Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

'fhecomp1• I will pray you, i may tather forg~t my felfe alittle, than forgcti# dieb .. ri~g ~~ di•b"' after all this : we promifed to lhew,·thattheymatchandover-matthlnd,·eb·"'·"n'u bilf With 'DI<· Th h 1 . . Th .. b h b h . d 111 t " btUi/Jil. . at. t ey matC11n many pomts. ' at Kmgs or , ot m anger,inthe ra · danger, both; by thef•me 1111mber, andbytho[eofthefameranke· andu J' 1711 fame m~tive, great Anger for little eau[e. Againe,that both were pref~rved a~dob thh firangely; that theJtekers in both, in fiead offinding that they {ought,/oundt~:ir owneconfufion. · But,as in many, theymatch; So, in many more, doththi; day overmatchetb>ji aayts. More degrees in our dyall, than in theirs; the day goes beyond the Text. 'd not this Text here alone, but any ot~er, tli~~~ver yet I could find. _Thcmore(r:"r fiill) are we all bound to Go 1> for His goodne!fe,that bath fo magmfied His mer! toward Hi~ .Aminted, and in him to us all, as He. h~th vouch~ afed hi~ fuch deliver::: in diebM hm, as He never vouchfafedmdubM tllu to any Kmg of hisownepeculia chofen people, or of any other under the Sunne. Such to be found in our Chronic!est as notthelikein theChroniclrs of Per.fia : Nay, not, of the Kiag'!lf Iud 11 or lfrael: But arefine exernplo, ours; none comming home,all falling lhort of them. ·. Which (me thinks) I can let you feefen!ibly ; and fo, that we havcoreater caufc ro rejoycein this of ours. In theKings firfi. The King in diebus illt! (r:;akethebcll: ofhim) was but a Pagan,a worjhipper of Idols: thefe bebarresin his Armes. The King in die hoc,neither Hwhen<I am fure) nor that can have the leafi touch of!dol~tr1 fa[\. ned on him: he that lhamednottofay[NBChrijlian]andhathbeenefainefinceto eat his word,hedurfi notfay an Idolater; thar, would foone have reboundedback up· on himfelfe. And no Idol11ter is achrijlian:; nor chriflian,an Idolater, Iam fure. This firft vantage then we have here yet: Alwayes the very ll:ateof Kings,in it felfe,without any other addition isdeare unto Go n (we fee.) AJTuerUI here doth af• . furc: us of that,who was thus preferved,only becaufe he was a King,andforno caufe c:lfe. But I holdclearely, aChrijlian King to be more than a King; more than aPa– ganKing : and {o MajQr Ajfuerohtc, and dem~tjort majmgaudinrn; and fo we,of the twaine,more caufe to rejoyce. Next,as both Kings,yet not both like,fo both indanger,and that not like neither; The danger of in diebm illu, was but of hands-laying: the danger of this, of hands laid. OnAjfuerm, no hands were laid: it came not to that. It came to that, here. o~ they were; come off how they can. Thofein the Text, but J~t~gbt: They on tbeday, fot~nd what they [011ght. It was paft qu,.fiverunt; it was plainemi(erunt. That was rhe cafe, thisday. No fuch thing in thofe dayes. A({umuwas not oftered the poinr of a nakeddaggtl'; not takenby the throat; notgra.ffedand tuggedwith, till b~th Jayon the floore. All his dangerwas but de (t1ttm; fought to have beene, and might have beene; but was not. This wasdepr<~Jtnti, prefent danger, of being prefemly made away, in a corner, by theh•nds of bloudy wreuhes; that not only fought to lay, but ftzmd that they fought, and did lay, Now, the greaterthe danger,the greaterthC)oy for the delivery (ever;) and fo our Ioy the greater. For,no comparifonbecween rhe dangers: thatis cleare. . Nomore was there between theAEiors,by whom the danger grew. Bigthan,bad enough(! gram;) butbehold aworfe,a bigger than Bigtlnmhere. Bigthanand his fel· low might havegoneto fchooleto them.They wereangry,and fo (hewedthe~felves tobe,and the lelfe dangerous forthat.Thcfe were as angry,as they,but fl1ewed it nor. They brake forth in termes, that it came toMardoch••'seare. Thefe had learnt their lelfonbetter;not anevill terme came from. them,no l11ewofanger appeared,but faihre and falfe femblant all.So much the more hkdy to doe m1fch•efe (fay I;) fo mucht e more like; Iuddl's trt~~fon~ the worll that ever was. For,no 6etr~tying, tobetrAJZIIg Wit~ ah/fe.Gtve me angrJ Bzgthan,ratherthanfawmng Iud,u:wwelcomeonekmdly,an · Mati&.!6.~. fet on~ privily,wirh!udtUwatch-word, Thif is He,lay hands on him; from fuc~,G 0 ':' dc:!iver 11S. The morethepartiesfuch,the more onr joy ,n11 efcaped out of tbClr hands!. · -· ])otl