.~~-.---------o(~t~h-e-G~ · ~o-,-¥-R_I_E_s-.---------=~--8-5-7~ ----~--~~~--~~~--------------~ n;;ili" Kings were deliv~red: fo farre equall. But then againe, great inequality inthe manner;very great. 1 hat, m tho.fe dayes, 6y "Mardochat : All wasregular,went thecommon ordinary way, upon a d1fcovery. fl!!:.ottdtana funt h"c, to befeene,to be ad in every Chronicle. But on this day, there was never aMardochai to difcovet ~~ght: Mardochai failed here. A conceit there was,fomewhat _fhould have bin difco-· vered in another kinde; but the plot It fe!fe, no dtf~O're~y of It, nll the very !nfl:anr; till one appeared in armes, till Out went thedagger, t!ll the dagger dtfcovered It felfe ; G 0 0 w.u fai~teto6e Mardochat, to fupply h1s pan: thoughhewerew~ntmg,Go 0 was not. BY whom (it is true) Ajft1ermwas delivered: bur,Youdelivered,afrera more. llrange manner. (!report me to all.) Now, the more ltrangethe manner, the more the joy ever.Then,Mardochai,did fomwhat toward it :This,came meerely fromGod; neither M.rdochat,nor any el(e ;jiltmgm the gate,or out oftt;there O( any where elfe~ Yet!et me adde this, thatyo11might be be~olden to Goo (even that way too)He hath·fitted you that way al{o. This fifth of Augu~,withouta difcovery: the fifth of ~wember,with adifcovery. So, withMardochai; and withoutMard~_chai; harhGod wrought for You, in diebm hit$ :that we might every way be bound to him, and rhar, every way, our joy might be full. , , . , . . ., Now, in both, as the hand of Go o was ll:retched over both .I~ingsto favl!i tltem; So was the fame hand ll:retched out againft both thofe, that fought their liv!=~. to bring them to evil! ends; both which may_ ever be the en<;ls of fqch beginnings.: There was no wonder in theirs; there all was done by a Legall col!rfel a faire judici." all proceeding, they indited, convict and executed by courfe of juftice•.Good f-or<&, with what eafe was Ajft~errudelivered, even fitting ftil! ! There was no wonder,in this;at all. So was it nor here :Here was old pulling,an.d wreftling,and weapons ouF~· anddrawing of bloud; and akirid of battdl fought d11bio Marte, agood while,bur aJ;· !all the victory fell onYo11rlide. And this.winning of it,as it we.re, at;,~d feeingYour enemies lye dead at Your feet, made the delivery the more wonderful!; and fo tire more welcorp.e; and fo Your Ioy the greater. And if one might take joy imhefall pf, his enemies,the fall of yours was worfe for the manner~ For,tl)ey died riot like Sub,< jeC\s, but as open enemies or rebels : Not as penitent finnersJ but as damned repro-: bates,loft riot only their lives, but theirfoules too. . . Thus, every way,doththisday goe beyond thofe :.the King beyondl as a Prince C6rijliAI3 : the danger beyond; for,the extremity neerer. Theparties that (ot<gh!' be:-– Y911d; for, the leffe they appeared, themoreperilloustheywere : r!J,edeliverybe– ycind; for,\'lithout any N•rdochoiat all: And their fall beyond; for,ftrucken downe If the place,lik~ ranke rebels; and turribledit¥o hell like reprobates,without fpac;e 91: grace,without fruit or lignc of repentan~e. {\nd,if thus many wayes beyond,allqw, for every of thefe,a degree of Ioy,and I have that I would. . Of thiswriting,one fpeciall e,nd was for Joy. A donble joy: fo.r either v~rfe;ori~: 1 In thefanner,Rcgeincolumiga11dendum;joy for the Kings fafety. • Agd in thelatcer1: Slratu hoflibmgaudendr1m; joy,_that his enemies lay where they lay,qn the tloore. · · For the Kings fafety we to rejoyce ;, butwithoutaM~rdochai. He parrsnot witfi God,inours: itisenrirewithour him.. SoitisnotintheText: GodandMardQchai;,- thcre; here, Godalone, and Joy inGodalone. · , Then,forStrati! hoftibru, in rega~d of them. Firft,chattheyfpe~ ~ot; then,diat they were fped themfdves : chat thett angerwas vanaandfine viribN< .; did no hurt~ that Go o's anger to them for it, was bothfurepaid them horn~ ; and fwift; did,iQ , _ out of hand. That they fell ; ~nd fell before him: Heiaw them lye !)aine at his feet: pr.,I.9'·'·'; that hts eye [Aw hii dejire upon hii enemies; nay more than his ilelire,that lie was faine to pray forrhem,that had not the grace to doe it forthemfelves. . • , A htde afterin this Booke, for the faving of the .Qgeene from the laying on of Ch•P·9·' 7 ·J H4m4n'shands, we finde,there was great joy and a double feaft,the f~urteenih andfif. teem~ of .Adar. And can we imagine, but theremuftneeds be as great (nay, Feflum .,•gu dt~plex) for the Kmg here ~ If for Her,a ftranger : for their owne naturall ,Liegt; mud~more. Was fo with them In diefm& ill;,, and withustobe In dicbus hii;.' ......- . .. ··-· 'Hff3 ·-· - · --- 9_t..