Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

842 01the CoNSP I ItA c IE " --- '1 ' aermon5. a~d muficke of the Church (that is lowder) and to help~ them toexce~ g&ns and other Injlrumentt ofthe fl.t!_eer below. But excudwerhem,too: How'eOr. the bells, the Idlhumenrsof the Steeple above ' and with the found of theT · Wttb that wtllbe. h~ard furrheroff. An.dyet exceedthem too : How~ With a peal;'";'''• dmanct (tf It De t6be had) that Will be heard,fanhefi of all. O Or~ :Exreedingis the word in the Text•.Exceeding to be, in and through all· th . HQfimnA may bee in theHighql today. And fo fortheorher fenles: infh~w~tour Triumphs, Feafis, and Firesandotherfignesofiubilee; whatfoeverwe ufe ,~nd \veufetoexceedingladnelfe; whenwe would thewl weexmdinit :that fo ~· w, en may be faid of ir, it dorh fo ~xceed. All arc but due, to this deliver4Hft to thut"'•! triplicitiesin it. . . ' many . Wetoexceed :for G6 n Himfelfe (we fee) t:<cJtds here. His ~rdinaryis,butto gtve~eav~, or(~t mofi)to callus,torejoy,·e: Bm here, He cloth not gtveleave, or call us to1t, wtth2JIIbtlate; Nay, ]hall (here)ts more, thanaiubilate: that but exhorts. thisbipdsus :jhaUbeglad; that is, neither will nor choofe, but b~ fo. YeaHemak' us.' fpeake toHim, Domine; an.d makes us pro~ife Him,, we will fo: and having pr~ mtfed, lookes we thould ll_lake tt good. G o n InJO~nes tt :.And if Go D injoyne it, theDay cloth m?fi )u(, ever: plead font, rhat1f ever we willdoeir,wee· woul.d now doe.u, ~n the falvatton.daY: lt felfe. And never may he fee day of Iuy, that JDJ!th not m thts day: nor have catifeofgladneffe,that for this taufe, isnotgl 4 d, AndthiS, forjhaUheglad; and forthebond, depr£/'enti,that is in (jhaU.) · But befid~s ,it, there is a tenfe, ~e ft•turo, in(jha/1) too. Wemaynotlofeit,for I~liA i f.ii; feare of tolletur a vobu. But,admomthed by that Tenfe, bethinke ourfelves howm draw it further than the prefent tcnfe,even into~hefuture (frilljhaU.) ' L£tetur or L£tahttur Rex; the Hebrew wtll beareboth. B~tours andfoall tranllations choofe/,davitur rather. Not l.ttetllr : that, is not fo well;'for, that is true, ifit be done now, and but now, fortheprefent, for this once: L•l•biiNr, isbet– ter; for there, the doing it, is in the/Nttmfrill, fiill to come; frill morej•J behind~. For[theKing.fba/1rejoyce] ofthis day, will be over foone at night. What, fllJI! we end ourrejoycingth~n, with this day~No (I trult.) Bur by verrue ofthis (]}'•6) ]hallrejoycenext yeare againe; and when that iscome,jha/1theyeare following; and flcb.J.I J. fo thenagaine, theyeareafrerthat: and fo from yeare roy~are, donee cognomiiJtllll' (jhall) Co long as it is called (]hall;) fo long as we lookeinto our bookes, and findc, jhaUrejoyce,there. ~olong,~nd n?longer. . . , Now, thatthqoy may fo contmue, the caufes mufrcontmuetoo, there ts oore· in~die. It is they, mull: keepe our1-etabitur, fiill alive: The caufeswere,falult!11mi· fit, dejideriilmpr.tvtnit, coronampo[leit~ vita':' dedit. To performe our vm~es rben (Votapuhlica, I rrufi) tedefire,thatthtschame ofcaufe~, maykeepewholeftdl, and not a linke ofit be broken, or loll:: that they may paffe•ntothe future, all: fullf•IN~ temmitt et, defideritlm pr£veniet, eoronamp011et, and vitam dedit. . I will not goethroughth~m all: onely touch theA ph aandamega,rhe fid\and thelalt: and fo I have done. L-etabitr~r, andvitamdahitll:ill. pro• .14 ;-o. L4tahitur, foy firfi: ifit be but for vitam dedit. For, joy is a prolongeroEliFe,dul.' • 6 ·••· ccdo carnu, & fanittU ofium(as Salomowcalleth it :) And even forthat c~ufe, webe– gin with it. But (to fay rruth) leaveourl.etabitur, and what is the:e '?'J/h-worrhy~ Truly, without it, neither(aving, nor crowne, nor life, worth thewtlhmg• For who woulp be Caved to livefrill in farrow~ Andthe Crowne ir fclfe,it is nor m on4 de.[idm~ if it be not coronagaudii. Yea, and who would wifh life, but to take fome J0Jan Gcnrfis 1 .s. comfort in it~ I will fay more :let onebe inParadife,as Adamwas;even :here(hen •b. .Adamhad loll: his joy, Par.11dij"eit fdfe, was no P4radij"e : as good in ~dnede arrha> inir: without joy, PAradij"eitfelfeis not worth the wifhing. Ioy is allm all. Ltlt ad PM.• n . then be cattet voti: that theoileofgladnelfe, may runne downerhrough t~ema ~an Pfal.1 3 a. aa. oven hem all : make his{aviwgpreci611t to Him ; HisCre'!'~ejlourijb; H._ts_life,~l~~= vitalem,and worth thedejiriwg. That,)DJ may be theunme, ofthis Tnmry, f tis, •coron<f, 3 vil~. )M