Serm;;-6. ofthe Gowa i E s. This P(alme, a1,1d the Pfalme next before it, are two fill:er-Pfalmes. _Thar,a pray._ ~r tor the Kings fafety ; the !_all: words ofIt _are, Lord/a"!e_ the l( zng: wby, rbe King . (aved; they. have that ,they prayed for; ~nd !hall not then thm Hofannare. to!ve into aHalleluja? Thmcarefui!Hofanna, wto a )oyfull Hallelt~Ja? Yes; and fo. itdoth,in this. For, as thelafl: words <;>£.that P[alme are,Lurd fave the Kzng: [o the Jaftofthis,Sojhallwejil'lg;_/il'lgfor~ery)oyofir., _ _ Theypromif;d as much, thete(nl thatP[a_lme) to re}oyce at .the V. ver_Je.wewill rejoyoein thyja/tvatiON•. L£tabttur Re:;, hernps: .L.etabtmtiY nos, there. fhey pr?c mifc it tbere: and_they Will be as good as their word; and fo they are: For even a1 this Pfa!tm, L£tabitttr Rex is the firll: verfe; Can:abimm vos is the Jail: : Thar, if he rejoyce, at the lirll:: we come 1n, at the!all:. Iflus at the begmmng~ours at the end. , . , we haveno part inDav'id, IS the vmce of arebdl: All goodfubjects have a parr, •S=.'" r. baveaninherirancein him, or (as the new takenup terme is) abirthright in him; and ~ Reg-•:·•!, inhim, before !:Vs La\v. . _ . - _ In the .1 Sam. !9·43· ·They fJll there tofharethe KingamongtheJn(rhe Tribes) and to reckon up, what part and portion, each bath in him. Have they a p~rt and portion in him~ Why then, in hisgriifc, and in his joy• . And ifthey in theirs: wee i_n ours• .So that (to ufe the v1pojlles phra(c) If bee bee (orry, who sCor,>.f un,nakeusglad I and ifhee beglad (to ufe the Apojlhs P,hraf~ag~ine) hee may tru- , Jyfay (and fo may every goodKing, ofhis people) Thu tmft have I in you, that •Cor.z.j: my joy uthejoyofyou~tll. Thus come we to have ourpa~t in his joy•. Andif(asit is well noted) I11da is in David, the very name ofthe one(with a very [mall tranfpo- (tQg in the others n;tmc ' if_It~da, in David; then IudtUj9y,_inDavids: That if it l'fal.fJ.6.> bee que, !£tabttttr David: It will alfo be, 1uda, & exu/tabit Ifrael, Iuda will fejoyce, and I{rAtJ he_rigktglad. Lools:eye, there is now a warrant, there is Scrip-. f#Y€ for it. _ . . . , _ Now then, ifwe have Sctiptu_re for our rejoycing, let us doe it : and doe it th<>-: roughly ;even, by and through all thisrriparritqqy. , . . . Begin with l.etabitur: rejoyce in the fpirit within. A good figne w_e do.efo'; ifwe can butf.1y the twofirll: wordshere[Domine l£tabitur] unto Gon. The whole Text; is afpeech aireC!ed roGod: He, made wimeffe ofour joy. Therefore fee it be hearty and true: there is no halting with Him; fee it befo, orrell not Him, it is fo: He will finde youll:raight;andgiveyou JOllY portion rvith hypo'crites' ifyou fay tO Him, .. Lordtho11 knowejlthus I am,and yet thus you are not. _ _ . Mat.1f. p. In.,ery truth,thePfalme feemes to be penned forrhe noncc;thatno diffembler might fay it. H~, to whom it is to be faid, is nor man, but Go n: and He, can tell whether we fpeake as we thinke, or not. . . . But all true hearts will fay !t,.and fay it with confidence, and that even to God Himfelfe, that kl!PV!es the ground ofthe hean: Lord, .thou knowcfl:, what is within me, thou knowell:that I am truly joyfifll,cven there within; . . Therewithin,we m.ufl: have it firfl:: bm there within, we mull: not keepeit; nay; ?; ~her~ within, it will not be kept, ifthere be thisfpirit and_li(e ofimvardjoy, in it. 0\lt Jtwtll, withatJCXtiltem~<s: And, evcnf 0 Go o would have it. No concealed joy, no Apocrypha to day. All the[even feales ofit opened. Shirre O\lt,as abeame, flow forth as a ll:reame, into a vifible and audible cxt~ltation: Shew it felfe as Go n' s joy dorh(in the 6. Ver(e) inrhe joy of the co11~tcnance. That ifany tell you, he isgtid n>tthm (that he IS)a_nd hath the clouqs 10lus forehead;' ifit will not ferv.e: y9u may Apoq.r: askhtm,bur wl~e!Cis your exttltabzt ?;We mufl; fee, you are fo. There i:; fon,1elcven ;1~_01';~~; , ofmahgmty_wnhm, Ifthere be not.t~e votce efJoy Andgladmf!e,thatit may be beard r , to the eare; 1f there be not the babJt;'geflure, and other fignes of it, tobe feene to theeye: that it may give evidence, to both fenfes. Both thefe : and both, in no [cant meafure; no pinchitl" to day :but good mea~ . J {ure, runmng over; e.'<ceeding is the'word of the verfe. E~cced firfl, i!l thisleall:, L~~e 6.J8,' and loweft ofall; i~ thelow voice ofjoy andgladnejfe, in the[c Pamgyricksofpraife, - andJoJJilll acclama~10ns. But, exceedme them : how~ bycantabimll>,. thehym~es, Ecc c and