Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

8z.6 Ofthe CoNs P x RA c n Serm---;;;. youdeliveredfirft, and rhenanointed; and then deliveredagaine from~ frombeinglofronit. Andtbus'fartheText. . ay, and 5 But then, were you ttnointed againe after that, and delivmdagaineaft th .' ".Anointtd,•he from a.fifthday too (though of ~nothermoneth.)For either ofyour anoiminer h at, ~econrd1"m 1 ~ d hadafamous delivery, to !econd it. So we double the point here, Adelivgt'• a~e " 5 · 0 " 1 '" h b ·· c 1 dt· dl ' fi """m D<liwtdoftcr t cworn e, ananozntmgarrer t Ut cweran&e; a e•ilerancea tenhat anoimi . d ic 5.of N•~ then, ananointingagaine; and rticn, adeliverance againe, upon that. Soung ,anh vemb.,. c fi J ' • 1 T · · d . J pant e - matter, wure namgs, Wtt you; wtceto a~:omt, an twtcero aeliver :beyo dD vid, beyond the Text here. So the Tcxt,kept with you, over and over again~. •· 'Applicari;n to But, to let the refl: ~oc,and to hold us to this day.This day,ifdayes couldfpeak. '"' fifchof Au, (anddayes canfpeake, fatth themneteemh Pfalmc) would cerrifie that this Co ' 1.11, cheoa1 . h . 1 !i f 1 fi h. .' venant ;, lclfe. was kept wn you?m every c au eo.r1e rx, on t IS yourfi!'dmg-day. Vcrfe •. • For, your.findzng-day wel_l may 1t be called; well may tt be faid,you werefound J,;;;~·~~~ onit,andfoundby Go o ontt. F011nd; for fureyou werelofl:: andfoundby God; · for men had lofl: you. They that gladly would, knew not how to findeyou,orgct to you. Great odsrhen, but you had beenequtte lofl:. It was G? o that foundyou then, and made you tobeformdof them, not by any sktll ofthetrowne or by any direction, bur His. By hap_ it might {e~me: but your felfe doe, and we ~11 acknotv• ledgeehehandof G o o mIt. Hts providence, that fo gmded them; His doing it was that they dtd It: So that Go o· tt was, thatfo11ndyou then,or we had not nowfound you here. It may then truly; and Go o truely fay the fccondtime, "dLp•>s,Ihaveformd. Ofir then,oftlusday. ' ·r 1 We /hall faile a little, inthe firfl: point.Here is 2n enemie profeffed:andyou had Nommiepro- not then, you never had any, profcffed. To make amendsforrhat, there is bur one ~!;;;:~{';;~. {on ofwi&kednejfe in the Text': Y~:mfoundnorone, but two; and th_e~ found you. · ~edntffe tor it. . . Sonnes ofwtcked~ejfe, well ffit!5h! they be cal!ed. For, tfno Rehg10n, takingRe; 2 . hgronupo~1t, be wtcke~neffe (as It ts _doub~e wrckedn_effe)a Sonne ofwi,kednelfehe · o(wu.. was. Ifwitchcraft be WiCkedneife(as lt IS wtckedneffe m the highefl: degree)hewas tetbleffehe was afonne ofit,it was found about him. If to doeevillgrat)s; ro doe evill for good, be wickedneffe(and it is the wrerchedefl: wickedneffe that can be)you had done them many favours; and, to.bire the brefl: rhen, that had given them milke, thefe are they. inthe Text right, 'l:l n'11p ifever, there were any. Thefc then, viDlencerhey intended, and withwiclcednejfe they covered it, Wick-' ~"·"'·~;.. edly they imifed you and drew you along, till they had you fafl: /hut up : Andrhen tewu, violent hands they laid on you(themarkes were to befecnemany a day after.) And "'':k•dl~ewe. were you not then within the compaffe ofthe Text, of violen"and br~rt, thar is, of "~ '!· hurt by violence? Yes,Jo neere you was the lmrt, that the hurtfre/1poiortouched your naked brefi. Was David ever fo neere ~ NeveJ: He was indeed hard beflead and forced to flye, but he never came in their hands; you did :He never was under lock; you were: Henever had the daggers point at his heart; you had: and when you had, all the world then certainly, would have given youlofl:• . · Didtheyyou anyharmeforallthis~ Notany(tofpeakof.) Wemayrakenp Yec di~ icnot. that before, Fuerunt & fecem~t,fednonperfecer?nt ; fo far from that, asno!lf'O(tce· No•proft<itnt. tunt. Such here were, and domg they were,burtt would not doe;for tt wOISnor done ~'•• a ,.,.,, (theviolence rhey intended.) Propofuerrmt nocere, fed nol>,appofimuNI; apurpofe they . ~~ had, an offer they made, that was all; further they wem nor : You werenot lofl:, we finde you here now, and we findeyou ferving Go o, fafe and we11 (thankes bee tQ _ thegreatFinderofKings)asevcr you were. 5 What was irthen, that it came fo necre you and yet did you no hurt? It was the I~:.'~:{~ they goodhandof Go o, Hisboly arme that was upon you, heldyou, heldyou fafi: you The band and fall, from rakingbnrt,and them fafl:, from doing any. orme.o!Go< to Can any doubt that it was thehandofGo o~ He thatfl:oodthere armedforrhlt 4"/:~!f'ci:.~Gve end, when he was fo ftrucken fuddenly, as he had neither heart nor harud, tP doe chat pmolcheCo~ he camefor ·.was it notthehandofGod, that fo firuck him~ · '"h ~c~m·, ' · · .vr en