850 Ojtbe CoNs f lRAc IE ~. manner ungtr was it~ The word is alhrewd word; lignifiesanan~ Eph~l ..pf. downe with the Sui., \vill not be appeafed. What fpeake ~e ofthe Word ;th . ndtgdl fuew as much. We fee, nothing wciuld fatisfiethem, but his lik: Nothing[~u eb s !Ay hands on him. That, theyj o~ght; foa11griethey were. rve, Ut . vvhat angred them then~ No caufe is fet downe. Af!t!; none I think there was · Ifthere had, we iliould have beene fure to have heard of tt, For men to be • without a caufe,andeven with Superiors, it is no new thing. ' ' ll!lgry Well :if no caufe, fome colostr yet: ifnot that,fome.foad~w at Ieaft. Somewh .. we are tofee!u, why theydidfeeke this. . at . i,ftherebe in the Text any_ thiilgtoleadeus to ir 1 it isinthelirll words, ornot at :~11 : In thofe d•yes :_In tbo(e,angm they were: as muc~ to fay as, before ihoji d•yrr, they were not; but mtho(e,t~en,they were. Elfe,there ts no caufe to memionthar,of . . thed•yes, but to maketht~ dtfference: Out of ,the Text nothing can bepickcddfe. l>ngry,for . Why, what dayeswere thofe? Thatgoeszmmedtately before: Thed•'tswhere ' Affu<rlldcho•fe' r'ff. h d d h · f£ ' 1 h · ' h · h h d k h < • otE}Ihtr. mA 11 11erm a ma ec mceo "er,tomatc WJt er, an ma e erhlS~te»e· · arid had made a great feall: upon it. At the feall: (it feemes) they furfeited,they could pcit ~rooke that match at any han~: Sotne_ arnbitiiJU& defire oftheirs difappoinredby 1t; hkely, that was the caufe. Th1s was fame to ferve for the occafion,forlackofa better: t.Abadone(welay) u better thanno11e. What,theGreat Klng of PerjiA finde nomat&h in all his owne braveNation(Ne~ vsr a Pe~fian Laiy fe~ve hi~, burhe ir.un to this vile b~fe people(rh~leives) his (Ap• twes,h1s f/aves, to ptcke h1m amatchthence~ What a dlfparagemeilt mthis,to all the Perfian hf11ud! It would make any true Ferfian.heart, rife againft ir. Nay then, a worfe matter: (now, ye iliall fee them grojVgodlyon afudden and waxvery zealous, as thefailiion is.) Nay theri, now we lhall havea£p,eeneofacm. trAry Religion, we iliall now be all /ewes. Ooe that carts, neither for .l.lithranor Orio m,Ydes;Oneby all likeli.hood brought in,tobe the utter ruine ofthe Ancient Jtcligi1n i:jlablifhedin Perfia>yer fuecame there. . Thiswasi~ (they tell us) and like enough fa to be:As (ever) yeiliallobfervem•· ri~tge matters are made occalions oft, to ferve to many purpofes. For, Affimmmay not marry, but whereBigchanandTharez appoint. Elfe, they will be r•roth andfall onfeeking. •Ifany be in the Text, this was it. And was notthis(trowyou)a good· ly occafion, and a fubftantiall, to make them quit their allegeance, forget their oath, call: behinde them all his favours, betray their truft, truth and all; lo[e allthefe(for all thefe mull: they lofe, before they could feeke that they fought. . But, why found they it Rot~ It was not fo ealie forthem tofindeat firft, by rea– fan that, for any to come there, in the Kings preCcnce, with a weapon, nay,burha– ving his hands out to be feene,not having them hid,he~d clofe tinder their garments, it was death: Cyrm put to death tvi'o ofhiskin for it: That fo, they mightwell{cek: and fo Ileave them feckingthat, I pray to Go n they may neverfinde. Butrhetrue ~aufewas,Go n was 11ngrit with this anger oftheirs,that their{eeking fucceeded nor•. I' And~oware we come to theC~ttaflrophe, or turning about ofall._ For, bythis f!is }li:erit. time inn~tuit res Mardoch£o,Mardochai came tithe knowledge ofit :forth Jt came.Nay' I ifit come fcirrh, the King iliall doe well enough. To difcever thetmfon, 11 tl delwtr. The •"'"'' of the King. , ~r•orittgiven This 'was by<.MArdochAi: what was he~ No Perfta~> (ro begin with)but afiran· >By Marll~ gerbyhirth, and byReligion; and aCaptive belides: One that had better reafond •b•., have fought it, than they. He had as great caufes, as l!OY areb~rhem al~eage_' that favou> fuch feekings. For, this King held him, and all Go o's peoplew•th hnto (to ufe £flhcrsownetermesl inhitter cahtivity, as aTyrant. And this, worfehewas J' h . . L fc r J l Id h. k . had bene · (atleall:,ascvill,asan erettr~) orhewasanlaoater. Onewou rm e,tt. h aworke mceter for him(this:) He, tofee!u ;and they tokeepe him,ftom fiadmgt at .hefought;cheyhim,not he them. And