Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon6~ o} the Go \v R i E s. a&ood Prince. That, \Votiid not ferve: h,is life was fought, though. And no·caufe b~t they were wroth; and no caufeappearer~, All which !hew~th Princes; that, fo; alltheir might and gr~arneife, f?r all rhen-,nnoc~~cy and goodneife, ~or all rhe favours they vouchfafc others,,lqs nor mthem, tll!!lt r~ftty confill:s, It !Sinthemercy . o(theniOJl High they doe no~ mi(carry: Hu h.<nd,that holds themfaft; Hu a;me, that PC.l.'<. 1 : _ Jlrengtliens tl 1 em, tbat the enemte u not able to doe them vrolmce, nor ~he S~nneofwicked- Pfal.SJP ' · neffeto huri them. T$JlO<:Jks= up rq Him, to ho.ld gqod te~mes With Him,,who in all •:;: their danger diher by Mardechai (as in the Text :)or wuhour Mardochai (as inrhe · day) can worke their deliverance. .. ., . . _ .. JJeliveran&efrom danger: JJanger,wherepf~.Deltvme, where-fro111~ Exuut~d, 'f~n~'~-g~:: ' wherefore~ Alll~ade: us to the fact next; winch 1ndced feemes no fact, for norhmg h~nd•on '.ny~a w:~s done, fought oncly tci havebeene. . . ~on<. · To lay hands is orie thi,ng: Tobut{<-eke to lay, is another. To lay hands i_s, ofit felfe(Iknow) athing indifferent, t/lercafrer as thehandis. It may be a helpi>~g kand as Go o's is, and thenMittemAmtm (Caith_,he,Pfalme) lay it and fpare not. Bur ifit r6I.; 4 f.7; be:S;,tans mitte manum, uponioh, to doe mifchiefe ;_then ll:ay it, lay it nor. And luch Iob •. "· were thefehands here; For, it is faid, they lay hands. <..AngrJ-hand/, it is well knowne, arehurting hands. Either Ierobo~~s,_ lay h'!"ds 011 him, ~ !':•::· 'l ~· tofurprifehisperfon; or Herods lay hands on Peter, to doeby htm as he d1dby lames, a :l· toinurdcr,andtomakchimaway. . , . So to lay, is a finnecertainly, beeit on never fci ineane aperfon. Bur, in &gem, Speciallyon ,is a Sin ofjinne's. For,the finne (we know) is ll:ill byfo much themore grievous, by th< K!og, hoiv much the ·_parry is.themorecminc~t,againll: whom iris-( N ow,rqere i~ iloi. on fart~aprr{iontp~m emmenr, nay, fo emtnenr as the~mg. 4.. JJeoprimm(fatth Terlt:llian) Pofl JJemn[ecu11dm: Count not Go o, he1s the very firlt; Count Go o; and he isfecond. None fo high as he; and fo noJinne fohigh as if. To ta7 ha11rls on him? it istoorancke that; away with it. . .But that is notrhecafe_. It is not nooe were14id. No matter for Tbcf<<~i•i. ro that, it is mittere qt~<•Jivmmt, a(ld that jsmougk 1,To lay, and tofteke to IAJ, though lJ~:.lnd,, " 6 onebe worfe, both be naught, evcnmifioandq:u:Jitiobotb. . . Steking is aplowingforji1111e,and that isftn (fairhioG;) Is ahatc~ingofacockairice- Iob4.8. ~e,and t,hat (faith E{ay) ispoyfon, no leife than thar, com~s ofic. Ef'Yl~· f· Sinne to 14]; ftnne, to/(eke to lay. As eo lay, though you hurt nor:_Co to feeke tq lay, thpugh you lay not: Ever, in what,degree foever, Aj{:tm~> danger, is Bigthans finne: thc.Kings danger, theirji11ne, that {eeke it. . . Bm if;lm b,eall (jinne ;) we !hall,doe we\1 enough. What care meri for .finne, A-.pitaU{in: ifthere be no action at the Common Law for it~ None but Weftminfte,r-ha/1jinr do · men carefor•. <:; o" faw it would this; Mcnlearne no more duty, thanpa– nallStatutes d1d ~each them; Hetoo~e 9rder therefor~, to bring it within them too. W~fayfimherrheu, by ,vcrtue ofthi~ Texr, be~des th~t it is agrievous fl'!"'' prcill• dtctall eo the ll:ate ofthe f?ule,~t !s anheinouscrjme,.a capit,a~lcrime, ~mounting roji1~ [penft {rmt, as much asthc1rneck1s~orth tofeek.e th1s. le w1li beare,not ~naction on·. ly, b,ut an endttemenr oflifea~ddeath.. . . . . , . . Butit mufi be in Regem then, againll:.him.: Againt1: others, it is.not f9. this, is Ifup•.rh~ J ~Prerogative Roya/1.. And, as many o_ther wayes; fo he1eby app,caretb; what aKing I(}ng. Is. That whe_reas, 111 other mens cafes, as,rouc:hi11g the law.oflife al)d d~ath,toftdre !'lay, and to lay, are much different: in the Kings cafe; they be all one. ~..jivmmt, 1f 1t be nomore butfo, the La1P in that cafe to any other; is(! rake it) ftyourable;and for abare purpofe, tfno purr enfue, no man !hall fufferdeath. Not fo withtheKing; ~o/uenfllt,againll:him, isdcath, ifit may bcdifcovered,apd qu.eji~mmt, ifhe but ,eeke~though he findeitnor. . . . . . T~•is he!pestis tounderll:at'ld !he Text, Egldi'xi,,4ii lj;;.. bii, for othercaufes; Pr.i.h,6, , > f.nd th.ts for ~ne, tbaph~~ participate this divine privil~dge; that, as againll: Go o, 0 agamfi them, the h.eart ts enough. ,Qg.t.Jiverunt, rhe{teking,whether they find or . llot. VDiuerHilt, thcw:/1, whether thedeedfollow or not. Tho11 [ftalt not[peake wtll of Ecde(.,o.•o; Ee e e 4 the