Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• l'fa!.6J,8. Pi:ov. 6.:. Luk~ J,. Z.,!• ·..ut~rt!ocbai(o be our c:<am• rlc, ...... Ofthe .Co:NSPI n.A c u Sermon- 6 i1< the g~teJ?me that goes ·by the gate !hall bri~g it our, ratheqhan itlhall • brou<>htout. • · · notbee 3 And·may I not adde this for a third, that all this came out by occafi . whieh they pretended for their occaflon.That verymiltch,whichwas fogr~nofrhat in their eye, that they fo maligned ar,they muft needs fweare the Kings dea~r mote that verymdtch was themeanes that brought Mardochai thither,tothegate: f~:~.; . ther he cameto hearken,not for any futh matter as this,but how the new ~ene 1 ~Neecc) behaved her felfe; what report went of hen And as it fell out this( ~hJs he came not for) there he heard: his thither comming, by this bap w~s the hv tc.h meanes for this h~ppy.difcov.ery: happy for the King l happy fo;thewhole~~~de But all came by ht5 refort thtther, by meanes of the mariage. So that they d. their 6ccaflon, was made theoccafionoftheir ruine• ' ma e 4 Andletthisaethelaft,that even from theirownelelves hebrouohtit Th that goeabout the like,tbeir or;ne hand! /hall make them tofall? theyfh~Ub~en[n".red~~ the r;ords ofthezr ~wne ltps: rather ~ban tt ilia! notcome fort~l,tt_{hal come forthexm t11oJerve nequam; come out at thetrowne momhes,as here tt dtd: Theirown to jhaPfall on babling,their ownepmsonfcrihling : Godwill have it out cerrainly~f"es by themfelves difclofed, rather than not at all. And this fot Gods mercy Hehad h~~ and frill bath to bring fuch plots to light, marvellous in our eyes. ' e Nciw of Mdrdochai t~e meanes of all. For,' th~ugh as this dayes delivery was; we have no great ufe ofhtm, therc.was. noMardechat, no dtfcovery there; thisdaJIS wasano~her manner ofdelwcry, ofahtgher nature than fo : yet is theregrmgood ufe of htm for all char. IndeedMardoch11Ht, exemplum mjlrum,heisourparterne: . Ours; that be true men• Hefet before us a mirrourof a faitbfuJl good fubjed one attotding to Gods owne heart.For,this isaperfect Scriprure,we haveinitboth ~vhat to tlieand what to follow. As there be in ir, twob~d ;fothankesbetoGod,there is on,good. To avoid them: to beliketohim. · ~Tnhiii••Q· Like to him threewayes: 'Likehiminhis innolttit: •Likehiminhisnunci.t.' ...... - vit: l :&ut above all, like him in that which was the ground ofall: thathewasa faithful/ fuhjetl to ajlrangeand to ;t Heathen Prince. . Like him firft, in his innotllit. Not to turne the deafe earc to Bigthan and1hare£; as ifwe heard them not; nor to looke through out fingers at them, as ifwe faw thmJ not. None knew,he underftood the language they fpake in :He might have carried it {lily, made as if he had knowne nothing, not knowne, that he knew: nothing to compel! him,but his conf{ience,to takenotice ofit. ButSalomon ran in his mind,S•vt l'rov. ••·u. him that is dejigned to death, Wilt thou not deliver him that i& led to hejlaine I Any, but l'rov.-'P'· the Ki?Jg more than any, Ifthote (aifl, I kno•v not ofit,Hethat ponders the hmt,dothnot. He tmderfland? He that keepes thefottle, doth nut He knew thewntrary ~ AndjbAUnet He p11y every man(and fo thee) according to thy worke? Well, for innotuit, fincefrom fhe gate it came 1 good therefore that UUardocbai fit there, or (which is all one) they which fit therehave fomevvhat ofMardocl1ai in them: Be, if not curiOIII andm •. qreifitive, yet vigilant andattentive. And yet etlrioMand inquifitive Iwouldallow, in the cafe ofaPrinmfafet1· And the Kin~ and the f!.!!:_eene tohavecherreycs, and their cares abroad (both of them) and alllmle enough. We fee, for all me Kmgs wife men that /cnew the times, never aone ofthem knew this time. Thisgood(we fee) came byMardochai, came on the .f2.t!,wmfide. . , · s!nhls •rmciLike him in hisinnotrut, to know; Like him inhismm,·itWit, tomakert knewH:• """· Carefitll toget nottce,faithfull togwe notice of it in due time. GoD, whofe'[Jit was, it fhould thus happily come to him; His will it was, it fbould as fatt V come from. him. Hee knew, by the Law hee was. bound, iflte heardmv~:: Lcv p, of confpirMte and uttered tt not, ttJl•onld bee {inne to htm (LevtltCIIS Gap. V.) h pf,l 50 • 1 g, knew (by the P(alme) what it was eo partake with other menslinne,whattoha~t>rl part wrth atheefe or an ad11lterer; and ifwith them,with atraitor much more. He /tk Prov.}"'.u. by thePro-.rerbs, he ,,.ai now in as dccpe as tbey, as good/ay h!~ h4ml• O'! ~~,.,an J 'ic