Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 6. ofthe GowRIEs. irtner bafe court, uncal~ed ;_ if_he did, he d!ed for it, unl~lfe th_c King,by holdingfurth Ch•P+ ii. hit Scepter, pardoned htm htsltfe. _Y_ou wttl eafily then tmagme, mwha~ place they were, that had free recourfe toto hts mnermoll Chamber, td goe and corrie thither at their pleafure. . . . · Nor onely todoefo therrtfelves, but to be thdfe,by wh?mall others were to go or come: no man rocomethtrher, but by them. Forth~t IS meant by tords ofrhe lhrejbold, or qui inprimo limineprtefldehant; as the Fathers read It,the very chiefe over his Cham6er. TheSeptnagint (who fhould belt kndw the nature ofthe Wdra)thcy tui:ne it <~r/:!· .,;,p.•%1'""'· ti'""'' firfr, lceepm; <dp.<T@- dfthehodte; Andm~ny they had (fo.r,ma. i1y{ych King>need have: But thefetwd,they were Jpx.t, th:.ch_tefc, the .J.rch-lmpers: bad, ifany more than other, the chtefe charg~, the ve~y pnnctpallofall. Go o doe Joa~dfotome(faith King .J.chu_to D~vid) if! make not thee the keeper~fmy head: and 1 S1111 t:S,~; in fofaymg thought, he promtfed htm as good a place, as he had. Hecould make him n'O moi:e. To this place had the Kin<> advanced thefe two: and thefe two were they, that{Dt1ght this. That it lhouldbeftught at all, evill: that thefe lhould{eeke ir, too bad. They, thatifothershad{oughtit, lhouldhavell:aidtheirhands; thde to Jay on their owne, to fee.!'e it themfelves ! , All men know,it was norrteane preferment,early and late to be [dneete AJ!iemu's 'perfon: They had meanes thereby to do themfelves much good; So had they,todoe others much hurt, ifthey were not the better men. But, for others hurt it skils nor, ifrhcyhad not thereby had the meanes to doe .t!./[umuhimfelfe; ifthe Devill pre– vailed fo farre with him as he did. Ofhis chamber DApifer, his difb ; Pincernli, his eut:keepersofhisbody:princiJM!keepers: iftheyfeek tli lay theirhands,they will foone finde what theyfeek:tli.e more dangerous they;the more hiS danger by them; a great deale. And is notthisheavinelfe to death, when they that were fohumured, prove [d tmkinde, when they thatfo trull:ed,fo untrue; and m~ywe not take up the Wifemans . Oh, o ~Pickedtrefumption, whence art thouffrullg np to cover theface ofthe earth! Ecci"'·f1.Jo Stayalittle, and looke upon them,asye would upon a couple ofmonll:ers. 1 To feekethisin Regtmalone, were toomuch: tG breake thc:ir duty to their Liege Lord, ifthere were nomore butthat: to laj their hands on him, for Whom they lhould lay do~ne ~hcirlives: •Addethen: not to a Kingonely, buttofuch a King, nortd thetr Ltege Lord alone, but to fogood andgraciom aLord, that had done them fd great favours, placing them fo neere him, trull:ing them fo f~rre, honouring them fo greatly. (For, no honour, to trult; no trull:, to thechiefe trullofall.) More than hcathenilh wickednelfe this, to render evill for good ; and whofe wealth they ofali other bound tofeeke,tofeeke his ruine. l Arid they c;zrile riot to that place, but they were fworne: to vilifie their oath then, and to teare in peeces the !hongefi band of . religiun: Thehanls that hadtaken that oath, rhofehands to lay on him'! ~To· betray their trult to him, that had laid his innocent life in their hands,and tom:i~c their truff the opportunity oftheir treachery ! sIn aword i ofthe thiefe keeper./ of~isbody, to become thechiefe (eekers ofhis hloud, thechiefe enemiesofhisli6dy, and lifeand all t What can be faid evill enough ofthefe ~ Say it werel:twfullin any cafe(it is-not; lawful! in any; but fay it were) to layhands onaKing: yet they (in all realon) ofall ?thers, tb:ould not have bee·nethe doers: Etji iUe digmuperpeti, at non td qui[AcereJ tamen. Were not thefemm.fters then~ was not theircondemnation jult ~ It grieve$ m~, I have ftayed fo long on them, yet if! have made them and theii faCl: odioi.ts,it gneves me not. .. What was the matter~ what could move them, tht,fs toplay,the \Vret~hes '! j . Why they fhould not, many and good reafons we fee; Why they did, nonemthe The ,.. p,– 'fe~t, _ butthat:hey w~reangry: _andthat is norea{on, ~ut apajion, th~t makes me~ ~;;;;;;;;,: goe cleane agam!t reifonmany ttmes. Htgthan was angrie, and Thares as angrte ,, 1 ; · as bee. Yet,ifithebut'alittleAnger, it will over. Inde~d(fuchit may be) it will.What manner