit felfe is b1,1t one; as God is one: bu~ isfet downe thus; here and . , c!fewhere in two words; thehandand the.Arl!le; the?Ntghty·hand and the out-jlretch. Gods h•iuli edarme t~fet forth two degrees ofit. Both great, but one greater. Thatofthe: ~od!~''"'· hand, i; great; as we read, XIII. verfe before, y~tbu~ ~rdinary. That d~ thearme, is greater; and commcth forth,but upon extraordtnary 5'ccafien :Everythmg we pill~ not ro thearmes end. . · . . Not, that thefe degrees ofdifference are in the power it felfe, which is entire; qnMd(e; but onely, toproportion it, and make it anfwerable to our petits.: which arenot alwayes alike,but leffe or more,at one time than another : and fo feeme to us,; iorequireadegreeofpower,according. For the leffe, the hand feemes enough : but for the more, the M me; a greater degree ofpower, as mir peril! is greater. No day goeth over our head, but the horfewc ride on, the fiaires we go up and downeby, thevery meat we eat, we are in danger, left it goc the wrong way. For,, thefe, for every dayes dangers, we cannot miffe thehand; and the ha11dis eno.ugh, if it doe but h1ld11sfaJJ. .. But this day, the fifth ofAugu.ft,andfuch another,the fifth ofN~vem6cr,theca[e is altered: then, Ri(eup,rif~up tho11 arm~ofthe Lord, rifeup and llretch out thy felfe ! . , another manner o(jeopard1e, then. So,tn a word;thehandfor allrhe yeate: thearmt EC...f{i.j; forthe fifth ofAugu.ft. Now there is no jeopardie fo great;but thearme; ifit llretch ·- · it felfe out, will ferve to preferve us. And thisarme is evedl:retchedout,when Go D vouchfafethfome firangemiraculous deliverance : as this day He did. For this,was Dies brachii: on it, the•rmeof the Lordw.ureveilrd, . , . . Era.rJ:i; Both thefe : and either hath his proper attribute: thehand, to ejlabtijb, and the 'armcJtojlrengthen, . . . Toeftab!ifb : that is, to makdl:eady, that he fiand fall, and be not moved. Itis H•nd<•fl~~ l•x''the pallivepower,to refill: fuch,as ofthean'llile, or ofthereek. . bti.fb hili>~ Tojlrengthen :(thatis)whenwe are further to encounter our perUI adivdy,and Armt to are too weake for it; for,that givethJw/~,w<the activepower,that !hikes them down: JHtlii.tbtli: asthe{werd, or halberd in the hand ofthemighty. . , Both thefe : and bothneceffary, for the performance ofthis leagt~e : Which isj bothdefenjive in the next vcrfc, to keepe them, that they take no hurt : Andoifen· five, in the !aft verfe; toP"Y their enemiestheir due, firike themdowne• . This then is the fumme ofthe two firfi anides. The,haTJd!hall never be otfhlm, but on him all theyeate long,for every dayes danger. But, iffurther need be,iffome very great hazard, ifthe fifth ofAugujl,thenout comes thearme. But fci, as both; bothhandandarmeand every finew inthem, are ready fiill, and at hand as occafioq !hall be, tojlablifhorJfrmgthenhiin. This, fonhe feeond verfe, the league: And all for him: Prd. Why, what needs all this~ this holding, thisf~rtifjing r is tilereany hanne ro·- The rb'ird 'In& ward ' I . 11 . r h r: . . . d . r f h Id' !ounh ""' " .. · cannotte :ttwaswmew ata,u!ptetouswor (mthevenep<.~ll)o. o mg conrra,,g•inlt htm and holding himfajl; asifthere were ComeJl10ving at him• The Greek ls more n•vid•locs : full,Cu'"""""r""'"·For,in thatword,there is•»·hGodholds him: and then inl••t+,,a~ it 'Deft•ft••· Were,anmh:r plucks at him: and thenC"'""'' ""'''' God hulds him harder or faftcr then before, Th1~wasbmfufpicious. But here now, it is paft all fufpicion: forhere,are a couple, maktngto\vard him (•themcmie 1 and •dicfonneofwickcdnef{e :) It isrcrbe t cc c 3 doubted,