, 848 OftheCoNsPIRAciJ£ Sermon6, ---;fgKing : how ~ not ·with thy lips ?N1, not in thy {(mt tbut~gbts, faith th~ Ifnot,[peakeevill in heart; dee evillin heart, much lelfe. •c er, Two Commandemems (when time was) we faid, there were in Nolitttan l'f,I.top;. 'Tottchnot,the•c1: •Havenotthervilltotouch, theinte~;~t. Two cafes rhereb~m, on thde two : •Baana and Recha6s, that did /,,y hands upe11 King Ijhbojheth ( 2 ~up. 4) • And-BigthanandTharez cafe here that did butfeeke it, to King .Ajft~erru, B~';i; gmlty, both fuffered. Yea, Baana and Rechab, hang them, and well worthy. the murderedthe King :but Bigth•n andTharez? Nay,and them too; hawg themthougl theyfourtd it not, onely for {eeking. 1 T bis then, I wc;mld haveal~ beare a~ay;it is the ft~b~anceofthe Text: dijlillatio favi (as I may call a) dropsoftt felfe Without an~ ll:remmg. Wefinde (here)in th~ Bible,a ruled cafe: Bzgtl~ans cafe, that held uphts hand, not for laying hi& hnnd, but for{eekingto lay tt, Planeji{penfm eftuterqrte, put to death they were both. Why~ .fl.!Yfiversmt;for nothing,b~t ~hat theyfought to doe it :theydi_d it not ;theymight plead, Non eft f•Cit~m,they dtd ttnor. It would nor ferve,rhey d1edfor ir,for al that· upon no other endiremem thanq'nia volummt. re!ttimru is enough toatraintany: if that can be proved, no pleading nor guilty. i The Parti.tr by whom. And this is the Law, nor ofthePer{ians alone (which yet wastheLaw ofahun– dred twenty feven ~rovi~ces;)nor ours alone(and fo ~ay feeme to be theL<wefNa. lions) but, rharwhtch ll:nkes lt ho'?e, by venue?fthtsenrollment here, istheLaw1[ G o o ; G o o by rhus recordmg tt, harh made It HIS owne; rhat ifthere were ne> Lmv forir, they might b~ executed by this booke, and this verfeof it. Sit ilillthcn and fecke it not: for ifyou doe, this is your doome, exprelly fetdowne here, by rh~ pen of the Holy Ghoff. Take it asafenrence from Go o's owne mouth; fR.!Yq•4ive· rrmt,Ji1fenji; quiqll£rentjiif"pendendi[tmt. They that {eHght, wenr; they rhatlhaH fuke, to goe the fame way. Yet for all this, /ot~g"h't it was then, and fince, even theKings life; Sedvt per quos. And that,per quos, by whom is the next point. The crime is bad; In Regetll makes it worfe: But rhefeekm, worll: of all; forrheyof all otherlhouldnc>thave [o11ghtir. ' two, ;n ount· Two rhey\vere in number: For(! know not how, but) for tbemoil part they ~~:;·!+->!. goebyTwo's : SimeonandLevil to the murder ofsichem; BaanaandRech.<G, to that , s"" 4 1 . ofKing Ijhbojbeth; Iozebedand jofacar, to that of King !oM; Bigthan andTharez, 'Kong.u.... to this attempt_here againll: Ajf11erm; and the very fame numberto thatoffhis day. Treafon is in Hebrew called s~ll abinding together: TIVU theremuft be,to be bound ar leall:: Trvo, to confpire, or pu~their breaths together,to make aconfpirAcie. Vpon the point there.is in all,never Idle than three: For inter duos proditores Diabo!tu tjlter– tim. All that aoe conj11re, conjure up athird to them : theDivell makes them up_ three; f<;~r be is onelhll: he, thefagot-band,rhat bindes them: he theffirit that infp•resall tonffirators. For (indeed) rhefe unnanlrall treafons doe notfo much ll:eemeor vapor up out of our nature (bad though it be)as they be immijliones per angelos m•los,Cent into it by fome meffenger of Satan, orrather by Satan himfelfe. l'offquammijit s~- Lukc ».;. tar1a1 in cor Iud£, After Satan hadp11t it in bis heart. For, he it is, that puts mthetr .hearrs, ro {<eke ro doe it; and to doe it, if G o o breake not the band, choke not the breath ofthem; as here he did choke it in thefe, wirhfl1fenji{tmt. . Two in number, what were they~ Nobly borne (Idoubtnot)tobemthe place they were. ' ·· ·. What place~ There be that rhinke, Bigihanand Thaw:. were not rhm prozrr names; but the names ofthe roomesthey held. And they have reafon for tt; Btgt?illl .(as the word goes in t_hat.rongue) is Dapifer; Tharez, is Pincerna. Tho[e (we know) were rootneseVer counreo offpeciall faith and rrull:. . Id. Butplaine ids,rhey were ofhis c'hamber. Nor ofhis lieges alone,or ofh,shoujho • ~~!;b:,~'g• but (which is more) ofhis chamber. ft ls a wonderful! thing,rhe State,thatthe ~tr· film Monqrc!JJ kept. -Nb·man, upon paine of death, to come fo neere, as into: e•r mner