A SERMON PREA: CHED BEFORE THE ICINGS MAIESTIE IN THE CATHE~ D R .t\ LL Cj-lV RCH at Salishury, on the V. of Au:;uft,A. 'D. MDCXV~ (\*) PSALM£ XXI. VEK.I,II,IIJ,IY~ T·he K.f!lg jhaO rejoyce in thy flrength, 0 L oR n : Exaeding glad}hallhe be of thyJalvation. 'Thou hajl granted him his hearts dejire: e.Andhaflnotdeniea him the requefl of his lips. Selab. Thou haftpreventedhim with the blefiings of goodnejfe: andhaR. Jet aCrowneofpuregqldupvn hiJ head. He M{edlifeoftbee, and thou ga)'Jefl him ahmg life : Evenfo~ e)'!er ande)'! er. P 0 N a day of joy, HereisaT6xtofjoy. Vpon aDay of jay for the King, aText of aKingin joy. For fo, wee fee, there is in the Text,aKing: and hee joyfull and glad. Gladlirfl,for flrm!fh fl"wed by Go o, infaving hi111 :.GI•dagame; for goodnejfe [hewed by Go o , m fatts{tt»g, yea (more thanf•tisfying) preventmghtS Jtjiru, and that, in the matter of his mwne, aoo of hts life, both. This King, was King David (no doubt;? The veryTitleof the Pf4lmdhewethas much· . And the Sonne of syrach (of whom, I reckon as well or better, thari of any Comme~WJ: I thefe very words(here) he applies to I~ing David,Chaprer 47· Verfe7• .. all Ongtn Y