~------------~------------------------------- *********•tttt-tttt* "'"''**'"''*"''' ~ttttt.••••ttttttttt - ·A SERMON P,·RE'A;. ·CHED BEFORE THE KINGS MAIESTIE AT BVRLEIGH neere Ok!ham, on the V. of Juguft, A. 'D.MDCXVI. ESTHER, CHAP: ll: Eo ig~tur tempore, &c. :V ER. 21. ' In thofo dayer, when Mardo~haifate in the l\ingi gate, two of th~ Kj_ngs Eunuches (Btgthan and Terelh) lllere wrotb, and fought to lay hands on the Kjpg Ah~ ? ihu~roih. '"'- i" : 22 • ci/1nd thething:t9as ~owne toMardoch~i, artd he toldit unto ~eneE:fi:her, andEfrhercertiji~dthe K.i_ng thereof, in Mardochai's flame; andwheninq~ijition WMmade, it Will foundfo, therefor:e·theywere both hanged ontttree: tdridit WMWtitt~n in·rh<liookj qftJ?e C~~orii,~/es befi~eJkH\j_ng. d~t]es ! So beginnes the Text : IN J~rfo ~ fomay webegin. Nay, comeyetnee. rer, on this very Jay. For, on this veryd•y there fell out that, bath made, either beginning may well ferve : In tho(edayes, orIn thefe da]U• In Jiel111s illis, we.read there was aKi11g, -andhee inainger.: in danger-to havek.wa's laydonhimJ and that by two; cwo ofhis owne pcopl~: for no caufe, but chat they wereangry ; and tt ap– pearesnotwhy. And, theilfuewas, theKIPg deli~ered;and they char fought his, broughtto <UWret<hed end. As we have read, fo have we feene i»dt'ebll4 condition, :1 King too ; and indie very fame dangerofhand~ I•J~