Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• . Oftbe C o N s P I RA c I& Sermon 4 . M,..• uo. nor agr~at, but He that is the Image and [t~perfcription ofallourgroat;, ~ coine, !ilver, and gold, is foundagaine. . . 'a our ToJ.nde/o':t Andwhat~ lhall this be ail~ No I truft: having thus, atthehandsofGod r, ~~:'.hJ,Oft~~•g the faithful! mercies ofDavid; we will fray} litrk, and looke out fome of the'/.~/,d full prayers ofDavtd, to render Htm,forthts,for fuchajindmg. L~tus doefo! ra • you. And we lhall not need to goefarre, not any further than our owne P{almp Y ~h~ ~g,verfc bur even to the very fir.ft w:ords ofit, <.Mifericordias Domini in £ternum cantabo '~nd ~.~r~b/ me, on another, no ldfe worthy deliverance, I well remember, you then tooke'u t£• l'fal.s4 H· like, Mifericordi£ Domini fuper omnia opera ej.u. Very fit!y that, but this agref e ti,er with us now; For it is the beginning ofthe Pfalme, whereofthe Text isaps ra. Made, asit were, the Anthem forthis Sermon. art: ·.Mmic in maWill ye fee how it agrees ~ There was mercie, in making this Covenant the ~i•g<hiscove• was truth, in keeping it.. See then, how aptly hehath fer it: i.:tyfongjha!lbe;lwa/e """'· of the mercies ofthe Lord(that made it;)with my mouth wiUI beJbewing Hr<tn 1 th (rh •: kept it) from one ge~eration to ~not her•. And lhall not we .fng of Hi< mercy r And fhJ1 !r•.rb in i"!. not we(et forth H_u tmth ?Smg off!u mercy that made th1s Covenant: thewfonh Hk '"g"· • tmth, that made lt good, every :uncle, and fuffered not one word ofit, tofallto the ground? , • . . The fccond verfc: of the PC1lme,Et.a dixi. But, ifwe cannot wellling1t,for lack ofa~eere: Hehathtakenorder for that too. For? the ver~ next,the fecond yerfe ofthePf•lme!that he ?e.gins wirh,Egodixi, I have fazd: thattf we cannot ling lt, wemay yet fay 1t. And lt 1s burthefameover againe: Ihave[aid, mercy {ball befet.up for e"!e~: Thy tr~th{baltthou f/abtifhinthe heavens. What truth? Idollowerhm rh~ th1rdverfe, thts trmhofhis Covenant toDavid. Tolingthat, and to faytbis: to make ourfongs, onthisground· and ourfermogs,on this thcame. He hAth{aid it, to/et up His mercie.: He hathdon:it tD exalt Hi< truth, ' · To doe itin Ever to doe this, in~ternum: In~iernum is the woi·d oftheverre (if our dul; "'"""mJpcci- nefl'e could endure it) a.ll the dayes ofthe yeare. But, of all the dayes inthe yeare ' ~~.~;~.~;· t~is ~ay no~ to faile ofit. ifodi~ f4lm.fat1a eft dom_ui huic, Nay_,regnohuic,Nay Re/ nu hu: ThiS day then, not to fatle of 1t. For, havmg fouf!dthls mercy, and felt this tmth,rhis day; lhall we not, at the Ieafi, this day,thanke Hill) for this aay ~ Shall the ..Sun ofthis day arife, and goe downe upon us, and not fee us rogether,ro render him praife, for this fo loving mercie, for this fo f•ithfu/1a trHth ? Shall he 5ndehandand 11rme, to fuccour and to fave us, and lhall not we findc; mouth and lips, to bleifeand magnifie Him for it ~ Go D forbid. Application Let us then, ling that: My (ongfoa/l he alw.:yes o/ the mercies ofthe Lord(record to"'· i.t, at leafi) Or for default ofit, fay this :IhAve.f.Ud, MercieJball befet upfore1ler,thy truth }halt thote e.ftablifb in the heavens, Be they never fo falfe upon Earth, thoum l!vwayof h~avm foalt .ftablijb it. Say ir,per modum &oncioiJi<; fo we have: Say itthen,pertiiD·, prwbi•g. d11m orationis; fo let us.doe,and fo an end. B.vvv•yof Even fo Loa n fo let itbe,Setupthzfthy mercyforwer,forever f!ablifhthetrsth praw. ~fthis thy covenaiJi, with rhy ServaNt our Soveraigne, that it ne~er faileHim, as not this day, fonot at any otherrime, Let thine hand be ftill upon Him, and rhmearme about him for,ever, betweene him and his harmes. riolencc and hsrt, never come neere him: Thefonnes ofwickedne/[e, be ever far from Him. Let thembenorz..proji(t– ents, all rhe,fort ofthem, that fiudie or praetife this wicked Ieifon. Never lo[er~ou him, or fuffer him to beloft: Everjindehim (good Lord) to fuccour andfave htm i and·let thy right.handfinde cmt his enemies, to fmite andplague them : withthe fam.e htowes, thoudidfi{tnite; at:~d with the fameplagues, thou didfipowreon thcfc, oftlus day. The deftiny ofthis day, come on them all. . . · And, for Him, let hisAfOinting frill be frefb on him, and his mrvne lhll flo~rifh onhis hC!ad. Let him, all thedaywall:e)n the light of thy counteNattce, and at mg};j