Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon>· ofthe Gow a IE s. _ Butthen,lafl, becallfe ;tll £ou;e. ofthem hold uppn/i.(e; to_ theend, they may · hold; ihatthatmay hold; hold, ana hold long. So';le thmke,lt 1slong enough aldy(andfo longn\jy they thmke.) I know not whatt\> tbtnke: For (I cannot tell ~e:,v) [gng andjhsrt, are faid but comparat!ve :' ,that fo,; alife may be long;, and not ludg, diverlly compared, To ~and r~tmg ~r, as theLa~vdoth,(evmyeares to alife; fo,(even livesalready: fo com_pared, 1t IS (m afen~e) Ion~· But,we Will none ofthat; Nor as comparedwiththePnnces round about him: For he.hath fiood_themall, and Jongerthan any ofthem all: and bath had the honourlong, to bePnmogemt11s l'fal.s 9 .,,;. interReges Terr«, Go o' s firft bornenowof.all the Kingsofthe eArth: and long may he have it. Long, ifthus. l}ut then ~gaine; not long,1fcomparedwit~ the defimgfonr hmts, withthe requejlsofour lips: Not long, is c~mpafedwith that> that rnay be: aild whatfoever may be in this kinde, we wifh, it rntght be: even as long, as ria. rurepollibly can draw it out. Let this then, b~oui: Omega, ourfr~mmavoti ;-and that in noother words,than the ufuall words, ofthe old Councds, to the Emperours ot Kings, then prefent among them. I At:/) B 0 REG I, a D E 0 eoronato, a DE 0 euflodito; Vitam lo~~gam, An~ WIS multi!, To K I'l(G I A ME S, &ro<Pned by G.o o,prefer'IJed by Go o,Manyyeares, Longlife. So long, till he change it, for a lutJger: till there come eternal/falvation, an immortal/erowne, life inf.mdumfowli, nay;in{«(n/af«mlorum, and make all &011f!mm.lte. And fo I en~. . . .. . . _ . _ . But before I end, many wtfe let us not be fo rav!lhed, With our /,etahztur; bue that we remember, T11a Dominewithall. He,thatfmt thjofalvatiop,fi•!filledthis defire, theSetter on ofth~feCrownes, theC:iver oft~is life. So ;ejoyi:~,as in eve_ty ofthem PCal.u~._1j; our jPJ come up to Htm. So take ea/teemfol11t11 (as we tearme It, I pray G o D, we fotermeit,and fo takeitaright:) but, aright we fhall doe bdth, if we forget not to tall up6nHisname,even the: Name,8fthe Lord. That He, which[Mjed to day, may fo [.we ever: that fulfilled his de{ire, may keepeit fiill full' that He that[et on his crownes,_may h4ldthemon, hold the monfaft ' and !aft ofall~adde to themnme,-life; andtolife,long; andtolong,fweveranilever, ·' • . · And even fo, conclude we, as the l'[Almedoth: addreffing our fpeecli-to he~ven~ . Beetholiexalted, 0 Lord,in thine ownejlrength :thou wet;t fo,this dayi>Be fo fiill · againe and againe. S.jha!l-wefing •nd praife thee for it. We now doe [o, for thi; dayes f alvAti111,andallthe joyful/ triplicitie~ ofit: Somay weftill : Som~ywe long ,, Somay we ever. . . . .. ,. ., ... A_ .nd(good tord) mlt thou this thy F!rength;and treblerhefe thy cj:iplicitics to us; that we may for.thefe thyexJltJtWni and>tfiplicjties, dqilQle.anif treble our thankes and praife to Th,e .: As this-day, fo all _. the dayes of our life. Ana this with oneheart and ' · ·,·.. · voi~e,befeech we.Thee,to -=-- .... --- . . grant, &c! .. : · · \- ·~;_ .~tfi:· v·' Eeee i