Sermon+· ofthe Go \v R 1 E s, And ourS A v r o u zt CH • zs T His furious enemies, they that would have Luke • >9 • thrownehimheadlongdownethe hill, they that would have ffoned him, they did Him Iohu 8 ·59. 00 hurt: but, thar falfe harlot Irtdlff,.that{onncefwickedntjfe, hedid. And I pray to !O•J'· Go 0 he may· andlbefeech Davtdheamly,HewouldtaketluHo heart, and take heed ~f thefe.' The danger ofthefe, the{o~tnes of wickedntjfc, it was thedang~r of this day. . , , . . , Will ye now feethm proceedmgs and prach[es ~ They b.e tnthefethree words; . :t , Violence, 'wi,·kedneffe., l Hn~t. P'_to!ence th~y,meane, that IS their end, and Wlth J,;~;,~~~umpr, wickednejfe they cover lt (that IS) With one w1cked pretence or other, the better to wic~ednoffe, make the way, to doe the hurtthe~ intend. Alas! nothing but avow at Hebrm([aid ~~~~ 1 8 wickcdA6[alom) when he vowed mdeed, to depnveKmgDavtd, both of Ius kmg- · 1 • domeand life. Not!o[etheSermon for any good (C1id he of this day ;)when he had in his,heart viole11ceand hurt; no Jeffe ht~rt, than the lolfe ofyour Majefties life. This is the way of them all: Violmce wrapped about, with a '1/0W or aSermon, or I wot not what· that before it be feme, it may doe the mifchiefe, that is meant. Thisholy .vickedn;je, is limply the worfl: ofall. 0 Lord,,what dangers are they in, that are in this cafe ! How neere being loll:! Now, the fuccelfe. , For, atthenameofVie/ence, at butthememion ofhurt, every good heart is mo. 3 ved, and come running in about DAvid, to fee, ifanyhurt. But thtre is nohurt done Thci~ f~tw{ft; (Go o be bleifed) None done: whatfoeremeant, none is done. And, he fals(ifyou ':,;v&;~,~"· marke :) No violence; nay,not fo much, as the leafl: hurt. Forthey be two, rhefe, violence and hurt: andhtm,isthemorelarger. Any violen;e done~ Nay, none: Any hurtat all~ Northat neither. Neither~ all is fafe then. Where ye fee, the firfl: ufe ofthis hand, and arme; to repell and keepe backvio– /eQce, to beare offthe blow, thadhould doe themhrtrt. This is the defenlivepart, And it is much to their comfort,th~t this ha11dfo holdsthem,and thisarme is [o over them, as iris fl:ill berweene them and their harrnes: as it lights on Go o's arme and haiJd,andmufl:hurt them, before it come at David. But them, it cannot hurt, nei– ther violent wickednejfe, nor wicked violence prevaile againfl: them: And [o be they fafe, from both. And no way to pre.vaile againfl: Kings, but to binde this handlir!t, and pinion thisarme. Otherwife; evill men there may be, and evill meaning; but no evilllucce!fe, for all that. But, I would pray you, to take good heed, to the Tenor ofthis Covenant. No promife is here made, but that fuchhe lhall have: and lhall have of borhforrs, open Not, There andfecret: open, to offi:r vi~lence; fecret, privily to [eeke hishurt. No, though he be ~;n~>< ·~ David(rhat is)lovely, or as lovely, as ever was he, yet he {hall h~ve thofe that hate s,.7;{;.,;,~•d· him; hatehimgratls, hare him though favours done them; though they lie in his "'ff'·- lap, and are fed with his milke, yet bite him for all that. No part ofthe Covenant this, but fuch he lhall have, but fuch there lhall be; Nor,no promi[e neithcr,but as they lhallbe,fo they !hall bedsing(as we fay:) not 2 fit idle, but be plotting and pracriling,everand anon. It is but, 11onprojicient ({o read Nor, They the Fathers this verfc)the Covenant in the Text: it is not no11facient. No,f 4 ,·ient, a;allnotbtdc~ facient q11od{r1um eft iniquitatufilii (faithSaint Atigujfinewell;) thefonnes ofJVicked- ',. neJ{dhall be doing, and doe their kinde, that is wickedly; Emend Violence, pretend fome .viekedwile or other. No part ofthe Covenant, butfuch rherelhall be: Nor no part ofthe Covenanr,but thus they {hall doe.Let it not feeme fl:rangdook for ir• . But, this theCovenant, and this is all. Theformcr parr, be they {hall, and be 3 dmn~ they lhall, (ednonprojicientin eo, they iltall doe no good on him (in their fenfe) B••· They that IS, no eviU(in ours.) , n,u not~" if, And,very fit is the wordnon projicient;that is,though they go to Schoole all their Non pr~fcieu dayes about it, yet iltall they prove but nonproficients, and never proceed [o far,as to '"'"· doe lt.Somthe latter part,non apponent nocert;Not nonproponent, Not,lhall not have Non •PP'"'"' thepurpofe;but,lhall not have theirpurpofe. Not,lhall not have the will ;but, lhJll ""'"· not havethe powerro doe ht~rt. Profferrhey il1all, but nor profit. Devife, but what , 0 they deviCe, not be able topcrforrne: Imagine, but be fwwed in the imAginations of L~k·,•,:·;:: Ccci: 4 th(l;