I ~~'-·~~~~o~f~t_he~G~o-'v_R~I~E~s-·~-------------8~ 3~ -originally then,he: But neither folely,nor wholly he. His meaning was nor, ro make this [aving,-his owne 7afe? alone : Nor ~o engroffe thts_Ioy,all, to himfelfe , ye reeit ' by the very femng It downe. ltJs not (as,of htmfelfe:)I, wiU,, 1 ·oya • may 1 ' ' h · fl !! Th · · d fi · I · Jlut,(asofathirdperfon)Y: eKmg, M : eKmg:,m e mte y. _So,emailingir,ra• ther to his Office,th~n to Ius per[on : And leavmg It atlarge, apphable to any other, aKing, as wellashtmfclfe. . ,. To any other King(! fay.) Spectally anyotherfuch Amg, that ihouldbeeas jiMngdy f 4 ved 6y Go o's ftrength; As fairely ble/[ed,by hugoodnejfe, as ever was he That {hould find thelike favourrhat he did :and be vouchfafed thelike gracious deiiverance,thar?he was. Any fuch J_Cing in [uch wife faved,to be~qually intereffed, in tbisjoywith btm: And to have thts Pfalme, ferve for aSermon,or for an Anthem, no ldfethan:He. ·· And, by this, we hope in Go D, this rejoycinghere, jhaU not be [but up, againj} •C~;~~_.xo; 111 • For, that, which is hertiefc indefinite,we fuppofe, we can definitely apply, eo a King (in whofe prefence welbnd) To whom, the fameftrength, and chdamegood. neffi, of the fame Loa o, have ihewed forth themfelves, infovinghim, faving both his Crowneand life, no le!fe thanDavids. This comes well to theText. But what cloth tbisconcerne us now, more than any orhertime ~ Yes; for, here comes the day, and claimes a properry,-in it: How that~ Remember ye, how thet.A'pbflle(when he had cited the place out of f.(•y, 1 1 Cor.6.,.: hwe heardthu, in an acca'ptedtime :in the day offalvation, have 1helpedthee) Behold, Bray '19· 8 • (faith he) nowi•theaceptedtime: Be!Md,thi• isthedayoffalvation. Thefame(for all the world) faith this day : Tke King}hallhegladof thy (alvation : Ecce hodie, dies ' faltttis hujm. :Sehold,thi• is the Day of that {alvation, For, fo it is, indeed. The very, folvation.day, it felfe (this.) . For, thts day, was his !i{efougnt, and he fer on, tohavebcene ihamefully made away: and, this very day, favedhe was; and invirttlte,mightily faved; and invir~ lute Dei, by the mightic hand and helpe, evert of Go DHimfelfe. -Since then, this blefing fell upon this day, If wewill take atime(Andatimewed willtakeronjoyce and togive Go D thankes for it) that, whichlheday pleads for, is mofl:raafonable; that you will take this day,tather than another: For, if hodie,diu fo!~ttti; If, to day,the day of falvation; No reafon in the world, but today the day of rejoycing for it. ' \ But I will forbeare, to take any norice,or to mention any but David, at the fir!l: going_over: The Text(that) requireth a furvey ofcour(e (firft) and ihall have it. But then, tf theDay ihall pray a review after,Ifee not how in right, wecan deny ir. Be.thcfe the~_the twoparts: TheSurvey,and theReview•. And in either of thef<:, TbeDivifi611< two pnnctpall pomts prefenrthemfelves. I . -· r. Theloy, z. and chegrouna' or caufes of it. The joy:, in the front of theText· II' And the C4re(es,inthefequeleof it, . 1 ' ~ . The caufes are, as the number of the verfes; foure: 1 The {avingof theKingi by the .flrehgth of God. 1 T?e{atisfying; yea, thepreventing hiJdcfire, by thegood. · ne(fe of Go D. l Tne [ettmg on hucrowne, by thehand of God, Tu pofuifli. 4 The prolonginghulife,bythegiftof GoD· Thefe foure. ' Now, every of thefe(theloy and thecAu[es, and indeed the whole Text) feemeS to fiand upoo Triplicities. In thelaft verfe of the l'falme, GoD isfaid to exalt H# Prength. Hisftre»gth inexalwion,makes the Joy, in triplicitie. l Thetriplicitic of lbJ (firft.) The King 1 /hall rejoyce, ~ ihall beglad, Hx&eeding_ g adihall hebe. 1 L~tabitur, 1 exultabit, l vehementer, . G Thelike,in allthecaUfcs: Whyglad? (firft~ for,the King xwPfaved, •fAvedbj OD, lbyt!'Jftrength(o LoltD.) tSalute,>virtute,and lT11aDomine. r. ,~~~n thts,off/rength; followeth a new triplicitieofg~odnijfe. Therein,' thedeJ ~~10J uheart, •t~erequeftofhulips: Andbefidesthem, ltheb!ejfi»gs_of g~odn~J!e~ . f thefe tlm:e,th~ firll:,graH~ed; the fecond, not denied; andprevented,wlth the th1rd. Dddd 2_ 0~ ' •