Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~--~~--~of_t_h_e_G_ o_W~R~IE~s'--~------~--8_4~5-~and by the fame number,two : and of his owncSubjeE!sandStrv 4 nts; aKdforno caufe,bur they were •ngry; and for no caufe,rhat nmher. And theilfue here ·ne the Kiwrprefervcd, and they alfo came both (asthefehere dtd) though not agll, "'- · c fill d h fame yccroa tarre more .care u en • 1 c I fpe~kc,before underO:andin~ he~rers:an~<I know) there was not any but upon the reading of theText,hts conwpt. d1d ktd h1mprefently, who was me~ntby King Ahaj/JIIert«; anq withalldt~ even tblnke of theB1gthan and Tharez of ~h1s day. And fo made the con:parifon, With your owne felvcs, before1Could make lti WeDull gaine this yeare,by thisText,fomewhat onwardmore,than the former Th• SHtnli1_~ we did. Till now, we havebeeneallinDi'liinitie; thataheynousfinneitis, there (this attempting. on Princes:) But n01y fhall wegoetotheCommo~L~w, what it is there. For, here IS an A fife brought agamll: two, and thematterenqmred, andaverdiel found,and they bad fentence and were executed: For what~ Even for Volummt in(iirgere, as the Fathers read it, or (as we) .ff!!!:,4iverunt mittere mam•m ; for but fee-. ki~g, for but haviAg art!il/, to l•y bands on the King. And that; not the leJVes laJV. There,we ytere,in the yeares paO: :now, we are not inleJVrie,where Go 1> was knDIVne; we turne us to the Gentiles; wean:: inPerjianow. PC.i.,s,,; And this we doe, by theProphets warrant : Get you(faith he) totbt Ilesof Kittinand !cr.•.••·: behold, fend to](edar andentjtlire, if there were any fuch thing fought there and were not condemned. For if there, Ademhefcentiamvejltam dii:b, I fPeake it ts yotlrjhame, i. C••f,e, that would be held the People ofG o 1>,ifany{uch thing fhould be found with you. They areworfe thanPAgans, that fo fceke; we will empanell·nochriftian, aquejl of heathen men !hall ferve tO attaint them. This is no law ofthe braine; it is written: Twice written, 'written downe,firll: in the Chrmicies ofPerjia, by direction from theKing: • After,written out ofthem, and enrolled here inthis place, by direction fromGod. EnrolledI fay, and properly: For this of EHher is not called a booke, as others are (not thebooke) but, theRoll of Efther. Originally~ it was but Perfian !aJV (this:) and it had not beene much, ifthat had beeneall; bur, byvertue ofthis enrollement, it is made the law of Go 1> alfo. 'Ihat, from henceforth, iris cleere at bothLanies, tltelaw ofthe I ewes, and the la11i oftheGmti!es; the lawofman, and the laJV of Go 1> ; that all feekings oflike na· rure arc madecriminaU, and capital!, and the fentence of(ufPenji frmt, upon them, ha" ly, and juO:, and good. Lall:ly, JVritten lawandold laJV. For, ofthis (whether Divinity or .taw) this we may fafdy fay i it is no newPortugal! Divinitie,rhisalmoO: three yeare old,taken up in diebtis hiu. Nor no new Lawofheri and nrlditiflerti~«... nay, not of Edrv"ardthe third, then, Et I< principio nonfuitjic. No is old this, in dieh~« illu; in thofe,dayes. Mlt.t~S. And,thofedayes are as old, as the secondMonauhie, the famous Monarchie ofPerjia: the reports of which Nation arc more ancient, than any fave thofe ofthe Iewes: no booke but theBihle,fo ancient as they. . And this me thinkes is not amifTe, when we can bring this booke tojttjlijie thejti– !Nce, ?ranywayto give O:rength, to the la,v ofthe land: It is pittie, butit fhould be fo; eltherfupport other mutually, fawlttM Irmi, andfMultiM Theologi&, As here now, we haveth~ Roll ofEjlher, and in it a Report of Bigthans cafe, loog before there . werean~Year.-bookes o~ Reports at the L~1v. We are willing to bring forth thisRoltof oters\whlch,nl) an anctenter can be !hewed, mull be the leadin"' cafel to makeVoftte· ~~~~t, tteafon) to .!hew the CountreyLaw,inthis,to be no other ~than Go 1>'s is: that Jt .~s no otherwife, at the one, than at the other: treafon, by.La1v; treafon, byDivi• ntfy , byboth, . .· · Wdlm.ay we talke ofLart!, the La1v ofthe Land; b'utwhen all is done,never doe men rc;fl:, w1th thnt quiet and full comentmenqas when they fee,it is warrantable,bi' •" the W~rde(Oed;·hath the grmmd there: asthis bath the gtound there•. Every word here, bathmtt, his warrant : .9.!!,&jittlmejl, for the tryalt; Invmwm, for the.verdicr; S"(penji (unt, for theexecution, · ' Eeee 3 The