Ofthe CoNSP 1 itA c iE Serm~ Tf!eDi'Viftow, The inaine points are (asthe:v~rfes are) two: 1 the Kings d<nger, in the r, . the verfe ofdanger; • theKi»gs delivery, in the lattl:r,the verfe ofdelivery. ormer, I; . Ineither, the meanesofeither. Hisdanger : 1 Of whAt, •by whsm, lwh 41 ~~· . . . - . t Of wh~t ~ Of bav!ng h~11ds laid. z. By ~vhom ~ by Bigthanand 'i:h.,ez;· 3 Wbatmovmg·~ Notlung,butangrzet~ywcre. . . . , .. ' II. Hisdelivery, 1 bywhatmea»es, •ofw"hom, Jandhow. r.Bywhat•neanulb · notice taken and given ofir. l. Bywhom~ by Mardochetu, 3· How t evencaf~all Y ashewasjittinginthtgate. . . . . . y, Bur, the Kings delivery, it is nor meet it lhould gee alotic : It is therefore atten , ded with thcirruine, that fought his. _ ~ That, is (as ir were) the train.eborne up afrer it:. . _ His danger byBigtha»andTharez. In them two things, 1 what they fo 11 ght and ~·what rhey found. , ' l What fought they~ Ts1ay h;.nds ontk King:Whatfoundthey ~One laydhi;nds on them for it; appen{tH eft sterque eorum inpatibulo. . z Hisdelivery by M4rdo~h,uu. In him,two more: 1 His notice taken bycafit.' all over-hearing them,fittingas he fare. _ • His noti~egiven, by his faithful!dircovery ofthe whole to the ~ene; and ro the King, by her meanes. . . Then lhould follow the legAllproceeding, but I will fpend no rime init. It isall out ofour cafe this day. Our Bigthanand Tkarer:. had no enquiii(: No Iurie went on them, they were not exec11tedin forme ofla111. Nofurrher goethourcafe, than the J( ingsdanger) hisdtliverie, and thecuttiwgo.fftl,lofe, that fought his life; andno further will we follow lr; Nor that. • . I I I. But this wee will, the folemne fetting downe and recording all this, 1 in the Kings chrmide; asa llltmoraleae~:ident : •in Go os Roll, asJfamom cafe: 1 Ofthe tre4jDnof rhe rwo, to rneir eternal! infamie : • OfLMArdo&h.em'sgood fervice, rei hiseverlafting praife : J OftheKings happie ddiverie, to the univerfall joy ofallhis Subjects. And there; come we in. For; we may not, nor we will not forger indieb111 hii1: And I /hall make it appeare(I truft) that, whether we rake rhe_kiwgsor theparties; thed.mger fought, or thedeliveryfound; diebtu bw, will match and overmarchJie. btn illil, in all points. Andfo, the joy ofthisday (ourjoy) to doe thejoy ofthemac– cordingly. - • 1; - IT is I!. delivery, they and we celebrate: Nodelivtry, but from adangerprecedmt;' The Kings fo was there here. The King in danger evidently. And henofooneroutofdanv ..gcr. · ger ofthefe two,in this Chapter; but the~eene in danger ofHalrlAn,m thenexr. chap.J. S'o, the eftate ofPrinces is not exempt from dAnger. . . . , •or ba11dr And o'fnofmall danger neither; nolelfematter, thari having hands latdonthem, 1' 1 i•gonbim. that is, evenofbeing made away. _This Kinghere (!aith the Apo&ryphall huuke ofEjl-f her, faith Iofepbrn, fay thebeft Writers) was t.Artaxerxes furnamed Lmg-h•nd. I he: hisFatherwas ilaineby ArtabAnru. TheFatherwas, and theSun(wefee)w•s {or•ght to be; neere ir, (cape~it narrowly. . . ?,By hu own•- And by whom thts ~ neuherbyenemie, nor byJ1ranger, but by hts ow~e. Ofhts owne Su6jei1s, ofhis owne hou[bold;of his owne chamber;and the clliefe ofhtscb•mbtr ~~ fb') 1 Bee>urc ' 1 'J Andwhy~ for no cvill ofhis. He was,for his mor:~liparts (as all write o >md were a"I..'J• . • a ,00 - \