• The Dtvils :fiodingor i~ ~tntigll! The partitr. Thetntmie. Thefonne •f )tlicl{_ednljf't. SonezegetitC. ~rov.p .J. Ofthe Co N s P 1 a A c 1 & ----;;--_ Sermon 4 ,. doubted,,for nogood: Here.is now the/ifth of.Augnjl: Here comes G~ .ftndtnghim• .Formhisenemm b,mdnow he is, get out how he can. fecond . I rold )IOU before, thar Kings were .G o D's ihventim: here now comes rh tvtlsm'f1entton• ,For, as Go D jindes Kmgs, fo theDev1Ulindes Traitors, GodeDe. Davtd, theDevt!t lindes .Abfalom: God,your Majell:ie ;the DeviU,rhofeof h.'findu And (as.evill ever is more fertile)for one King, there are two in the/ 15 day. there w,eretwo, on the day :a~d I woul.d to G_od,rwo we:eall.But~hisis rob~~ an~ ted of, s ilthan the Arch-enemte (fo figmfies hts name) wtll be fure to find Kin oun mies. The father of wifkednejfe, will finde his whelpes ready ever for fo wi~~·~eenterprife. · . . . e an And now, thefe arethe{',fOnlraqrw, whom ~gainll: thisleag:ue is made: Forb vertue oftheiMgr~e, Godana Ddotd, rhey h<ve fnends andenemtes in common E Y mietoone (theKing;) andenemieto both (GodandrbeKing.) 1 , Ofrhcp' ne. firft. z, Thenofcheirattempr. 3· And !aft ofrheirfuccelfe. antes The parties. Two titles they havein the Text, 'the enemie, • thefonneof 'c kednelfe. Exegetice fome take them, both for one : and then the latergloffeth~~; former: andthenthemeaningis, that David's enemies are allofrhemrhefonn f wicludne!Je. And indeed fuch they were,and none burfuch. For Godforbid anyg~;d manlhould be Davidsenemie. :Wthis fenfe it is true. For,allofrhem f<!!}vi 114 d.nt .:dperdmdtJsltege~, but m~chmore,qr1i viMdoctnt; that would have them Joll,wh;m Godeven now w1th fuch Joy found; thatfeeke to defaceGod's invention: Youmay boldly pronounce ofthem,they be thefonnes ofwickednejfeall: as flat a"ainll cod as perder~ is a.ga!nll: inv~nire,p.erd~timagainll: inventim;and their will, agafnl! his 1~11, For Hts Wlllts, f<.Bos Demmvemt, homoneperdat :and~~Deminvenit '6omoper– dat,[aythey. Andthis,ifbothbeforone. . ' · 'i'hctrt•i,,tkt But i[ (as the words give, and ~h~bdl: Wrirers ta~e them) they l!and for apairc; fo••• ,, .,.;,. for two dtll:mct: then, by theenemse, ts meant he that ts fo profeffed :'Plaine, by the ~·g••~two LV. Pfalme,It was notanopen enu»ie: where the word is thefame,thathete,(thatis) ' ~~,r; ... fuch an one as Golias was. But by thefonneofwid<edneffe,ismeanr,the clofehollow Traytor,fuch as was his wicked fonne. They be the fnr.es ofwi&.. kt<lnt(J<, · And it isgood,they know their pedigree thefe fellowes,ofwhat linage they are: 'That is, wiclcednelfe's owne{onnes : as ifthe other, the enemie, were but allyedtoir, in lome degree; but rhefe, thetrueofspring, the livelyimage ofthe DeviU. For,if they be thefonnes, and he theFather, they be as neere ofbloud, as may be. So,rhry fee their true defcenr,fommofwitludnejfe. Wh" .,.;,~11;. And it is worth the while to know, ofwhatwic/cednef!e. Evil! it is, to be wicked ,.,~, it is. upon what pretenfe fo ever: .B~t, oderunt megrAtls, is worfe; for that is ofmeere io "'5·>5· malignirie. Butmalaprobonu,tsworll:ofall. And fuch arcthefe, fuchthmwrc– l'fJl. 109·5· ~ r.. b I I h . kednelfe. Sonnes ofmw: whichmw the He rewes rei us, is proper y t enaughtt· nelfeoffome evill narur'd children, that bite the nipple, which giveth themmilke. That is n~W right: (the worf! and moll: wicked wiclcednelfe of all others.) To bite and fucke, both at once. But fuch there are,thebetter they be dealt wirh,rhe worfe ftill, yelhall finde them. The Sonrie of Nowoftherw~inethefe arefarrerhemore dangerous: asyoumayfeeby rhe wi<kednelfe very courfe or flandmg ofthem mthe Text. ForreferendoJingulajiltgul:s(as we ufe the mortdang•· to doe :) the handbefore (as the formerrhere) properly refers ro rlleentmte (as the "•s. former here:) but the 11rme, thelaterthere, that referres to the fonnu ofwtcked. welfe, evenby the courfe ofthe two verfes. As if, for the enemie, theh~tnd were fuf.. ficienr: but for rhefe, armeand all, werelittleenough. Andfure, yefl1all obferve, that David, that the fonne ofDAvid, Ca ~ Is r; thar: chriftru Dominru, and Chriflm Domini both, bath ever beenemofhndangn" ofrhiskinde ofcarrell. David, hewas once in danger, and never but once; by I/b· • sam •• , 6 benob,anopen enemie. But his great dangers, were by rhefe here, rheSo~nes~fwtC· · · leednelfe, his wicked fonne .Ab(alom, his wicked Counfellor Afhitopbel. And tnd(ed all hisgrear, were by this fccond forr. And