Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon6. of the Gowa us. _ ir,ast 4 y hu ha11don hiJ mouth and not ~eeke ro prevent it,keepeit in and conceale it.He knew (for he told it Efther after)thatlfhe had not bewrayed lt, G o o roantednot Hi< Ch•p+ '4· munestohavehroughtitout {omeotherway. ~ndla!r,hekhcw,by the_Prophet,G 0 0 hek,,· 1 .s, , 111 tdh 4 ve {e't Huface •g•mft hun,for [odokm~ lt,and have rooted him ~ut. All this beknew: but, themyftery ofthe{eale ofzmqmtte(the Sealeof Co;;fefoon) 1t leemes he knew not. Itwas notgraven then, thatfealq nor many hundred yearcs after. That fhuts i<p tmfm, a!~ trei{~re, under af4Credfcalc, ar_no hand to bebrok,en: no, though all theKingsJives 10 ~hrijlendome, lay on lt; Tlus aCt ofMardo>hat smarres the fa· thionofrhatS14/equne: . . . . . . . . And this \Day be fa1d ofh1m,he would never have latdany hands on hrmfelfe:for then he ~ould'have let it proceed, and not hindred it, by his bewraying, as he did. This alfo : he that did thus di{clofe, for a need would have taken anoath to difc!ofe : Sure I am; would never havetakenoath,o~ Sacramtnt, not todifcl1eit: would never have !luckeat the oath ofAdegeance(that is once:) but it may be, wm1ld have fiucke at theSeale ofCon{ejion, for ever comming upon his lips; · This for mmciavit. And all this he did, yea, though hirnfclfe were no Subjetl: l In hl!loyal• borne to A/JiterZM, bor he hisnatural/ Prin•e ; but borne out of his dominions, farre 'j/ 0 A({ueru~ otf,in Jewry. Did it, not for Iojiao, or Ieconia•,or fome Kingofhis owne :Did it for ' rangt~·, Jlffoerl# KingofPerfia, onethat held him and his Counrry-men captive and thrall; yet, to him he did it. . . _ . . . . . . Yea, more than that yet, this d1<l he, toAjftterZM notonely a flranger, but more A Reat&:M: thanfo, to Ajf11ermaheathenman, an Idolater, one that worjhippedthcSrmne,and the fre, every day. As, that did not hinder him, that ofadivcr(e Nation: foneither did this, tbar ofadiverfe, and that ofafal{e Religion. For, though he were of adiverfe '/l.eligion from theKing; yet was he of G o o 's trne Religion,.that teacheth men to be true to their Prince. Be he Jew, or be he Gentile, Ajfyrian, Petjian, or what be will; Be he aright werjhipper, or bebean!d~lattr; Be his 'l{ation, or be his Religion, what it will be: ThoughtheKingbe(as AjftJerm) aPagan, though they be(as Mard9i:hai) theoiltly trueCht;rch am/people DJ Go o; to be true tohim though. But none ofrhat Religion,ihatisf4flrotheCatholike,looferotheHeretilce. If it be Iofla<, 0 then flay your b4~d: but, ifAffuerm, ifEthnictu, or; ifexcommunicate, then fet Bigthan and his hands freer tofeeke, and tojinde, and eo lay them on and fparenot. This Religilnwas none ofMardochai'.i (nor let it not be any ofyours) wimelferhis at/ofhis, anholy ahdgooiaa. For which (though not prefencly, yet) notlong after,he was highly mvarded by the King, and for which, hee is fer here (his name, and his act both) among theRightcota, to be had in everlafiing remembrance. bftheiralneriow aword. I laid i would teil you, whatthey./sught and~vhat Tbe 'iraine: they found. Thartheyfought,they found not. Not that: but pitie iris,but they lhould ~~'~f'grh~~ jinde fomewhat, feekingas they did :and fo they did. They found fomewhat inll:ead r:ugltt ':~d ofit, Which had beefle better loft thanfound : they found a halter fcarCe WOrth thC tOWld, finding: they found their o~vneperdition! and the \Vo~fi kindc ofit, perditio ttta ex te, orce 'H:. , themfelves the authors oflt•. Ex ore t110, bythatWhlch came from tbemfclves., out Luke 'P· !!; oftheir ow~emouthes: th~Divds 1t~.tri:e & invenietu, right; A~dwill yol,lfee how lirlyevery,thmgfell out~ Theyfor<ght, arid they were (011ght mto; qtM.fitum eii. 7;heyfor<gM, and fqund no:: they were fought into, an1 found. They werewrothwnh theKmg, and Go o With them; the heaviewrath of Go o was upon theri). T!1eywouldhavelaidhandson the King,hauds were laid on them for it: up theGibbet they went, and offthey went, and the world was well rid of~ couple of traytors. Before they could finde, they were found themlelves, and thm fa er, found : the Law was not to feekc; that; was found and founded long be. f?re. A Law, that now hath received theapprobationfrolU Go o: andfonow, a Dlll.G.i?.' nght I' er .flan Law,never tQ be altered, . I IJ, Thelolemne Havewedone~not yet,this'mufi be entred firfi written: Nay, written ever twice,a ~~~rding •f , · F f ff Dsiplicatt ' ~ .