Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

·82-4 Ofthe CoNs PIRAcu Se~ :heirhcarts. Sorhat, ·comewhe~theywillnow,the~ isprovtded ofanhandand arme (m the verfe before) that wtll fee htm take noh that will behurt themfelves, ratherchan he take any: that will fo fence him as urt ' therfurie 01all be able to doe him anyviolence, by force; norwickednejfe to doe bel– any lmrt, byfrau4• N~cr~ loll:, _as good as lo!t, he may be : but quitelo!\heih~U · not be, Goo And fo to thelaft verfe. vcrrc • , :• Very well then,Davidis efcapc~ ~rom their ~io~ence and hurt,Butthal they efcapc r;,\,fi~:~;~r,~ fo ~ N0: there is a further mattermIt. All tlus, IS but the defenfivepart: But the contra. . league(we finde) was nor_only fo, but'ifenfiv~too;as '~ell to offend and annoy thetn, Agamn h" as to defend and refcue hun. And here now, IS the achve power,we fpake ofbefor~ j~~m•es ojfw- o~thejlrengthning o~thearme. That, there is tiot brtely worke for the halitl tt>}1aj Jw;llfm;t< hnrt,orhold out a 0Jield, to beare off, that fo ng hurt to him; but forthe.,mialfo . ...... to draw out a fword and lay:on, ~hat fo all the hurt !hall come to themfelvesi And pf,J. 7., 5. fo their imaginations not one!y {cattered, but returned upon their o\vnc heads. For . violencethey i?rende.d, and were brought the~lelve5 to a ':'iolcnt end. Him theY . t!1eam, and they arehurt themfelvessand that mcurably ,J mztten downeand perilh. Yea, tl;ough Three points I touchb~ely, What~ (mitethem_ downe and no harmcdoneYea,' noJmmc no matter for that ; downeWith them, though. To hft up an hartd, ot anheele here done, yc•f•itt is enough. To offer violenGe, but to intendhurt, here enough. That there was none ~·;;~·,o. ><. done, thankes be to Go nand the goodhand, that heldthem: Bigthallandhis fel– PC<1....9. low, hAngthemupthough. Not, quianocuerulit, No: upon no otberinditemenr, Eficr 1 • ,,,.,. but qtllll vDlteenlnt, they would have done the Kinghilrt, though they didhimnoce. That is enough,fmite them tkwzle. ~ Againe: what ~ atthevety firfl,fmitethem d~wne? Yea, thefe,attheveryfir!1:: ~;;;'~~:~f.;~ With othcrs,He ptoc~eds ndt fo r<?u.ndlyfmiwthem firfi b_efore he f mitohem_tkww; fmztesthem a blowwith theham/, mmercy; before he[mm th~m downe wnhthe deadly blow of his anRe,in rigor. But thefe,downe withthem,atthe very fir!\:. Wot • S>m. >t .8. you why~ Abijai he defired,hemight have but one blow, at theKing, hewouldnwzr dejire afemzd. Pay him, with his owne money: let him have but one blow,butthc firll:;and no more. And what blow is it~ to afioriiili him or to fell him, for thetime~ No :it is How f~ite ;.;;.~-c,, fay the Seventy•The nature ofwhich word is,not to fe'II the ll:em or the trunk ,,,..,. ofthe rree,but td hew in [under the very roots,that it ne_ver grow againe: So to[mite themdo,.ne, as they never rife more. I will{mitedorvne. '..__ And p:at"' And as ifthis were not enough, he followesthem yet further. Before, lie fe1l: tbcm, Noviolence : nay, not any theleafihNrt:Hcre,he rifes,[mitethem, nay, plaguethem, that is,{mite them downe with theplague,which is yet more featefull. And it IS tru~ lyrurned,forn!lJO is properly, thefirokeofrheplagtlt. . Thepl•gue is adeath that wewould not dye oftochoofe;iffmittmtknm,not/mti· ten dowm, with that a:ICe. Not,becaufe it is deadlyfor the moll: parr, and paftrecove– ry ; (that is notlr :) But, becaufethey that be fojiNitten, there goerh from rbern? a pefhlenr noifome vapour, that makes all iliun them, or (as the LXX"' word 1s) 7f'"N'"W"' mn away,yea, and flye away from them. And evenfo, from rhefe,the~e Pb,ucthem'" goeth a fenr, as ftom aplag11e-{ore (you 'l!ill beare with it, it is the Holy ~hojl 1 •hu·hfc. owne tenne)that raims theirbloud, corrupts theirname,makes them~nd th_ar me– morie od10us, yea, even an abhorring toall fleili. Say, whattheywill, tht.s ts the Hly 66 •4· plagt~eofplagtles when all is done. And, it is GoD' • owne will, Go o htmfelfe would have us, fo reckon ofthcrn. Of Coreh (the firll: we reade ofin this kihde) ~~~;;;~:~,;~ Go n calls to <.Mo(es, Ch4rge the people 'a/1, that they get them from about I'"': Num.•"·'•· And <.Mofes he cries, AIVay,away fi-omtheirTe'!t~, ~DHch~otanythingthattsthetflld . ' 6 · as if hcc 01ould fay, they have the pl4g11e, 1t 1s mfechous. So, Go 0 wo~ have us thinkc of rhem: And fo (I pray Go o) all may take warning fromhund, an