• 84-<;> • 0/the C 0 N S PI RAC lE s;;;;;;;;-;. then being upon the point toperifo, came this falm Dei, andfavedy;-n--– There is thdidl: ver[e. ul'"»gely, . For your deftre fatisfying. In that difl:reffe, I doubt nor; bur youmiohta . . h". liftupyot<r Joule to Goo,in[omej/JortH•f•mla;rbarof Hezekia,Domine"v· ndd,d f::/b;~:j;'/!s LDYd ~.~m opprelfed, (uccour thou me: Or, tlmofrhe Apojlle /inking, Helpe l:J" 1' 0'• Er•v J8.>4· rifh. Ir you dtdfo,HegranteJyourdefire, Hedenicdnotyourreque.ft: fetaSd '~pe. M.mh.•Ho. Bur ifbeing furpriled with the exrremefuddc:nneffe ofrbeaffaulr, you didn~,t en. could not doe it : Then did He more,evenprevent you, with Hi.<goodneffi. w1 ;;' You tcft, Hisblejfedejlg•odmjfe of'a/1, · " wee. C1~!!ll And belides your faving (which you had reafon to defire) that which you vcrr, s. Id I d·r; d I d " h H l · never Verfc u. wou ]aye 'J'" , . an; 1ay; t at gave ee you too. Exa tedHts f/re»gth, that 9 • you r~ughr, Your rnpltcme. And rhofe fame Zamzt1mmrms, the contrivers of the 9· mifchicfe, H15 hand fozmd them, and they found It, He fer Hisflrings full agai a h '"· , face ofthem: de~royedthem in Hinvrt~th,even in the very place: hathcajlthem/; the jiry. (ttrn•ce (where even now they frie:) rooted 0111 their ftuit ftom the earth, •:.~ Phetr name from among tile chtldren of men. All rhefe, are word for word eve f rlrem in the fequele of this very Pf•lme. All this, Hee did : You deji;1dn~~~l this, not therr ercrnall defl:ruchon (l know;) yet even Wlth thisalfo, Heeprevew– tedYou. 3 ' For your c~owne: tbisisfure,if everanywereprwmtedwiihacrorvne,hewas; lntheJming th.at was fo, mhts cradle; had tt fer on Ius bead there : when he was nor asaweaned "' b" crowr.e. child (morally,) No,nor aweaned c/;i!d (literally;) bur indeed a child ~oryetwea. ned (not fo much;) bad neither lips t9ffeake, nor heart then,todt{trtany fuchthing: he w<rs prevented Cure. 4 · Further yet: ifany found fav.our in fetting on his crowne,yea mrvnt upon crorvne: In Riv!ng •nd and faving uponfaving: After lm firll: crowne,in danger tomifcarry,and eventhrown i[ii.'"~'"lh" downe (as upon r.hisday:) And after his fecon~, in danger againetomi!oarr1,~ndro be blowen up (upon another day)and[Avedmborh: Hewasfairlybleffedby H~ goodnelfe (fay 1.) Which very faving (upon the matter) was afecond crowning: even a new fettingo/Jthat, that wasiliding off. So that, Ttl pofuijfi the fecond time, may truly be affirmed of this day. And, what !hould I fay~ If any, that hiscrowne faved, andhu life faved(under one;) SAvedandprolongedboth; fo that now thefe fifreene yeares rogerher,youhave held this day with joy : and (which is worth all the refl:,belides lengthofthis lrfe,bkf. fed with Gods holy truth,thepledge ofeverlafling life, the befl:of his blejings:Such an one, this Textdothwarrant us to fay, bath caufe; great caufe, exceedinggreat Luk.I.fG, caufe hi5 Joule to magnifiethe Lord, and his fPirit to rejoyce in God his Savionr. Suchan one, to performe all the three (here fpccified :) fo many triplicities of favour,would have morethan a linglcrejoycing. And !hall nor I adderh[s ~As to rcjoyce inGid,fo to feeke and fet bimfelfe,iode· vife and doe fomewhat, for which Go o may rejoyce in him: SomewhatforrheS.w. flu.,ie · from thence cAme his helpe, and from no other place: Somewhat!fay, that thisjoy :Oay be muruall,as of you in.God,[o ~f God inyouagaine~ . Sure, there is abond, an obhganon to rr,mL£tAbttur; theKmgfhallrqoyce,fba/1 beglAd,foaOdoe it,!hall not bcdifpcnfed with, not ro doe it : Shall norp!eafcGod,tf he doe it not. But where are wee all this while1 excluded from this rejOJciwg? The !j;g foa!l (it is [aid) what, and none but hee ~ None is mentioned, but hee : bee would nor let him (I dare fay) doe it alonq there beemany thoufarulsof us, 1t at would not fl:and by looking on, if we bad any warranrrorejeycetoo. Grve me ea~~ th~n,to look out:~ w:~rrant tor us: we would beloth to fit our, and tolofeourpart t ~~ ~