s;;;;on 4· Ofthe GowRI&s. him, and fo chinke ofthem, and lhun them as perfons contagious, that have fores running on them. . . . . , , Now this is butthetrp!agueon Earth (robe plagued mthctr end, their bloud Plague rhcm their nam~ ;) but all this, is nothingto their plagues in Hell: whither cmainly they' ~if;~cother oe, fomany asinjlagranttmmtne,th the very aclofrreachery, aretaken~way. No ~anfhall need to wilh them more hun: They pcnlh, and cometoa feardull end. le . iS truly [aid by them, Irvtllplaguethem. . · . . Pf,Ln, r 9 : Yet onemore,that makes up all. For (tfye mark) the perfon 1s changed. The !all: t(Tlm is)Ga~ Verlie it was th('J !hall doe no violence, they!hall doe no hurt: Confequencly, he lhould h,mfdtc wdl ' ' {i . . d h h d FmHc, have gone on, they !hall be mttten~they !hall beplague : t at a beene enough. It Ho willptag<~e, isnotfo but 1n the firll: perfon,lrvtilfmtte,I rvt!Lplagru : as 1f, Go o htmfelfe would be the d~er ofit, and doe it evendmx~r propriu manibus, wirh his ownehands. And furdy fo fenfiblc bath beene the demonltrarion ofthehandof his power, in the fall oftheCe; thar(to hold us to the termeofplague) Ged's tokens havebeene feene upon Pf:d. •~H. them: as ifHe had fem Hu hAnd from on high, to plague them indeed. Vpon thefe,this day ;upon others linccthefe, Go .n hath from heaven,lhewed, h<iw much rhefeattempts difpleafeHim, by making even the prints of his handr, ~o befeene upon the attempters; that men have bcene even forced to acknowl~dge, It was no hurrpne or . earthly, but fomefupernaturall divine power, that brought it to palfe: Ana char, though other hands were in ir, yet Godit was that ll:rooke the ll:roke. This is the end, chat in the em!, !hall come to all thefe from the Lord, [o many as have any hand inthehurtofche Lordranointd. He that is the founiler of Kings, will be the con~ founder ofall Confpirators•.. .Carry ir, as clofely as they can, His ha11d lhallftnde themout,findethemout andfmitethem,fmite them, andplague them, plague themhere, andfor ever. This is the Covenant here made with Dav id, in the nameofKings. And (I promi[eyou) this is, afaire Covenant, and afull ;'but might we fee fome Applicario~ ;~ proofe ofit, how it was kept~ Forehat, is Salf ...der#, the proofe, the keeping ofit. his M,,Jefitc, For, many faire Covenants here iri the wodd, take wiode, for want ofthefalt ofthe Covenant(the true keeping.) . .. . . · OfDavid, thereis no doubt, it was kept with him, but the time will not ferve. 'And this time requirerh rather, to lhew the proofe ofrheprefents in your Majell:ie. That, this whole Text (mutAto nomine) hath beene kept with you, from point to point: and thefai~hfu/1 mercies of David(as Ef.<yca!Srhem)as faithfulto You, as Era t. ': cverrheyweretoh!m; Ofthar,then. . . . . n 3 I findethen, both thefe dayes, and on them, both thefe wayes, You wereformd by Go o ;foundthe twenty ninth ofIulie; andanointed; fotmd; the fifrh ofAuguft, anddelivered. . 'r , Foundfirfl:: and that,fooner a great dealethanD.ivid: for in yo~rcr4dle: There Thotwcmy . HefotindYo~, and anointed Y~u. Davi~was tome to yeares ofdifcretion firlr, td ;,~;~ ~~:~/!· doeH1m ferv!Ce: But you, by h1s prevennng grace (ormd, before You were; or could cradleand peincafe,todoe Him any. Anamecedenteveninthis. , anoi•ud. . Nay' Hefound y OUtivice, :oandint you. Once,before you did, or ~<;mld ferve Thccv!nry Him: and after you could, and d1d, oncemore. FoundYou, the twemy (llnth ofJrily niml• of 1q11 , and the twenty fifth both. Davidwas twiceanointedtoo; but he, but oftwo peeces and thnwcmy ofone Kingdome: but you, oftwo entire Kingdomes, or (indeed) ofthree, the leall: ;F~~~~~:~inofthem,greaterthan that ofhis, when both peeces were together. Soananointing «d. . ,alfo,more than he1 • s' 01" ·f ,H . ...some difference 1finde, but with vantage ll:ill,on your lide. For,in the Text Tilt- Fmd~ the 'IJt,dis firft 4110intqd, and after delivered. But you, weredelivered, before ever anoi'!- wmle,,nd tie– tell. For,before Hefoimdyou in your Cradle there toanoint you. He foundyou 1n lwered, b<fote . th• b (b c . . , . , h ' "'"""""""· .• wom e eiO'reeveryoucamemtothe world)therctodehveryou: Even c er:, ~IS handwas o~eryou, that, even there, aSonne ofrvickedrJc({edid you nohurt. TillS Drlivetd be– Ismore, chantsmtheText; more, then ever Davidcouldling of. fore. anoi.,cd: . But henoco~lythusdeliveredyou before yourhirth,land fo' before your anoin- ~~:~;;r,~ fild> .tmg: bur, after •talfonolelfe: Wimelfe chisjifth d:iy ofthismoneth. So, were o't ... ,.u, ·- , yoo