Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon6. ofthe GowRhs. Andhdw came he toit~ le skils nor how, but as he (aee_ in ,,;;g41e,-he-c-amero ; A;htf<~'i~ ir. this is all; he fiirrednor, butfatt/ltfl· A~d far_e notm any lurking cornet, r6egat~, buteveninthe broadgate; and there c~mehe cote, oncto htm;. Thts was G 0 0·~ doing fure. Their Anger hsy!ed, Co fi~mfies S¥fl, andh.yled o_ver, tt lh~uld fceme, and brake:'out into fome words: Elfe How fl10uld Mudochat take nonce oftc ~They would nevectrufihim withic(ye may be fure) being a ftrallger. A Jew, \vichrheir difpleafure; at che match with a few, never: but, fome big.words came fromBig1 thd!J that by c...Mardochai were over-heard. , . . Whac in the gate, in prcfence of a firanger ?.The 'I'Argum.(the moll ancienr expolition weha~e)faith, Go~ ~o tooke _away their wics, as they forb?re not to talke ofir, he fimng by,but dtd tc maforreme ftrange language. Knew htm a I ew; thought he could fpeake no langrtagebur his owne, or ahttlebroken Perfldnperhaps: nocrherongue, they had their conference in; Which (it fell out) Mardochai under· flood, as wellas they1 And thus all came out, Go o would fohave it :who fo alfor· red them, to make away, as eoHis mercy, forche fafeguardofche King; fo,to Hisjuflice, to bring that upon their owneheads, chey fortghtto have brought upoq the Kings. And <..Mardochai, whenbe had it once, he kept ic not: Made it knowrie, not to him bee next metwirh : but.dircreetly, where hee knew hee well might, eo the ~eent. She was, byh!oudandbringingup,faithft~Utohim; and fo did lhe lhew her felfe: for, whathe brake wiih her, lhe cold rheKing, nor in her owne, bu.c in Mardo· ehais name. The£11hionis otherwifewirhCome; to tell ir inrheir owne names, an<,{ neverfpeakea word ofMarl.ochai; from whom in cruth ic came. Wcll,rhe tlfuewas, lvhat lhe told the King,feemed to him no idle phanlie of forne vaine man, butfuch as was meet to ground an equity upon. So, they were apprehended,and committed_. andfoto che Law we leave them• Well, by this meanes the danger is over;and the King fafe, rhankesbe to Go n, And many wayes doth G <i n give jufr caule, to triankinde, to admire His high .2 pcoyidence, i_nbringing to light fuch attempts as this, .againll: His An~oi.n:ed: fuch The Jl•••iJ; vanety, fo dtverfe firange meanes He bath, eo effeCt tt by ; as here, m thts, I note '::f:.:['~ · [oure uncoyou. - I The partie firfi; t:.MardPch~ti, that by him. That this health lbould come to the King ofPerfla, neither byMede, nor Perjian; riot by any ofhis ownepeople, b'ut by aftr~tnger, who was noneofhis lieges, borne our of his allegiance, aJew, a mecre •lien; that this lhould come forth by him, add by no other meanes. But fo is Go n wonderfu/1inH iJ •vttyes : and will by an hondl: firanger fomerimes, fave that, a bad fubjcet would defiroy. That in default ofhis owne; Go o would have him favcd byaffrdnger, rathcrthan nor at all. . 2 Obferveagaine: thilt to this firanger ic came no otherwife, bur as he fate in tht gate. We may not palfethat; it Handsinche front oftheTexr,asrhe fpeciall meanes ofall. That it rhus came and no other way, ashe[ttteftiU ;jli/1, and wear nor up and downefearching: In thegate, a publique place, not any privie corner orlobby; he not diving into their bofomes, bur onely there fitting, it lhould rhus happen; hee lhould over.heare them talking together in a firange tongue (though to him not firange :)by ameerecafualry,one would rhink(all chis :) Indeed by a hiuh arid won– ~erfull difpofition of Go n's heavenly providence, this; thar,even as he therefates lt lhould be brouuht to him thus. Andvery ofc"dothGodbetray bad enttrprifes by fuch (one would thinke them) meere c~fu~ll events. But, in maxime fortuith there is minimumf~rtuiti, &qrt.e for– tunafieri v.dentttr,/ttll jiunt. Ic feemes chance, th 11 is (indeed) dellinie• And never let them lookfor other (all theBigthani ofthem.)One fl1all be by awall;or at a win– dow under the houfc eaves, neer one crartny or orher; G 0 n will fo difpofe, fome ~ody lhall ?e within the hearing,whcn rh-ey full little rhinke. For, Go o will have lt out 'mainly :Ratherthan not, by fome meere accidenr,fome tlm ficrs by chance ~~